Jiang Lian's identity was revealed, and his past unbearableness was once again brought up by netizens, and was scolded by countless netizens.

The comment area instantly became smoky, and vulgar language flooded the entire comment area.

The imperial capital, a mansion.

In the luxuriously decorated room, a woman wearing expensive clothes was holding a mobile phone and watching the official announcement of the program group on Weibo.

Qiu Yijia's eyes were dark, and the strength of holding the phone continued to increase.

"Jiang Lian!"

With an angry shout, he threw the phone on the bed and walked to the dresser.





The skin care products on the dresser were pushed one by one and fell to the ground with a crackling sound, and the ground quickly became a mess.

"Jiang Lian! Jiang Lian!"

"Bitch, slut, you have been banned for so many years, why can't you just disappear quietly? Why do you have to appear in the public eye again?"

"Bitch like you should be in the stinking trash can forever!"


Qiu Yijia's mouth uttered all kinds of vicious words, and her well-maintained face was also hideous.

Whenever I think of Jiang Lian's appearance, the hatred in my heart is infinitely magnified.

After venting, everything on the dresser was smashed, and Qiu Yijia was still furious.

"Want to act? You're dreaming!"

She picked up her mobile phone and made a call, "Hey, you immediately put pressure on the director of the cast of "Can't Escape the Law", telling him that if you want to use Jiang Lian, you will be against Dingtian Group."

A hesitant voice came from the other end of the phone, "Madam, but the president's place..."

Qiu Yijia's face was ashen, "What are you afraid of? He won't know! What if he really knows in the future? I just want that shameless **** to never make it out!"

The person on the other end of the phone knew that persuasion was useless, and hung up the phone after answering.

Qiu Yijia threw her phone on the bed.

"Knock Knock-"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the room door.

Qiu Yijia walked over to open the door, and asked with a cold face in a bad mood, "What's the matter?"

The servant standing at the door noticed the unpleasant breath exuding from her body, and lowered her head and dared not look directly, for fear of angering the other party if she didn't pay attention.

"Ma'am, sir is coming back."

"Understood, go and clean up the house."


The servant walked into the room and did not show any surprise when he saw the man on the ground.

He skillfully cleaned up the debris, and took out a new set of skin care products from the cabinet and put them on the sink.

Qiu Yijia came downstairs.

Sitting upright in the living room, she was no longer angry at all, but looked like a quiet time.

Holding a cup of tea in his hand, he took a sip, and the anger in his heart lightened by two points.


At this moment, there was a screeching sound of tires rubbing against the ground when braking.

It didn't take long for the housekeeper to say hello.

Qiu Yijia put down the cup in her hand and stood up with a smile on her face.

She looked at the door, "Husband, you're back, it's been a hard day at work, I've already asked the kitchen to prepare meals, you go upstairs to take a bath to relieve your fatigue, and then go downstairs to eat."

The man who came pacing was tall and straight, and his handsome face had the majesty of a superior.

He tore the tie he was wearing, then took off the black blazer he was wearing.

Qiu Yijia came over and was about to take the coat from his hand, but he avoided it.

He Yishang's voice was cold, "No. Besides, I have eaten with my partner outside, so you can eat it yourself."

After he finished speaking, he didn't give Qiu Yijia any extra eyes, and skipped her pace and walked towards the stairs.

Qiu Yijia, whose face was stiff, and the servants in the mansion who noticed that the breath was wrong and were afraid in their hearts were left behind.

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