The bathroom door was closed and locked.

Yan Jinxiu and Yan Huaibi stood side by side and walked into the scene.

Seeing the blood-stained Zhuo Xi in the bathroom, and the array disk hovering in the air to absorb black evil spirits, the peace in his eyes was shattered.

Tears welled up in Zhuo Xi's eyes, "Save me, please save me..."

The voice was full of despair and helplessness, the tears in the eyes kept flowing, and there was a strong light of hope in the bottom of the eyes.

It seems that the person in front of her is her savior!

Zhuo Xi knew very clearly that a man couldn't refuse such a look.

They will surely save themselves!


Zhuo Xi's heart is brewing a plan, and the performance on his face is more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Yan Zhixu didn't take the initiative to speak, and there was no trace of fear and worry on Zhuo Xi's performance.

Yan Jinxiu glanced lazily at Zhuo Xi, then snorted softly, casually found a wall to lean against, and swayed carelessly with his left leg on his right.

He raised his hand and scratched his hair, the shape on his head became messy but with a messy sense of handsomeness.

His voice was hoarse, "Sister, is this woman mentally abnormal, why is she talking nonsense and slandering people when she opens her mouth?"

Hearing his words, the hope in Zhuo Xi's eyes was completely shattered, and the madness and paranoia reappeared in a desperate situation.

"Sister? What do you call this bitch?"

"I'm not talking nonsense. Your sister is a devil who practices sorcery. She wants to use sorcery to deprive me of my life!"

"Ahahaha... After getting along for so long, I'm afraid you still don't know that living with you to heal relatives under the eaves is a murderous devil!"


Zhuo Xi spit out a series of words, trying his best to destroy Yan Zhixu's image, making her family feel fear and hatred of her existence, and want her to lose her family dearly.

Yan Zhixu's expression was still the same as before, and he didn't see a trace of anxiety.

Yan Huaibi's eyes radiated a stern light, "Miss, it's fine for you to say such things yourself. If you want to fool our two brothers, it's too fake. We are not brainless scumbags."

If family love is really something that can be provoked by these few words, it is not family love.

Yan Huaibi continued, "Besides, I believe that my sister is not a person with evil thoughts. She would treat you like this, shouldn't you think about it carefully?"

After listening to the words of the two brothers of the Yan family, Zhuo Xi was so angry that his face became even paler, and he spat out a few mouthfuls of blood.

Different from Zhuo Xi's anger, Nan Zelin's eyes showed satisfaction, and his whole body exuded a pleasant atmosphere.

Well, the brain is still there.

This is his cousin.

Nan Zelin didn't give Zhuo Xi a sympathetic look, "Big cousin, second cousin, this woman is the evil cultivator. She wants my life, so my cousin will take action against her."

Zhuo Xi got what she deserved to end up like this. The person who cleans her up is not her cousin, but it will be someone else sooner or later.

"Well, we got it."

"Don't worry, I'm not an idiot. My mind is sober as never before. I don't believe a single word from this woman's mouth at all. If she dares to covet your life, it's not too much for my sister to teach her a lesson."

Yan Jinxiu and Yan Huaibi never questioned Yan Zhixu's words from beginning to end, and even though they were shocked, they didn't ask what was going on.

Because they believed that Yan Zhixu would explain it to them personally.

They only believed what Yan Zhixu said, and what others said was not trustworthy, and they didn't bother to waste time listening.

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