
Zhuo Xi staggered, spitting out bright red blood, and the ground was dripping with blood, which was terrifying.

Yan Zhixu's face showed no sympathy, and looked down at him indifferently, "Zelin, is she coveting your body of merit?"

Nan Zelin nodded obediently, "Yes."

Hearing what her little cousin said in person, the chill in her body deepened a lot.


Yan Zhixu's hand shot out a spiritual power, and Zhuo Xi, who was standing on the ground, was knocked off the barrier and fell to the ground.

She lightly opened her red lips, "The suffocating energy is strong, and the practitioner in the body is also a sorcerer. He often harvests yang and replenishes yin. Those men will die directly after a while.

Hearing Yan Zhixu's words, Zhuo Xi didn't care.

"Cultivators are inherently against the sky. How can the lives of ordinary mortals be compared with the lives of practitioners?"

I have cultivated this body for many years by harvesting yang and nourishing yin. Countless people have died in my hands, and I have long forgotten about guilt and compassion.

"Cough cough cough..."

A mysterious dark light flashed in Zhuo Xi's eyes.

Once again, he offered a magic weapon in his hand. Instead of confronting Yan Zhixu head-on, he collided with the spiritual power placed on the door.


The magic weapon slammed into the door and made a loud noise. The spiritual power arranged on the door was dissipated, but at the same time, the magic weapon was also severely damaged.

Seeing the broken barrier, Zhuo Xi's eyes showed hope, and he used the suffocation of his whole body, trying to rush to the door to escape.

Yan Zhixu's voice was indifferent, "I don't know how to repent."

As soon as the voice fell, spiritual power was released in his hand, and the vast spiritual power turned into a whip.


The long whip transformed into spiritual power came through the air, piercing the air and making a torrent sound.

The whip wrapped around Zhuo Xi's body, Yan Zhixu pulled it gently in his hand, and Zhuo Xi was brought back and threw on the ground mercilessly.


The long whip whipped on his body with burning pain, and there were no wounds on his body, but the pain was unbearable and he rolled on the ground.

Zhuo Xi gasped and scolded furiously, "Bitch, what is this?! Where did you get this evil weapon?"

Damn it, why is the pain so unbearable? A throbbing pain in the limbs.

Yan Zhixu was dressed in a red dress, holding a long whip, and her face with makeup was more refined and extravagant.

The body exudes a powerful aura, which can only be viewed from a distance and cannot be played with.

She explained slowly, "Evil weapon? You are wrong, this is a spiritual power object, Fu Xian hits a spirit whip."

"It's fine to whip a whip on someone who has not committed sins, but the more sins they commit, the more pain they will feel."

Zhuo Xi rolled on the ground with a single whip, and he was in pain. It was conceivable that the evil he had caused was extremely heavy.


in the garden.

With a wine glass in his hand, Fu Shimo walked among the guests to greet the guests present.

Yan Jinxiu and Yan Huaibi were sitting in their seats. Seeing that Yan Zhixu, who had gone to the bathroom, didn't return, there was a hint of worry in their eyes.

Yan Jinxiu said, "My sister has been going to the bathroom for a while, I'm a little worried."

There are a lot of guests present today, but don't think something happened.


Hearing Yan Jinxiu's willingness to call Yan Zhixu to be her elder sister, Yan Huaibi raised her eyebrows.

He recalled that Ash's expression just now and the momentary change of emotion in his eyes felt a little weird.

Yan Huaibi glanced at the scene.

Seeing that there was no shortage of people entertaining guests, he stood up calmly, "Go to the bathroom and have a look."


This suggestion was exactly what Yan Jinxiu wanted, so the two stood side by side and walked towards the bathroom.

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