The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 146: Thunder Tribulation Scared Away

Above the endless sea of ​​evil, an incomparably huge vortex appeared in the depths of the sea of ​​evil, spanning tens of millions of miles, and thunder flashed in the vortex, easily tearing the nearby giant beasts to pieces.

On the Undead Mountain, dark clouds loomed in the sky, and one after another thunder flashed.


The mountain collapses!

A sky-high momentum smashed the dark clouds into pieces, and it was obvious that there was a mysterious existence that hated the breath of thunder very much, and even smashed the unfinished Great Emperor Thunder Tribulation with just the momentum.

In the ancient forbidden area, the obscure and unpredictable aura became more and more majestic, and the chains of runes were shining brightly, showing their special existence in the dark clouds of thunder.

One after another, miserable mourning sounds came from the depths of the restricted area, but no gods were seen in the sky, as if they were afraid of the bright chains.

In the depths of the endless sea of ​​evil,

Tang Hao, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes "803",

A dazzling and terrifying divine light shot out from Tang Hao's eyes and easily penetrated the sea water.

In the deep seabed, two tiny vacuum passages suddenly appeared, like straight double tracks, spreading out into unknowable places.

Tang Hao stood up, and an aura that was dozens of times more terrifying than before spread out from his body, as if the mountains were about to fall, like the abyss and the sea!

"Ding! Immortal Qi extraction is complete!"

"Ding! The collection of fairy spirits has been completed successfully, and the host has broken through the current realm and reached the realm of the emperor! Congratulations to the host!"

"It is detected that the host emperor's thunder tribulation is extraordinary, but there is no great threat to the host, please decide whether to weaken it!

Hearing a series of system prompts in his mind, Tang Hao showed a bright smile on his face, and immediately opened his property page.

Host: Tang Hao

Cultivation: Realm of the Great Emperor (Initial)

practice exercises-

The Ancient Method of the Sage

Talent Skills:

God-level alchemy!

God-level spirit formation inscription method!

Physique: Eternal Immortal Body (The Body of the Dao Law!!)

magic weapon:

dragon cauldron,

yin and yang forged stone plate,

Dragon Emperor Bell

fairy magic figure,

giant sword peak,

Devil's Halberd

Bloodline - Tianling Bloodline (system produced!)

Special Ability - Power of Law

Tang Hao saw that his realm had indeed become the realm of the emperor, and his heart was extremely excited. He moved his eyes down, but saw that in the bloodline column, the original emperor bloodline disappeared, and it became the bloodline of Tianling!

"Huh? What the hell is the bloodline of this day? Or is it produced by the system? The system will explain it to me." Tang Hao asked the system.

"The Heavenly Spirit Bloodline is formed by the system combining the host's own bloodline and the bloodline of the ancient Seven Nights Great Emperor.

Because the host has been promoted to the emperor and completely transformed, the original bloodline is no longer suitable for the host, and the system automatically upgrades it to be more suitable for the host itself!"5

Hearing the system's icy explanation, Tang Hao was even more impressed by the system's incomparably comprehensive service.

"As expected of an automatic system, there is no one in this service!"

"Does the host want to weaken the Great Emperor Thunder Tribulation?

"No! Since it's not life-threatening to me, I have to personally feel how strong the thunder tribulation is!

Tang Hao refused the system's help in one bite, and said with a hint of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

He still remembered that in the Great Emperor Thunder Tribulation, there was a drum-beating god who had a grudge against him.

After disconnecting from the system, Tang Hao felt the depressing aura of being fooled.


An incomparably huge pit appeared where Tang Hao stood.

Two golden dazzling dragons roared behind Tang Hao and jumped out of the water!

A monstrous water wave burst on the sea surface of the endless evil sea, and one person and two dragons appeared under the thundercloud!

Looking up at the sky above the sky, the thunderclouds swept across the entire Dongchen Realm, the corners of his mouth rose slightly. Facing such a terrifying thunder calamity, Tang Hao didn't care.

"It's not a small battle, you really look at me."

In the thunderclouds that filled the sky, all kinds of thunder tribulations were beating, and the huge sea of ​​thunder leaped.

Even the terrifying nine-color thunder robbery that was once and now is only a drop in the ocean in that terrifying sea of ​​thunder.

The very familiar drum-beating god, not Tang Hao's expectation, appeared on the sea of ​​thunder.

The thundercloud rolled, and the endless murderous intent was directed at Tang Hao above the sea.

The thunder of the sky and the earth swept across the entire Dongchen Realm!

Countless power leaders who had just returned to the sect from Taoism looked up in shock and looked up at the dark clouds roaring in the sky, and the thunder quickly spread to the whole of Dongchen Realm along with the dark clouds. . .

"This! After the thunder tribulation fluctuations, someone has been promoted to the emperor?"

"This is more powerful than the thunder tribulation of the great emperor Xiaotian! I think that the thunder calamity of the great emperor Xiaotian didn't only exist in the Eastern Wasteland! Now this..."

"The four realms of Dongchen are all covered by the lightning calamity, how powerful is this person! Could it be more powerful than Emperor Xiaotian?

On the Undead Mountain, the thundercloud that had been swept away by the storm reappeared.

However, there was no movement from the Undead Mountain. It was extremely quiet, as if he was afraid of the incomparably terrifying thunder calamity, and he didn't seem to want to attract the attention of those in the thunder cloud.

In the sea of ​​thunder, thousands of terrifying thunderbolts turned into imperial soldiers, and the man who beat drums radiated golden light. The violent aura emerged from his body, and thousands of thunders exploded, as if to completely turn those who should be robbed into powder.

Sweeping down with both eyes, thunder appeared in Kamito's eyes, and the entire thundercloud instantly became silent in the next second.

The majestic momentum that Kamito had been erupting ceased instantly, as if he had seen something inconceivable.

Tang Hao, who was standing on the endless sea of ​​evil, saw the familiar figure of the goddess, and waved at the goddess above Lei Ze with a smile on his face.

It's like I haven't seen him for a long time...

In the next second, the originally menacing thundercloud stopped instantly, Kamito screamed, and then disappeared!


What is this 1.4 for? What is this for?

Did you agree to have a happy tribulation together?

If you see me, run away, what do you want me to do?

Can this young master survive this calamity?

No one is cooperating with this young master, won't it make me feel particularly embarrassed if I am alone?

Tang Hao has countless slots to spit at this time!

If you run before you start fighting, you have never seen such a great emperor thunder tribulation!

Dongchen world

Countless quasi emperors who were waiting for the terrifying thunder tribulation to descend looked at each other in dismay.

"Has this thunder tribulation been accumulating power for too long? Why hasn't it fallen yet?"

"I seem to have seen a goddess escape from above the sea of ​​thunder just now, no matter how I look at it, I feel a little rushed..."

"What's the situation? The legendary thunder is loud and the rain is small? Is the emperor's thunder calamity so easy? It will end before it begins?"

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