As the time goes.

Vehicles with fireworks on them and the word "Hi" in red on them drove into the street.

The leading vehicle is a **** G with a domineering side leak, followed by a series of luxury cars, which looks particularly spectacular.

Forty cars were parked at the gate of the prosperous mansion, and the powerful pomp was astonishing.

The car door opened, and the people inside came out, and they carried boxes of dowry from the car.

The box is carved with a phoenix dragon, with red silk threads and bows tied on it, which looks full of ritual at first glance.

Fu Shimo pushed the door and got out of the car, "Thank you."

He was not wearing a suit today, but a red retro robe.

Taking off his usual white coat and wearing a red shirt on his body made him look even more handsome.

Sheng Jinyun waved his hand, "You're welcome."

In addition to Fu's family and relatives, there were also Fu Shimo's young and cured patients who followed, but without exception, these people had good identities.

Fu Qianyi on the side said excitedly, "Brother, I saw my sister-in-law!"

Fu Shimo followed Fu Qianyi's line of sight and saw Yan Zhixu in a red dress in the crowd.

A hint of warmth flashed in his eyes under the lens, he looked at each other for a few seconds, then looked away, said something to Mr. Fu and Mrs. Fu, and then paced forward.

Fu Shimo led the way, and the guests who followed behind carried boxes of dowry gifts.

Fu Tingshen held a red plaque in his hand, and saw that the bride price was 100 million yuan.

Ten luxury cars, five shops in the center of the Imperial City, two villas, 5% of the shares of the Fu Group, jewelry hardware, and 80 boxes of betrothal gifts.

These dowry gifts were all prepared by the Fu family, not including Fu Shimo's part.

In addition, the dowry is different from the gift money. The dowry is paid on the next dowry day, and another dowry must be given on the wedding day.


The mighty crowd came towards the prosperous mansion.

Seeing this spectacular scene, the invited guests discussed with each other in a low voice, clearly knowing that the Fu family valued Yan Zhixu.

"It's incredible, the shares of the Fu Group? This is the Fu family in the imperial capital? This is a rich and powerful family with deep roots."

"I thought Fu Shimo was just a dean before, but who knew he was the eldest young master of the Fu family."

"The Hai Shi Yan family and the imperial capital Fu family, the marriage between these two families is completely a combination of strengths!"


Regarding Fu Shimo's identity as the eldest son of the Fu family, the people at the scene set off a storm in their hearts and expressed a lot of emotion.


At this moment, there was a sound in the sky.

Everyone looked up and saw a helicopter flying in the sky.

The plane flies in the sky, dropping countless bright red petals, as well as balloons, flying all over the sky, the picture is extraordinarily beautiful and romantic.

Suddenly, boxes of gifts fell from the sky and slowly landed in the hands of the guests.

Everyone picked up the box. Someone didn't think too much about it and immediately opened it. It contained fine-quality diamonds and a large number of grams of gold.


Seeing that the Fu family's gifts to the guests are so generous, and seeing people who have known too many people, I can't help but sigh at the generosity of the Fu family.

So many gorgeous gifts, all of which add up to a huge sum of money.


The invited entertainment stars held gifts and felt that they had opened the door to a new world.

Everyone said that the entertainment industry makes money, but they may not have seen the rich and powerful family.

The conservative price of a diamond plus a lot of gold is hundreds of thousands.

What's more, the gift was not stingy, and it was dropped directly by the helicopter.

People who don't know also think that the sprinkles are worthless candy.

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