"You're right, this place will be owned by my Young Master Tang from now on." Tang Hao just stopped, as if he was really entering his own back garden.

As he spoke, he also played around with the surrounding scenery. He looked amazed. He seemed very satisfied. In the future, he would be able to occupy the land and be the king of this place.

All the people were a little surprised when they saw Tang Hao's relaxed expression, and immediately began to laugh. It was really funny. Where did this person come from, and he dared to say that this Great Wilderness Secret Realm belonged to him?

Isn't this a joke? Even the Great Emperor would not dare to say that he wanted to take possession of the Great Wilderness Secret Realm. This is the place where the common monks from all over the world came to collect treasures. Isn't this person afraid of being ridiculed by others when he said this?

Immediately, everyone couldn't take care of Tang Hao's terrifying temperament, and began to laugh out loud.

"Hahaha, I heard it right. This person in front of me dares to say that the Great Wilderness Secret Realm is his territory. If the other great emperors hear it, I am afraid they will directly kill this person in front of me."

"That is, this person doesn't know where he came from, and he has no knowledge at all. Anyone with a little knowledge would not say such outrageous remarks. It's ridiculous, ridiculous."35

"However, I can't see through the cultivation of this person in front of me, but even if he is the emperor-level cultivation, I don't think any emperor in 803 dares to talk about his own things in the Great Wilderness Secret Realm, and I don't seem to have seen this emperor. .

"Maybe he has just been promoted to the earth not long ago, and this is understandable. A person who has just been promoted to the emperor must be full of joy, thinking that the world is his family, but he does not know that the strong has its own strength. Middle hand, hahaha.

"Maybe this is the case, after all, after becoming the emperor, does he feel that he is invincible in the world? It is not surprising to have such a thought. 99

Tang Hao was indifferent to the low-level taunts beside him, and he still had a faint smile on his face, squinting at the group of people.

When it was almost over, he suddenly shouted loudly, and this sound immediately carried endless sound waves and momentum, as if the entire nine days were shaken.

The mountain that I was on actually started to vibrate slightly, and all the people immediately stopped laughing and swearing, and all stood down and looked at Tang Hao with bad eyes.

Although there is some fear in the heart of Tang Hao's strength, but they dare to fight with the disciples of the Nine Heavens Great Emperor, it means that the identity (cabe) of the people present here is not low, so why are they afraid of Tang Hao?

Even if he is the Great Emperor, would he dare to kill all this group of people?

"What are you doing? Is it true that the Great Wilderness Secret Realm is your back garden? 33 Another young man stood up.

"Who are you?" Tang Hao glanced at him and asked.

"I'm Qin Shan, a disciple of Emperor Wangyue, my friend, I advise you, it is indeed a pleasure to be promoted to the emperor just now, but don't put your eyes above the top, your skills are not as good as others, if you do something wrong, you can It's a shame, and now I still hand over the Dingfengzhu, I will treat this scene as if I didn't see it, how, I will help you send Ye Qing away."

The expression on Qin Shan's face was very natural, as if he was really thinking about Tang Hao.

"Interesting." Tang Hao was not only speechless, he thought he was the only one who was so shameless, but now it seems that all people are the same.

It's just that Tang Hao relies on his own strength and believes that this place belongs to his family, while these so-called disciples of the so-called sect rely on their master's name and believe that all the treasures in the world should be theirs.

Speaking of which, the crows in the world are generally black, but Tang Hao is more blatant and reckless. What qualifications do these guys have to laugh at themselves?

"There's another guy who urinates farther than the others." Tang Hao stopped and turned around:

"Okay, my house doesn't welcome outside guests, you don't even have an invitation, then you should leave, I will give you five breaths, if you don't leave, I'm afraid you will have to pay a little price later.

"Friend, do you really want to fight against our group?" Seeing Tang Hao ignored him at all, Qin Shan's face couldn't hold back, his face was blue and white for a while.

He thinks that the reason why Ye Qing moved out of the name of Jiutian Emperor was not able to hold Tang Hao down at first, because the status of Jiutian Emperor was inferior to Wangyue Emperor. Arrogant, who is it?

"An enemy of you?" Tang Hao smiled and immediately shook his head: "I'm sorry, don't get me wrong, I really don't have this kind of mind, because you can't have any interest in making me an enemy of you. Well, now two breaths have passed, and three more breaths are left.




Everyone looked at each other, watching Tang Hao counting alone with his hands behind his back, as if what he said was true, but everyone started to worry.

Which of them are not all people with some status when they walk outside. When have they been looked down upon by others? Basically, they don't need to report their master's name. As long as they go to that station, some forces will immediately come to please.

It seems that everything is starting to change now. Although it is said that this person in front of him may have a cultivation level of the Great Emperor level, but he should have just been promoted to the Great Emperor not long ago, and his cultivation is a little unstable.

In addition, this group of people are all quasi emperors, and because they are also the favored sons of heaven among the sects, it is possible to kill the emperor by leaps and bounds.

"Everyone, you have seen that the lunatic in front of him really regards the Great Wilderness Secret Realm as his back garden. If we don't work together, I'm afraid other people will really look down on us. It's better that we first How about solving this indeterminate thing in front of us, and then solving our own grievances? 35 In the crowd, someone said something.

As soon as this statement came out, it was immediately echoed, it seemed that it was because of the fearlessness of people.

"That's right, our grievances can be put down first, and the people in front of us can be resolved first.

"I don't know how high the sky is, I have wanted to do it for a long time."

"Let him see what it means to be humble. 35

"Go ahead, I can't wait, why are you talking so much nonsense to him?

Tang Hao watched all the people start to crusade him, as if he didn't hear it at all, the next moment, he turned around and smiled. Immediately, the piece of land on which he was standing sank deeply, and he rose up in the air.

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