Yan Zhixu and Fu Shimo were chatting and laughing with the director, when Zhuang Xiangqian came over and joined the chat together.

The atmosphere between several people is harmonious and harmonious, and there is no intrigue.

After chatting for a while and signing the contract, Jiang Lian came over with a look of gratitude in his eyes, "Thank you, thank you Director Tan for giving me this opportunity, I will definitely use my housekeeping skills to play Pei Yu, and try not to let me Director Tan, you lose money."

Seeing Jiang Lian, who is humble and courteous with extraordinary acting skills, Director Tan felt a burst of satisfaction in his heart.

He waved his hand and said, "You have to thank our investor and female lead in this drama for knowing Xu. She said she would fight against the pressure from Dingtian Group."

Although Jiang Lian's acting skills are really good, if no one resists Dingtian's pressure, he will not dare to use it, otherwise the scenes that he has been fortunately filmed will be suppressed and will not be released at all.

Jiang Lian looked at Yan Zhixu with a sincere and grateful smile on his lips, "Thank you very much, Teacher Yan, and please take care of you in the future on the crew."

Yan Zhixu's face was as calm as water, "It's all in the same crew and we'll spend a long time together in the future, so don't call me Teacher Yan so politely, just call me by my name."

There was no trace of arrogance and domineering on her body, and her eyes were higher than her nostrils.

She is elegant, knows how to advance and retreat and understands etiquette. At first glance, she really looks like a daughter who has been carefully cultivated by an aristocratic family.


Jiang Lian saw that Yan Zhixu was not a difficult person to get along with, and felt relieved in an instant.

Several people stood together and talked for a while, and the director urged them to enter the dressing room when it was almost time to get dressed and change into costumes.

Yan Zhixu, Fu Shimo, Lu Xun and the others entered a separate dressing room together.

The makeup artists who were waiting inside saw her, and hurriedly seated her on a chair, and then took out a bunch of makeup tools.

Fu Shimo picked up a powder, glanced at it, and looked at the makeup artist in the lead, "This powder has a lot of chemical components, and long-term use will cause harm to the human body. Change it next time."

His voice was low and indifferent.

The makeup artist was stared at by this sharp knife-like gaze and felt Alexander, like the top of Mount Tai, and the younger generation gradually overflowed with dense sweat.

Feeling a little restrained, I respectfully replied, "Okay, I remember."

Dean Fu can actually see the material used for this powder at a glance? Damn, cheating, he really deserves to be an all-around big guy.

Yan Zhixu was sitting in the seat, and through the mirror in front of him, he could clearly see the nervousness on the head of the makeup artist's face.

She said to ease the atmosphere, "Start putting on makeup, you don't need to feel nervous."

Only after Yan Zhixu spoke did Fu Shimo put away the strong Weiya breath on his body.

The people in the dressing room suddenly felt the big stone hanging in their hearts falling, and could not help but let out a sigh of relief.


The makeup artist in the lead first replenished Yan Zhixu's skin with water, which made it easier to apply makeup later.

After moisturizing, wait until the skin is fully absorbed, pick up makeup and smear on her face, while others are styling Yan Zhixu.

Makeup takes a lot of time, and the wait is long.


Lu Xun was bored, picked up the pressed powder and glanced at it and saw nothing.

Then I took out my mobile phone and searched on Baidu, and then I found that this powder was mentioned in a report, and it failed this year's cosmetics quality inspection.


After reading this report, Lu Xun put down the powder and looked at Fu Shimo with admiration in his eyes.

Dean Fu is cheating!

Afterwards, Lu Xun resolutely told the makeup artist not to use it. Anyway, she took a photo and immediately removed her makeup.

Ash's skin is in good condition, and it won't affect much if you use it or not.

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