The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 1117: New era

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In the aerospace field, in addition to the two very important super space stations Tianting and SUS, before the war, humans also built human survival experimental bases on the moon and Mars. On the moon, there are two lunar stations, one is the international joint lunar station, the name is blue-eyes "蓝 目", and the other is my "Guanghan" lunar station in China.

These two lunar stations, plus two lunar orbit ships, there are more than 120 survivors. The saints flew to the moon and did some ideological work to connect all of these survivors to the Dawn.

In addition, there are three human bases on Mars, the international joint Mars station Red-giant "Red Giant", our Greater China "Storm" Mars station, and a civilian Mars station mars-one "One". These three Mars stations plus a common Mars orbital spacecraft, there are more than 200 survivors in total, more people than on the moon.

The saints tried to persuade them to join, but the people at these three Mars stations were very stubborn and did not want to join. Since Mars stations have a good ecological circulation system, they have a good life. Since they did not want to join, the East did not force them, but just set up some corresponding facilities on Mars and provided them for free.

The people on the Mars orbiter landed on Mars as early as a few years ago, integrated into the Mars station, and never returned to orbit, so the orbiter was basically abandoned.

These people on Mars finally joined the saints one after another, more than ten years later.

In addition to the space station and the lunar station, the saints continue to search for survivors on earth.

The moment when the dawn team started the fusion of the brain, it was the moment when the saint civilization was established. Within a year of the establishment of civilization, the saints have developed rapidly.

The Dongfang excavator has also been upgraded to a 10,000-meter Doomsday cloud ship, and it was officially renamed the Kirin. The four other members of the Dawn group have also been upgraded to quasi-cloud ships. The so-called quasi-cloud ship is still lacking some modules to reach scale .

The four-person spaceship was also renamed. Liu Haoxuan's gold shovel was renamed Qinglong, Shangguan Nana's Ginkgo was renamed Baihu, Tang Yujie's Shenlong was renamed Suzaku, and Bruce's shock wave was renamed Xuanwu.

Since the post-war earth has almost no threats from beyond the sky, and there are no major instability factors on the earth, so for the saints, it is very safe. The biggest threat is the alien invasion 50 years later. Therefore, the saints can develop with more thoughts, and the development of weapon scale can be a little slower.

While the five cloud ships and quasi-cloud ships of the dawn team were built, the dawn was also being upgraded. As mentioned earlier, the saint ’s ship system is modular in construction. Basically, small equipment is assembled into large equipment. This kind of point is that the upgrade speed is fast and the construction period is short.

Moreover, the saint ’s ship system is fundamentally different in structure from Daming ’s ships. Except for human survival spaceships like Dawn, all other ships of the saint ’s ship basically have the following characteristics:

First, it does not have an artificial gravity system, because it is controlled by machines and is not manned. There is no need for an artificial gravity system inside. This is less, faster, and smaller than Daming in terms of construction space, construction period, and the amount of materials used. ! This is incomparable to Daming.

Secondly, there is no air, air pressure, temperature, ecology and other systems suitable for human survival. The result is that the use of resources is much less than that of Daming. A ship has no airlocks and no walkways.

The third is that there are not many related auxiliary equipment, such as lighting system, command cabin, display system, nothing. If you let a person visit a saint battleship, he must bring in oxygen equipment, flashlights, and protective clothing. After entering, he will find that there is no command module, no computer monitor, no 3D virtual sand table, and there is a large piece of metal structure inside.

This is the structure of the saint ship, which is almost unimaginable for humans.

The reason why a large warship is built so large is because its internal space is basically used to load small aircraft and unmanned fighters, except for related facilities such as power, transmission, transmission, and fire control.

A 10,000-meter doomsday cloud ship, its internal huge space is almost filled with unmanned fighters, various functions of push pin drones, smaller pinhole reconnaissance drones, as well as armed robots and multifunctional robots , Nanorobot. The robots are all fixed. When they move, their bodies are all made of strong magnetic chucks. The robots walk inside and do not need a sense of up and down direction, so they do not need artificial gravity.

In addition to so many things inside the warship, small warships and drones are also mounted on its exterior. During the anti-regeneration battle, the entire battleship battle group is controlled by a central computer, and the five members of the dawn team are such central computers.

In addition to these, that is the Dawn. The Dawn is the only human survival spaceship in Saint civilization. It has been upgraded with modularity. At the time of preliminary design, its maximum number of modules was 512.

The so-called module refers to the general term that the modules are assembled together. At the beginning of the construction of the Dawn, it was a module with a population capacity of 10,000, that is, the initial number of modules was only one.

On the first anniversary of the saint's development, UU's reading module Dawn has grown to 64 blocks at a rapid rate, which means that its population capacity has reached 640,000. Each module has a corresponding number, which is numbered in three-digit hexadecimal, so the number of these 64 modules is 001 ~ 040.

Because the saints are machine civilizations, for the convenience of calculation, many places use binary or hexadecimal, rather than the decimal system that humans are used to.

And the maximum prediction of the survivors of the earth is only 600,000. On the occasion of the first anniversary, the Dawn has been searched and rescued by many parties, and finally reached the number of refugees and exceeded 10,000. These 10,000 people are very happy to live in the Dawn, with plenty of materials, no need to work, just eat, drink and play.

On the occasion of the first anniversary, the 64 modules of Dawn, only three modules inhabit human beings, they carried out the carnival to celebrate the Saints New Year. In order to thank the saints for bringing them a new life and hope, people negotiated and adopted a new calendar called New Age, English name new-era, or NE for short.

The three civilizations of the Pan-Union all have their own calendars. Daming is the Tianyuan, the magic blade is the celestial insect calendar, and the magic blade is the new era.

On the occasion of the New Year in the New Year and the New Year, the East and Dawn Group held a meeting and began to discuss that the saints should time to embark on the road of strong army.

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