Perceiving the black-red light, Tang Hao frowned and thought to himself:

"What kind of breath is this, why does it make me so disgusted!"

The strong sense of disgust for no reason, constantly made Tang Hao have the urge to completely kill the person in front of him!

In addition to the black water polo, the boundless Lei Ze instantly set off a huge wave, turbulent!

In the mighty thunder, the aura of destruction hidden in the thunder was inspired and enveloped the earth!

The terrifying thunder seems to destroy the whole world!

I was so frightened by the sudden aura of destruction that I panicked in my heart!

The practitioners of Dongchen Realm looked at each other in dismay and didn't know what was going on, but the Great Emperor Thunder Tribulation, which had gradually subsided, was angered again!

"Is it possible that someone has crossed the robbery again? This breath is not like a thunder robbery, but like a punishment from the sky. Thunder robbery also has a saying that there will be nine deaths and one life, this punishment can be ten deaths and no life!

"I've never seen Heavenly Punishment? I have only seen a trace of records in the ancient books. It seems that only if there is an existence that violates the principles of the law, will Heavenly Punishment fall."

"There is still such an existence in the Dongchen world? If there were, the Dongchen world would have been wiped out long ago! 803 What a joke!

Ignore what everyone said, the endless evil sea,

The huge sphere formed by the gathering of the dark black sea still exists.

A terrifying aura of destruction enveloped it, and one after another terrifying thunder fell, but was blocked by the strange black rune.

In the sphere, feeling the terrifying punishment beyond the black water ban, Cangshan Immortal Venerable trembled in his heart, agitating the monstrous magic light, rushing straight to Tang Hao like a devil descended into the world.

Its speed is so fast that even with Tang Hao's current strength, he can't react!


An extremely thick and scaly arm directly hit Tang Hao's armor.

That arm doesn't look like a human hand at all, but is as ferocious as an ancient beast!

A terrifying force struck, and Tang Hao was directly knocked out!

An extremely strange black energy invaded Tang Hao's body. Tang Hao's spiritual power is madly pushing towards the black energy in his body.

However, even with Tang Hao's current terrifying spiritual power, it cannot be driven out of the body.

"What is this energy? Why have I never seen it before, it is so difficult to deal with!"

Under the erosion of that black energy, even with Tang Hao's current physique, he felt that the internal organs in his body were corroded in the slightest.

You must know that Tang Hao's current physique is an immortal body that is timeless and immortal!

With such a terrifying physique, it cannot stop the erosion of that black energy!

Just when the black energy spread to Tang Hao's whole body.

In the dantian, the immortal energy embryo trembled, and a pure immortal energy rushed towards the black energy.

The incomparably pure fairy spirit and the black energy annihilated each other.

The exchange ratio between the two has reached an astonishing one to one!

You must know that it is the spirit of the fairy from the fairyland, not the ordinary spiritual power!

With one punch, Immortal Venerable Cangshan smashed Tang Hao into the sky with a loud laugh. The black light all over his body rose sharply, and he stomped on the ground, leaving a very strange paw print to directly pursue Tang Hao.

Just when Cangshan Immortal Venerable was about to smash in front of Tang Hao, the terrifying thunder was mixed with the aura of destruction, and instantly appeared around Tang Hao's body.


The thunder exploded, and the black water flow was blocked by Lei Ze, who controlled the sky directly by Tang Hao!

The vast water of thunder is like a waterfall rushing towards Cangshan Immortal Venerable surrounded by black light.

A shrill scream came from the thunder waterfall!

A behemoth leaps out of the Thunder Falls!

I saw that its body was covered with black scales, and a ferocious horn appeared above its head!

The originally strong limbs were replaced by deformed claws!

That Cangshan Immortal Venerable turned into an extremely terrifying monster.

The monster's eyes were red and covered with blood, and it shot out from the thunder waterfall.

Incomparably terrifying injuries appeared on the monster's body, and the huge wounds were dripping with blood.

However, as the monster stepped out of the shrouded range of the thunder waterfall, the terrifying wound on its body quickly healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, it appeared in front of Tang Hao intact!

The surging killing intent in both eyes revealed,

The monster roared and rushed towards Tang Hao, unable to catch up with the extremely fast thunder.

Facing such a sudden attack, Tang Hao was not afraid, the golden light in his eyes soared, and a long sword with dazzling golden light appeared in his hand.

The sharp aura that seems to be able to cut through all things emerges from that long sword!

Running the Sen Luo Wan Xiang Yuan Shi Jue, Tang Hao directly extracted a pure fairy energy from the fairy energy embryo in his dantian.

Raise your hand and swing your sword!

Hundreds of millions of golden sword qi floated over the entire space, converging into a torrent of sword qi that rushed towards the monster transformed by Cangshan Immortal Venerable.

A sword of light!

Another great secret!

The incomparably sharp torrent of sword qi easily shattered the space, and the violent void turbulence was mixed in it.

The monster transformed by Immortal Venerable Cangshan was about to dodge when endless vines suddenly appeared under his feet, entwining them tightly!

Even with its current gigantic strength, it cannot be shaken away.

However, the demonic energy in the body was completely suppressed by the thunder waterfall and could not be used at all!

I can only watch the torrent of sword energy emitting endless golden light running through!

"Do not!"

An unbelievable look filled the face of Cangshan Immortal Venerable.

The terrifying sword flow slashed wildly on his huge body!

Pieces of flesh and blood were easily peeled off, blood splashed everywhere!

The torrent of sword energy disappeared, and the original huge monster was left with a jade-like skeleton!

An incomparably powerful spiritual sense enveloped the jade-like skeleton.

Under the investigation of Tang Hao's spiritual sense, tiny cracks are scattered all over it!

There is no trace of the breath of Cangshan Immortal Venerable!

Tang Hao withdrew his spiritual thoughts, turned around and was about to leave the endless sea of ​​evil.

Abrupt mutation!

I saw that the jade-like bones exploded into light spots, turned into a stream of light and escaped the endless sea of ​​evil at a very fast speed, heading straight to the western desert!

"I know you won't die so easily, but I want to see where you want to go!"

Looking at the Cangshan Immortal Venerable who turned into a stream of light and fled quickly, Tang Hao had a calm expression on his face. Obviously, Cangshan Immortal Venerable's behavior was completely within Tang Hao's expectations.

Divine Intent stirred the boundless thunder above the sky, and endless thunder poured into Tang Hao's body.

On the body of Tang Hao, who was dressed in white, a shred of thunder burst, and lightning flashed everywhere.

Taking a leap, Tang Hao turned into an electric light, chasing after Cangshan Immortal Venerable!

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