Yan Zhixu opened the car door and let Du Qingling and her mother get in the car together.

She opened the trunk and took out the medicine box, and then dipped a cotton swab in disinfectant to disinfect the other party. The movements were gentle and gentle and would not hurt anyone.

Although he didn't take off his mask, the exposed eyes were piercing and full of inspiration, which made people look at each other and couldn't help but feel good in their hearts.

Yan Zhixu wiped and disinfected the wound for Du Qingling, then took out the gauze and wrapped the injured area. After finishing all the treatments, he put the tools back in the medicine box.

Du Qingling was relieved a lot by the injured arm and no longer felt the panting pain.


"You are welcome."

Yan Zhixu's eyes were calm.

Although she said so, the Du family's mother and daughter are still grateful to her for her constant thanks.

Yan Zhixu glanced at the time, and then said, "Old Zhang, take the co-pilot and let me drive."

Hearing this, driver Zhang didn't say a word of rebuttal or questioning, and decisively drove the car to an open space, and the two exchanged positions.

Yan Zhixu sat in the driver's seat, stretched out his hand and pulled out the seat belt to fasten it.

Fasten your seat belt and start the vehicle, holding the steering wheel with one hand and slamming on the accelerator.


The vehicle sped out, making noise and the roar of air waves.

The car roamed around in many vehicles, with cool driving skills, constantly speeding, leaving the vehicles behind and taking the lead.

It is obviously a commercial Bentley, but Yan Zhixu drove it out of a sports car.



Du Qingling and his mother sat in the back seat and felt that the car was accelerating continuously, but the other party's driving skills were obviously good and he didn't feel any discomfort.


With a soft sound, the black Bentley stopped firmly at the gate of Guangming High School, compressing the originally expected arrival time to half.

Du Qingling and her mother thanked them again, and then got out of the car with their schoolbags.

Yan Zhixu stepped on the accelerator, turned the steering wheel with his hands, turned the steering wheel, and drove in the direction of another high school.

"Old Zhang, sit tight."

After she finished speaking, she slammed on the accelerator again, and the hands were clearly turning on the dial.


Lao Zhang sat in the co-pilot, his voice became a little trembling at this moment, and his face paled a lot.

I thought that Miss Kai was already fast enough just now, but I didn't expect that the faster one was still behind.

Speed ​​soared.

Finally, the black Bentley parked at the entrance of Jinghong High School. Yan Zhixu threw the car keys to Lao Zhang and asked him to drive the car to the parking lot.

She sorted out the masks and looked for the Yan family in the vast crowd.

His eyes were extremely sharp, and he quickly found the Yan family in the crowd.

She strode forward and walked to the heap, where Yan Jinxiu was still standing at the door and didn't go to school.

Seeing Yan Zhixu appear, he raised his eyebrows sullenly, "Sister, you're here."

She nodded, "Yeah."

As he spoke, he explained some precautions during the exam in great detail. Yan Jinxiu did not feel any impatience with these explanations, but listened carefully.

He smiled and replied, "Sister, I know."

Yan Zhixu nodded with satisfaction, the arrogant little brother has become a little cute recently.

Yan Zheng waved his hand, "Okay, let's go in, what are you doing dawdling outside."

Hearing his tone, Yan Jinxiu was not surprised that his father's attitude changed so quickly.

"whispering sound."

There was a sneer in his throat, and after taking a look at the time, he didn't stay outside any longer, and walked into the school after checking with his backpack.

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