The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 1102: Smooth arrest

Ginkgo flew straight down from the cliff, and saw the gold shovel fall on a slope, the silver shell was covered with craters and dust. Can see some small things creeping on the shell, when they climb to the craters, when they climb to the craters, they will emit a light blue light and begin to merge with the craters. It should be a nanorobot, repairing the injured body.

Shangguan asked anxiously: "How are you doing, Haoxuan, say something!"

The system displays: Jin Shoon goes online, and Liu Haoxuan goes online.

Shangguan's voice clearly heard excitement: "Liu Haoxuan, you are finally online, you have to scare us."

Liu Haoxuan said: "Relax, I am not so easy to die."

After all, the gold shovel dangled into the air, Shangguan said: "You look at your system and try to open the shield."

The Golden Shovel really opened the shield, and the voice of the East came from the channel: "Sorry Haoxuan, this is my fault."

Liu Haoxuan hurriedly said: "Do n’t blame your boss, you are also just getting in touch with the saint ’s system. It ’s a bit of a mistake. It ’s unavoidable. Fortunately, my system has n’t been damaged. It ’s just that the shell left a little crater The robot will fix it quickly. "

Two airships began to fly upwards under the cliff. But he said that the two of them were at the same moment on the cliff while they were under the cliff. The armored man fired a heavy machine gun at Bruce ’s shockwave airship, which was a burst of fire, but the shockwave had opened the shield protection, and the bullet could not reach it at all. It was blocked by the shield a few meters away from the airship. The warhead crashed down.

Bruce also shouted with a loudspeaker: "Let's put down the weapon, we will not cause harm to you, please stop your armed behavior immediately, otherwise don't blame me for being polite!" The same was said in Persian.

The two Persians saw that the machine gun could not hurt the big suspended guy in front of him. The man jumped from the machine gun car, rode on a motorcycle, and ran after carrying a woman. How could Bruce let them run and flew to them to stop the way, but the man drove forward in desperation, and Bruce was afraid that he would be injured by hitting the shield and could only go backwards. The East has confessed that it cannot harm humanity.

Moreover, although the two men attacked them, they also did not know the situation, and they were also for prevention, so they were not wrong.

When Bruce didn't know when, he flew all the way back. Suddenly, Shangguan's Ginkgo and Liu Haoxuan's gold shovel flew up from the cliff underground, and also followed the speed of the motorcycle. Shangguan shouted through a loudspeaker: "Whether the two of you will surrender or not, and the old lady will bomb you to death!"

Her intimidation scared the woman behind the motorcycle with a scream, but the man did not stop, but shouted: "Shoo it, shoot it!"

He also speaks Persian, which means that the language judgment was correct at the beginning. Thousands of languages ​​are stored in the saint's language library.

Dongfang said: "If they are blindly rebellious and not good, I worry that they will run out of oxygen, otherwise the three of you will let them go."

Shangguan shouted: "No! Hao Xuan suddenly fell in vain?"

Liu Haoxuan also said: "Shangguan, if you don't listen to the boss, can we kill these two people."

Shangguan said anxiously: "I know!" But she did not withdraw, and the other two airships watched her not withdraw, and also followed the following motorcycle.

The voice of Tang Yujie came from the channel: "Look at whether there is an oxygen system in your system."

Shangguan asked: "What do you mean?"

Tang Yujie said: "Stupid, if there is an oxygen system, then grab them!"

Shangguan replied: "I see, ah, there is an oxygen support system, but how do you catch them? They drive so fast!"

Tang Yujie also said: "You look closely at your system, is there a traction ray? That can catch people, give it a try!"

Shangguan fumbled for a while and said, "Ha, really there is this thing, I will try it."

Let's just start calling the capture system, a blue light shot vertically from the bottom of the airship. "It turned out to be down, then I was going to fly above their heads," Shangguan said, driving Ginkgo over the motorcycle. Blu-ray enveloped both the motorcycle and the car.

Liu Haoxuan said, "Can you **** him up?"

Shangguan said worriedly: "They have weapons in their hands. I'm afraid they will hurt them inside after they are sucked in? I have such a small space inside, how can I stand her toss?"

Dongfang said: "You are staring now, I'll come and see."

The four-person doomsday airship is only 25 meters in length and is the smallest model in the saint ship system. The east is a doomsday mineboat with a length of 130 meters. His mineboat is relatively large, so it has armed robots inside. As a result, Dongfang said he would come over in person.

Several people waited for him to come over ~ ~ The blue light projected by Shangguan had been covering the two fast riders, and they dared not **** them in. Soon, the excavator flew over, and the East said: "Okay, Shangguan, you let me go, I will come."

"But can you resist bullets inside?" Shangguan asked uncomfortably.

"Relax, I'm big inside, and it's easy to subdue them." Dongfang said, and had changed position with Shangguan, came to the top of the motorcycle, and projected the blue light. The two people were screamed and sucked up by the blue light.

Dongfang opened a gap under the shield to allow the two to be sucked in and kept sucking them into the interior of the mineboat. Although the mineboat is much more rewarding than the airship, the internal space is not very large. After all, the mineboat has too many equipments, and the saint ship series is not designed for humans.

This is a very small space. After the two were sucked in, the bottom hatch was closed, and the two were lying on the deck, looking around in horror. It was originally dark, because the two people arrived, the East also lit for them Lighting.

It should be known that after the integration of man and machine, neither the airship of the four of them, nor his eastern mineboat, needs lighting inside.

However, after two people came in, the two robots came over, and the woman was frightened. One robot came over and disarmed her weapon directly. The man wanted to resist and was disarmed by another robot. Eastern said: "Please don't drop your armor, the cabin will reach normal oxygen and barometric pressure index in one minute."

At the same time, Dongfang said to his teammates on the channel: "Okay, get it, I have already caught them, and also paid their weapons."

After the two men were taken away, Dongfang shared the internal pictures with everyone at the same time. Shangguan said: "Okay, brother, you have a robot, and I want it!"

(End of this chapter)

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