The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 1125: Duron

Xu Fuhang still smiled unhurriedly and said, "Who tells you that the group that goes to the Star Tribulation should carry humans? My idea is that the team that goes to the Star Tribulation is a purely mecha group, Without a human, this team will have no worries.

"Secondly, it ’s about resources. Master, you guys, have you thought about it? The large group ’s fleets carry out star flights and carry a lot of resources. These resources require a lot of industrial spaceships to load, and industrial spaceships have more fighting power than armor The difference is too far away. In the event of a war, these industrial spaceships must be protected, which will inevitably become a burden ... "

"But without resources," some people began to refute, "What if the resources are used up after a long journey? If there is a war, the resource consumption is even more alarming."

Xu Fuhang shook his head again with a smile and said, "Please don't look at the problem from the perspective of human beings, okay, you have to understand that our saints are machine civilizations! Since it is a machine civilization, we cannot stick to the human mindset. It will hinder the development of the saints. Master, do you think? Master, you guys, look:

"The saint civilization is composed of hundreds, thousands, and even tens of thousands of fleets in the future. The center of each fleet is its flag armor. The central computer of the flag armor controls the entire fleet. Hundreds of millions of combat units are connected to the optical quantum network to receive the unified dispatch of the Eastern Patriarch.

"In each regiment, there are hundreds of millions of combat units, and each combat unit is controlled by a computer, receives the command of Qijia, and is under the command of Qijia. Every computer in each combat unit, There are no souls, I said so, do you agree? "

Dongfang asked: "Does it mean what you say?"

Xu Fuhang said: "Without a soul, there is no life. In saint civilization, apart from captivity, I'm sorry, please allow me to use this inelegant word, but it is true, except for the captive population of nearly 1 million, There are only five lives in the saint ’s machine civilization, that is, the five members of the Dawn Group. Am I right, the Eastern Master? "

Dongfang replied: "It can be said, Mr. Xu, please continue."

"In this case," Xu Fuhang said, "why should we cherish the many combat units in the regiment too much?"

"What is the answer?" Dongfang asked again.

Xu Fuhang said: "I mean every combat unit is a resource!"

"Please tell me more in detail." Dongfang said, in fact, he already knew the brows. The reason why Xu Fuhang said it was to make everyone understand this truth.

Xu Fuhang began to talk about its resource theory: "Every combat unit, from the smallest pin-eye drone to the largest 10,000-meter class armor, only needs to carry enough energy. As for other material resources, do n’t bring it. Or carry it in a small amount, everything is based on the convenience of navigation.

"After a long stellar interstellar voyage, there will inevitably be problems with resource requirements. Then these combat units are themselves resources, and some mechas can be merged back to the furnace ..."

"Lao Xu means," Dongfang said, "It is really a good way to supplement the mecha with mecha, which can greatly improve the overall navigation speed and combat effectiveness of the regiment. However, the armor needs to be modified in design. To make it easier to repair and supplement resources between combat units. "

Xu Fuhang nodded and said, "Well, I have studied it for a long time. It is indeed the case, but this does not affect the development of the saints. At the same time, I also found a very interesting phenomenon in the lower left. I do n’t know if you found it. That is Although the lower left has been avoiding our pursuit, have you found any characteristics of its trajectory? "

For ten years, the running trajectory of the lower left civilization is displayed on the virtual screen. It shows a very irregular running trajectory, but no matter how irregular, its distance from the earth has never exceeded 1 light-year, and the farthest time is 65 light-years. That is to say, during the past ten years, under the chase of the saints, it was suddenly far away from the earth.

Everyone also found this feature, Xu Fuhang said: "This shows several problems: First, the central computer Duron at the bottom left is a pure machine civilization. The reason why it is pure is not to mean that it is not a captive. So it is The pure machine civilization is because it is unknown until now, but I never expected to contact us ... "

"But we didn't take the initiative to contact it." Some people put forward different opinions.

Xu Fuhang retorted: "But you have to figure out, now we are chasing it, it is running away, and it has more reason to contact each other than us. Isn't it? Well, to continue the topic just now, it is a pure machine civilization , Unlike our leader who is a combination of humans and machines, so it has no soul, and there is no other way to solve their crisis, that is to live in peace, although we will not necessarily agree to live in peace with them, but this You can try it, but it didn't.

"While speculating that it is a pure machine civilization, it can also be speculated that the Limulus in captivity has degraded to a very serious point, that is, the Limulus's intelligence has been very dull, they can't think of suggesting Duron and us Get in touch ~ ~ but let Dulong escape blindly.

"The second question: Duron knew that it could not beat us, so it fled blindly to save its strength. This was reflected in two aspects. First, it wanted to protect the horseshoe crabs. It did n’t dare to risk fighting us hard. If you fight hard, it may cause a fatal blow to their horseshoe crabs. Secondly, its resources have reached a point of severe exhaustion, because it has been rushing around the solar system, it dare not run far, because the most recent one The star Alpha is also 4 light-years away from us, and it is worried that it will not reach that far. "

Alpha star is the other shore star, and the lighthouse star is in the other shore galaxy.

Some people have raised questions: "Even if Alpha Star is 4 light-years away from us, it will only take more than forty years to fly there, and if it is as endless as it is now, it may be more than 40 years. It is better to fly to Alpha Star to supplement resources.

Xu Fuhang said: "I have just said that Duron is a pure computer that runs fast enough, but it does not have the multi-directional thinking mode of us, and its limulus has degraded to be unable to make suggestions for it. The most important point is that when it flies to Alpha Star, we will also chase it. When it comes to Alpha Star, as long as it stops, it will gather resources, and our saints will immediately pounce on it to destroy it. Finished. "

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