Zhuo Xi's eyes were complicated, "You..."

There were waves of turbulent waves in his heart, and the expression on his face was no longer as determined and determined as before.

The inner thoughts are shaken, and the concepts that have been insisted on are shaken again and again.

And the source of all this is all because of this man in front of him, a man who used to be just a tool!

Zhuo Xi stared at Zhao Chuchen's eyes, and felt uncomfortably hot with his eyes that were not mixed with any calculations.

She took a deep breath and said, "...you can talk about this kind of thing. Your family won't allow you to be single for a lifetime."

Can he compete with his family for himself? There are very few men in the world who can do this.

Zhao Chuchen strode forward and said, "Xixi, I have more than one child in my family, there is a big brother above me, and I don't need me to inherit the family business, so even if they object to me not getting married in my life, it is useless, no one can shake my decision. ."

He stretched out his hands and landed on Zhuo Xi's shoulders, so that she couldn't escape and looked into his eyes.


Zhuo Xi was silent.

The two confronted each other, and the surroundings were silent, and even the air seemed to become extraordinarily severe.

Zhao Chuchen saw her closed lips and did not speak, her heart was hanging high and her heart was full of tension.

It was like a prisoner who was brought to the execution ground and was about to face the death penalty.

After a long silence, Zhuo Xi's lips moved slightly, and her voice was dry, "You...you can wait for you if you want, anyway, it's of your own accord. If you meet someone you like one day and want to give up, you can always give up. of."

Zhao Chuchen stretched out his hands and hugged her into his arms, with a surprisingly strong force that seemed to rub her into his body completely.

A sigh came from his throat, "Fool, you won't meet anyone else, only you."

I used to linger in the flowers, so it wasn't you at first, but the rest of my life is yours.

Unique, irreplaceable, not replicable, there will be no second person.


Maybe these words were too sweet, maybe because the moment he chased out, his heart was out of control.

Zhuo Xi stood on tiptoe, stretched out his hand to wrap his neck around his neck and kissed his lips.

"Zhao Chuchen, I like you a little bit at this moment."

The words fell, and a fierce offensive was launched.

Zhao Chuchen regained his senses, and changed from passive to active non-stop siege.

The kiss became more and more intense and inseparable, as if it was going to be the last time.



"My brook."


Zhao Chuchen's eyes showed affection and possessiveness, calling Zhuo Xi's name over and over again.

The two kissed for a long time before separating.


Zhuo Xi gasped slightly.

Zhao Chuchen rubbed her hair, then evaded and negotiated in front of several people in the Spirituality Bureau.

The person in charge of the operation of the Spirituality Bureau said, "Her suffocation has been taken away, and she will be an ordinary person from now on. But there are many people infected with her hands, so she needs to go back with us to accept the punishment."

"But you can rest assured that the place where we detain prisoners is similar to that of a prison, and visits are allowed."

Hearing the words of the person in charge of the Lingyi Bureau, Zhao Chuchen's initially restless heart gradually stabilized.

He bowed, "Thank you."

After thanking him, he returned to Zhuo Xi's side, "Xixi is good, I will visit you."

No matter how long you are detained, even for a lifetime, it doesn't matter, I will wait for you forever.

Zhuo Xi nodded, "Okay..."

I've seen all kinds of men, and I've seen men's indifference, but this time I couldn't help but be shaken.

Believe it once, just believe it this time.

Maybe he will be different...

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