Qiu Yijia went back to the upstairs room.

After taking a break, I woke up, and there was a new email in my mailbox.

Sitting at the computer desk, she gently picked up the mouse with her well-maintained fingers without any calluses, and clicked on this email to watch.

His eyes fell on the computer screen.

In this document, the investigation of Jiang Lian over the years is particularly detailed.

The above clearly recorded the incomparable desolation of Jiang Lian's life in the past few years when he was banned.


"Jiang Lian, Jiang Lian, how does it feel to fall from a popular female star to the altar?"

Seeing these materials, Qiu Yijia hooked her lips and let out a mockery, her face was full of contempt and disdain from those in high positions.

He moved the mouse with his finger and continued to look down. When he saw the information and photos below, the smile at the corner of his mouth froze completely.


Qiu Yijia's pupils widened and she stared at the screen in disbelief. Because of her extreme anger, she could even hear the sound of shortness of breath clearly.

"Who is this? Jiang Lian's son?!"

The boy in the photo looks at least 70% similar to He Yishang.

Qiu Yijia looked down and saw Jiang Yao's age as if struck by lightning, and a shocking guess filled her heart.

This is Jiang Liangen He Yishang's child!

It's the little **** that Jiang Lianzai was pregnant with at that hotel five years ago!

Qiu Yijia endured Taotao's anger in the bottom of her heart, her face was distorted with anger, and she read this document with anger.


With a bang, he stood up and threw the skin care products placed on the dressing table on the ground.

"Little wild species!"

"Jiang Lian, you have brought this little **** to hide in a small city in a corner all these years. It turned out that the purpose of the fight was to bring up the child, and then enter the house and drive me away?"

"I tell you, you are dreaming! Oh, Yishang belongs to me alone! I am his wife, and I am the young grandmother of the He family. Paying for gold, junior!"


Qiu Yijia cast aside the elegance and extravagance of a wealthy lady, swearing like a shrew in the market, and all kinds of vicious and vulgar words popped out of her mouth.

He scolded for a long time, until he was exhausted and his throat was hoarse.


Qiu Yijia fell to the ground without any image, and there was a low and strange aura all over her body, which made people shudder.

Her eyes were calm, and when she looked closely, there was a cold and faint chill in the bottom of her eyes.

Qiu Yijia picked up her mobile phone and found a number in the phone book to dial.


"Help me with one thing."

She got up and walked to the window, condescendingly overlooking the garden downstairs, her other hand clenched into a fist.


You must not let anyone threaten your position.

Neither can anyone!

If anyone dares to block, then dispose of those blocking stones and throw them into the trash can.


Yan Zhixu and Fu Shimo returned to the hotel.

She asked Lu Xun to come to the room and she wanted to tell him something.

Seeing this, Lu Xun raised his hand and scratched the back of his head, his eyes full of doubt and confusion.

? ? ?

"Oh, good."

What is Ash going to tell him?

Lu Xun was puzzled, but she felt inexplicably that this would be a big deal, so she raised her heels decisively without asking anything.

Feeling a little uneasy in my heart, I took a deep breath, hoping that what I faced next would not be a crashing thing.

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