Yan Zhixu woke up.

As soon as she washed up, she saw Fu Shimo come back with two breakfasts, tidied up the quilt, opened the curtains, and made the room brighter.

She picked up a breakfast and saw that it was light white porridge, her eyes were not wavered, she picked up a spoon and stuffed it into her mouth.

"It's very virtuous, just like the Tianluo girl described in the book."

Fu Shimo also picked up a breakfast, "Who made Tianluo girl fall in love with 'farmers, hard-working and never complaining, like sweets."

Yan Zhixu's eyes were serious, "Farmers will cherish the snail girl."

Seeing him eating the same white porridge as himself, there was a slight ripple in his heart. In fact, he didn't need to do this.

There is a kind of romance that is not in words, but in each other's actions and small things.

Chai, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea can also be romantic, and fireworks in the world can also be charming, depending on whether the people you meet take you to heart.

Fu Shimo packed up the garbage after breakfast, and asked the nurse to bring medicine to give her a needle and a drip. After everything was done, he left the ward.


During Yan Zhixu's hospitalization, there was an endless stream of people who came to visit, and the threshold of the ward was about to be leveled.

After recuperating, he signed the contract for the "All-Star Games" brought by Lu Xun.

Last day of hospitalization, early December.

Lying on the hospital bed and brushing her phone, she glanced at the news that was on the fifth most searched list, and the one that followed.

#"The Legend of Xuanji" officially finished

#"All-Star Games" is about to start recording


The click index of these two microblogs is not low, and there are many netizens commenting in the comment area and eating melons.

[Ah, ah, my Bai Yueguang has finally been filmed. I hope to quickly process it in the later stage. I want to see it during the Chinese New Year or during the summer vacation. I have been out of drama for a long time. rubbing face and sighing.jpg]

[The current TV dramas are really ugly. Those heroines are all dressed in white and have disheveled hair. They can't compare with previous TV dramas at all. Roll your eyes to the sky.jpg]

[This drama is the first collaboration between an actor and an actress. Both of them have good acting skills. I hope the plot will not be too stretched. 】

[Looking forward to Mr. Xu's performance in it. My whole family likes Mr. Xu. As soon as the broadcast starts, the whole family will follow the drama together and contribute to the ratings. Looking forward.jpg]

["All-Star Games", this should be the first sports competition variety show in my country. 】

[I don’t watch TV dramas much now, at most I’m chasing variety shows, but you can watch this show. nose picking.jpg]

["All-Star Games" adopts the live broadcast method, I don't know if there will be a star-studded person who will overturn the car at that time. 】

[I don't know who will participate, the official Weibo of the program group did not directly point it out, and they also sold off with us. tsk tsk.jpg]


Time flies by.

Yan Zhixu recovered and recovered. He changed his hospital gown and was discharged from the hospital. He returned to Shengshi Hao Ting and was warmly welcomed by the whole family.

Yan Huaibi, who has been busy with work on weekdays, is rarely at home. She celebrates her discharge from the hospital and hopes that she will be safe and smooth in the future.

After eating enough of the bland diet in the hospital, and having a rich meal after returning home, what Yan Zhixu ate is called an unreserved one.

After eating, I lay on the sofa, blowing the air conditioner, eating fruit, watching TV series, and my life was extraordinarily nourishing.


The phone vibrated.

Picking it up and taking a look, Lu Xun sent a message on WeChat, [Axu Baobao, the recording of the variety show "All-Star Games" officially started the day after tomorrow, and the location is in Huazhou City. 】

Yan Zhixu read the news.

Her finger clicked on the screen to reply, [Okay. 】

After replying to the message, he stretched his waist and went upstairs to pack his luggage with his mobile phone.

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