Above the Daozong Mountain Gate, a giant dragon came from the clouds. Just as he was about to fly directly to the top of Lingshan Mountain and enter the hall, he was blocked by an invisible barrier, and in desperation he could only transform into a human form.

An old man with a childlike appearance stood on the clouds and respectfully saluted the top of Lingshan Mountain:

"Jiang Haowu is the supreme elder of the Taixu Gulong clan. I have something important to discuss with your sect today, and I hope your sect Haihan will be honored."35

Jiang Haowu was afraid that his actions of flying directly to the top of Lingshan Mountain just now would arouse the dissatisfaction of Taoist Sect. It was because the matter was too urgent.

If it is because of this that the Taoist Sect is watching the entire Taixu ancient dragon clan, then he can really be regarded as the eternal sinner of the Taixu ancient-long clan!

Turning his head and looking at Tang Xiaotian on the throne, after getting Tang Xiaotian's approval, Tang Hao waved his hand gently, the Quasi-Emperor's coercion that covered the entire Lingshan Mountain melted, and the invisible barrier completely dissipated.

Jiang Haowu looked happy when he saw this, and hurriedly flew into the hall.

Above the hall, Jiang Haowu bowed respectfully to Tang Xiaotian who was sitting on the throne, and then secretly looked at Tang Hao who was sitting under the hall.

Just now he saw with his own eyes that it was this boy who easily melted the quasi-district coercion surrounding Lingshan, and he was secretly shocked.

Suppressing the exclamation in his heart, Jiang Haowu hurriedly stated his intention to come to Taoism:

"Having seen the Great Emperor Xiaotian, congratulations to the Sect Master on his promotion to the Great Emperor. 39

First, he congratulated Tang Xiaotian, and after receiving a nod from Tang Xiaotian, Jiang Haowu continued:

"This time, the old man came here as a last resort. If it wasn't for the fact that our clan was hit by a sea disaster that could be called the annihilation of the clan, the old man would have no face to come to your sect for help.


Tang Hao let out a sigh of relief. When he personally went to Dragon Emperor Island to capture Emperor Shura's treasure, Tang Hao had seen the power of the twelve-week star formation.

Twelve Zhoutian Xingchen Dazhen, who is a ninth-grade spiritual formation, can be regarded as the most powerful formation in the ninth-grade spiritual formation.

After being repaired and perfected by Master Tang Hao, the 12-week star formation has become more and more perfect and its power is amazing. It should be easy to defend against the sea beasts from the endless sea of ​​evil.

How come the Taixu Dragons who are so good are about to be annihilated? Could it be that there is something abnormal in the endless sea of ​​evil?

Thinking of the changes in the four realms that he hurriedly glanced at when the Taixuan Bone Bow became the Supreme Dao Emperor, Tang Hao raised a trace of doubt in his heart.

After hearing Tang Hao's snort, Jiang Haowu didn't know what to say, he had never seen Tang Hao's appearance, and naturally he didn't know Tang Hao's true identity.

Although I had heard that Tang Xiaotian had a son before he came to Taoism, he had a grudge with the Taixu dragon clan, but since Jiang Haowu was still cultivating things that were inseparable from the clan when Tang Hao went to Longhuang Island, naturally he never did. I have seen Tang Hao with my own eyes.

But this young man's cultivation was obviously beyond Jiang Haowu's imagination, and he did not dare to associate this young man's strength with his identity as the young master of Dao Sect.

In his opinion, the so-called young sect masters are all juniors, and even a talented person can't cultivate to the holy realm at most, and how can he be calm among a group of quasi emperors.

Turning his head to look at Tang Xiaotian, with a hesitant look on his face, Tang Xiaotian waved his hand gently and said to him:

"No problem, this is a dog, and he can decide everything up and down in the Taoist sect. 99

Hearing Tang Xiaotian's answer, Jiang Haowu was even more shocked.

It is hard to imagine that this young man is actually the Young Sect Master of the Dao Sect. The most important thing is that he has such a high status in the entire Dao Sect. He hurriedly bowed his hands to Tang Hao and said:

"Having seen the Young Sect Master, I thought that the Young Sect Master had such a cultivation level at such a young age. He is truly talented! The old man admires him!"

"Don't say those polite words, continue to say, how did your Taixu Dragon Clan suffer the disaster, is there any strange thing in the endless sea of ​​evil?

Tang Hao obviously didn't have any interest in Jiang Haowu's respectful words at this time, he was only interested in the strange things happening in the endless sea of ​​evil.

Hearing that Tang Hao was so concerned about the condition of the Taixu Dragon Clan, Jiang Haowu's heart was extremely complicated.

When Tang Hao went to Dragon King Island, he was still cultivating in the clan. He did not know what Tang Hao did in the secret realm, but he also knew that Tang Hao personally beheaded the ancestors of the Taixu Dragon clan in Outside the Daozong Mountain Gate.

If it weren't for the crisis faced by the entire Tailong clan this time, it could not be overcome by the strength of the clan, and if he happened to know that Tang Xiaotian had just been promoted to the realm of the emperor, Jiang Haowu would not have come to the Taoist sect to seek help.

··0 Seeking flowers.....

For the survival of the entire ethnic group, Jiang Haowu didn't care about face and other irrelevant matters at this time, and said bitterly:

"My Taixu family's twelve Zhoutian star formation, when my Taixu ancestor died, because he merged the soul and the power of the source with the Zhoutian star formation, when he died, let the whole The large formation was damaged, and its power was not as strong as usual.

If this is the only case, even if the great formation is damaged, relying on its 80% or 90% strength, it can still easily block the sea beasts in the endless sea of ​​evil, and keep my entire Taixu Dragon Clan safe and sound.

But recently, for some unknown reason, the endless sea of ​​evil has been changing, and the giant beasts that were originally hidden in the depths of the endless sea of ​​evil have been attacking my Dragon Emperor Island one after another. The damage to the entire formation was even more serious, and its power continued to decline.


Seeing that in a few days, the endless evil sea giant beast will break through the great formation and invade our clan, and wash my Taixu ancient dragon clan with blood. Although the old man is the quasi-emperor, there are as many as five giant beasts attacking the realm of the quasi-emperor of my Dragon Emperor Island. The old man is really unable to return to the sky, so he can only come in person and beg Emperor Xiaotian to help. "5

Hearing Jiang Haowu say this, Tang Hao felt extremely strange.

Whether it's the death of Taixu's ancestor or the change in the endless sea, it seems that he has something to do with him. In this way, can't he be regarded as the disaster of the Taixu Dragon Clan's annihilation at this time. The culprit.

However, Tang Hao has no burden at all for being the culprit, and will not have a trace of guilt. If it wasn't for the ancestor Taixu who blindly wanted to kill himself and seize the treasure, how would he kill him? above the void.

For the change of the endless sea of ​​evil, Tang Hao had already felt it when he fought with the Great Emperor Changqing that day.

Not only the endless sea of ​​evil, but also the ancient forbidden area and the desert yellow sand all have a lot of visions.

From this point of view, there seems to be a secret thing that Tang Hao doesn't understand in the Dongchen Realm.

Just talking about the change in the endless sea of ​​evil this time, five quasi-emperor giant beasts can be sent to attack Longhuang Island, reminiscent of the unfathomable depth of the endless sea. ordinary people's imagination.

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