The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 1112: Space program

When Rush arrived at his home, he saw a videophone on the wall with everyone ’s phone number on it, and he started looking for people who knew him. These people were home, some were still registered, they were very Excited communication. Rush couldn't restrain the excitement again, connected to Laria who was still in the hospital, and sent her the home video to her, and the two were also crying with excitement.

Except for their couple, all the people who came in were in great excitement, including those who moved into their new homes, and those who were still being treated in hospitals. Those who were contacted and armed were also released and joined the civilian population. Able is still in detention.

In his small mansion, Rush took a shower and changed his clothes to clean and tidy clothes. Then he let the maid drive and drove him to the hospital to accompany his wife.

After these more than 900 people settled in the Dawn, only a small number of them temporarily moved into their new homes, and most of them are still receiving continued treatment in the hospital. Dongfang answered Rush's phone. Rush was at the hospital with his wife Laria. On the big screen of the ward, he saw five people, that is, the five people in the dawn team.

These five people were displayed on the screen as fictional characters. When they saw these five people, Rush said excitedly: "Is this all true? I ca n’t believe it! Master, you are masters. ? "

Dongfang smiled and said, "It's me, how is it, do you still think you are the same in your dream?"

Rush shouted: "Yeah yeah, this must be in a dream, you must not wake me up, I don't wake up!"

The dawn team of five laughed, and the east said, "Rush, I will give you a task now."

Rush vowed: "Master Master, you said, I won't frown when I climb the sword and go down the fire!"

"It's not that serious," Dongfang said. "The Dawn is the first human-based spaceship. It has complete facilities and is designed for 10,000 people. It will be expanded in the future to absorb more survivors. But these are all Afterwards, the most urgent task is that you, among the more than 900 people, need a leader. "

"Master, you want ..."

"Yes, I want you to do ... How about being the mayor? Your first settlement is based on the size of the town."

"Oh god, can I do it?" Rush couldn't believe it.

"Okay, today you all have a good rest. Tomorrow, your mayor will start to take office. You organize a town council, you choose your own staff, then how to manage this town, who is appointed and what position, all It ’s up to you. One more thing is Able, I do n’t know what mistakes he made before, whether he has killed anyone ... "

"He killed people!"

"That line, you set up a judiciary, try him, and punish him. It's up to you to decide. Anything you don't know in your work, you can always contact me or a few of them."

The first human settlement in Dawn was named "Shamir", which means beautiful in Arabic. Rush became the first mayor of Shamir.

Abu Leh was put on trial. During the refuge, in order to consolidate his dictatorship, he had killed several people. He was sentenced to death by stoning. Considering that he did contribute to the maintenance of the refuge, he canceled it. Stone punishment was changed to life imprisonment, but twenty years later, due to his old age and deep remorse, he was released and he was allocated a house until the end of his life. Later.

But said that the refugees were resettled, and the five members of the Dawn group would start to think about what to do next. Shangguan said: "There are still many resources to be exploited here in Uruk. I suggest that an industrial base be established here. The base is automatically controlled by a computer system, and we, continue to look for other survivors."

Liu Haoxuan said: "Shangguan's proposal is not unreasonable, but the premise is that we need to have a strong global communication network, otherwise we will go far and cannot be controlled remotely, what do you say?"

Tang Yujie said: "So, we must immediately launch our equipment into orbit."

Bruce said: "As far as I know, there are many space stations, artificial satellites, space weapons and other wreckage left before the war, can it be used?"

Dongfang summed up and said: "Okay, the first step is to establish a communication network, first build a communication, defense dual-use orbiter, and then launch into orbit. As for the space junk that Bruce said, although there are many in space However, it is too scattered and difficult to collect, so it is still a bit difficult to build equipment in space. As for those space debris, it will be slowly collected and cleaned later. After all, there will be more garbage, which is also very unfavorable to our spaceflight.

"The second step is to build an industrial base, not only to build an industrial base in the place of Uruk, but as long as it is rich in resources in other places, we must mine the earth's resources to the maximum extent ..."

Shangguan raised the question: "Will blind mining affect the earth's ecological environment?"

Tang Yujie said with a smile: "Sister, you have to figure out that the present ecological environment of the earth has been destroyed."

Shangguan retorted: "But don't we plan to rebuild? Human survivors will be found gradually, they will multiply quickly, and the number of humans will increase in the future. By then, does the earth need to be rebuilt? ?"

Dongfang said: "About the issue of rebuilding the earth ~ ~ I have been thinking about it for a long time, and I have n’t told you. Now I will talk about my opinion. Although we are a machine civilization, we need to save mankind, and we must Manage and protect a large number of human beings. So I thought of a question, that is, should we put these humans on the earth, or take them to the universe? "

"What does Brother Six mean?" Shangguan asked.

"We are a saint civilization, don't forget, we have the ability to interstellar navigation, let humans live on the earth, it is very dangerous, once suffered foreign invasion, we will be difficult to quickly transfer a large number of humans ..."

Liu Haoxuan said: "Liuye means to build a starship civilization?"

"Yes, our saint civilization is to build on the starship civilization, let all human beings live on the starship. Once a war occurs, we can move quickly, and the danger faced by humanity will be much smaller. So, Does the earth need to be rebuilt? Whether over-exploitation will damage the earth ’s environment is no longer important. What is important is that we need a lot of resources. The operation of civilization and the survival of mankind require a lot of resources! "

The idea of ​​the starship civilization of the saint leader East coincides with Daming's summer.

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