Yan Zhixu and Nan Wenshu came downstairs.

The guests invited today are like clouds, scientific research leaders in the entertainment circle, business circles, and science circles, wealthy and aristocratic families, etc. At a glance, it is the pride of heaven to pick out any one.

Yan Zhixu and Nan Wenshu walked together, chatting among the guests and asking for warmth, with perfect etiquette and thoughtful hospitality, calm and calm, showing everyone's demeanor.

For this kind of situation, I do not feel any pressure on my shoulders.

After chatting with Hua Shiying, Tang Shuan and others, she looked around, and found a teacher with gray hair in a Tang suit in the crowd.

Yan Zhixu walked up to Xia Ming, "Teacher."

Xia Ming stopped and didn't communicate with others. He looked at the person in front of him with a full smile, his eyes were relieved and a little emotional.

"Time flies so fast. In a blink of an eye, my best students have all found good husbands. Hey, I'm already old."

The person in front of her was already slim and graceful, but she still vaguely remembered how she looked in her green years.

Yan Zhixu smiled sincerely, "I don't agree with what the teacher said. You are not old, you are in good health, and your spirit is still very bright."

Although he knew he was coaxing himself, his expression was too sincere and Xia Ming's heart was warm.

He laughed and said, "Slippery little monkey, there are a lot of guests today, go and entertain others, don't worry about my old man."

Yan Zhixu nodded, "Teacher, if you have something to do, just tell others."

After she finished speaking, the old men who were with Xia Ming nodded and said hello, then turned to leave, and threw herself into the crowd to entertain other guests.

Seeing her disappear from sight, several old men who were standing with Xia Ming had a lot of discussion.

"Xia Ming, this is the student you often talk about and take pride in? It's really good to be polite and courteous to guests."

"It's not just in terms of hospitality, I heard that this girl from the Yan family has the ability to hang up those veteran pilots."

"Such an outstanding student, how can you let her go? This is a big loss to the aviation industry."


Hearing their chattering words, Xia Ming didn't feel noisy and distracted, but he was excited because his disciple was praised.

He smiled and waved, "It's a pity, but she chose this path. I respect her choice. It turns out that my disciples are the best no matter what they do."

Now that he is involved in the entertainment industry, his popularity in the circle is not low, and his resources are also strong.

Seeing Xia Ming's appearance, several other old men shook their heads and sighed in anger.

Xia Ming was too soft-hearted, so he just let his disciples leave. If their disciples were tied, they would tie them back.


Yan Zhixu came to the Nan family.

Except for the grandfather and grandmother, Nan Yuanqi and others obviously didn't have much smiles on their faces.

She knew that these people were jealous and lost their temper, but she was not dissatisfied with Fu Shimo.

Yan Zhixu smiled good-naturedly and reassured a few words. At this moment, a man passed by her side, as if he didn't notice that the wine glass in his hand was skewed.

Seeing that the wine is about to be spilled on the body.


Nan Yuanqi Nan Jinchuan's face was dark, and they reached out their hands to pull Yan Zhixu at the same time.

Before their hands touched the corners of Yan Zhixu's clothes, she slipped slightly under her feet, and turned her body to the side to avoid it dexterously.


Drinks spilled on the ground.

The man in a trance came back to his senses, with a strong guilt on his face, and apologized under the gloomy eyes of Nan Yuanqi and Nan Jinchuan.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't do it on purpose. Miss Yan, I didn't bump into you, right?"

Yan Zhixu shook his head, "It's okay."

Seeing that not a drop of the wine was really spilled on her body, the man's tightly hanging heart fell back to its original position.

Fortunately, if the wine was spilled on Miss Yan, the two of the Nan family would probably kill themselves.

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