The Full-scale Boss Has Become the Top Streamer In the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 1237: Different positions are doomed to tragedy

In the huge living room, the two of them were sitting on the sofa, and there was nothing to talk about in silence, except for the slight sound of flipping books.

Time passed bit by bit, and it took about an hour or so for Yan Zhixu to finish reading the script in his hand.

She put the script on the coffee table, picked up the water cup, and walked to the water dispenser to get the water, and took a sip to moisten her throat.

Lu Xun asked nervously, "Ah Xu, what do you think of Director Tan's script for "Can't Escape the Law"? I heard that Director Tan is here to win awards, whether it's the plot or other aspects, it should be It won't be bad."

Yan Zhixu put the water glass on the table after drinking the water.

She picked up a pillow and held it in her hands casually, with an undisguised admiration on her flawless face, "The content of the plot is very good, the plot is compact, the climax is well connected, and the emotions of the characters are also very full and brilliant."

"And the director is Director Tan. I believe that if the other actors choose well, this will be a violent drama."

"Escape the Law".

Just by listening to the name, you can know that this drama is not an ordinary love affair, but a serious drama. Such a drama is challenging for the actors and at the same time performs well and can smoothly transform into a powerful group.

The heroine Ni Yan's father was an honorable policeman who died in the line of duty while chasing down criminals.

Ni Yan decided from a young age that she wanted to be a policeman when she grew up, inheriting her father's volunteer work to eradicate crime and serve the people.

Ni Yan really became an excellent policeman when she grew up, and was ordered to go to the male protagonist to be an undercover agent.

The male protagonist is the boss of the K group. He is very powerful and secretly does a lot of illegal activities.

Ni Yan successfully came to the male protagonist to deliver news to the organization, various work of K Group was intercepted, and relevant personnel were arrested.

During the whole process, Ni Yan couldn't bear to take the initiative to the man, and finally chose to stand on justice and bring the male protagonist to justice.

Light and darkness cannot coexist, their positions are different, and their love is destined to end in tragedy.

Yan Zhixu pinned the scattered hair behind his ears, "Brother Lu, tell Director Tan that it is my honor to be able to play in his drama."

Seeing that Yan Zhixu was willing to take on the drama and her evaluation of the drama was so high, Lu Xun was so happy that the corners of his mouth grinned, and the smile was bright.

He nodded again and again, "Ah Xu, don't worry, I will get in touch with Director Tan, and you usually read more scripts at home and memorize lines."

"There is still a period of time before the audition for "Can't Escape the French Open", when the heroine appointed by the director will also be present."

"At that time, maybe the director may let you play against the male lead. If you memorize the lines, you will have a better impression on the director and the producers and investors."

Seeing Lu Xun excited like a second fool, Yan Zhixu seemed to be infected by his emotions, and the smile in his apricot eyes deepened a little.

She agreed, "Well, I'll read the script more to figure out the characters."

Hearing this, Lu Xun felt relieved.

A Xu Baobao has always been a person who talks about what he does, and is very responsible for his work and will not be perfunctory.

The two chatted for a while more about the drama before Lu Xun reluctantly left the Prosperous Palace.

After Lu Xun left.


Yan Zhixu's phone vibrated, and he took it out to see a message popping up on WeChat.

She glanced at it, and it was from Fu Shimo, who set a date for the next appointment.

Seeing the date above, he looked relaxed and jokingly said, "The date is not bad."

After reading the news, quit Weibo, and tell the news to the family, the Nan family, and the relatives and friends who are grooming.

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