The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 1127: Giant garland in the universe

The closest drone to the suspicious signal source, 10 light minutes away, after two hours of full-speed flight, came to the suspicious signal source, took an amazing scene, and fed back to the respective systems of the dawn team In the computer, the Human Staff and the Supreme Council were also fed back.

The intelligence is top secret, and it is forbidden to release it to the people of Dawn World without the permission of the Dawn Group. The intelligence shows:

In this cosmic space, a huge ring suddenly appeared. This ring has a diameter of about 800 kilometers. It is not a rock or a metal flying vehicle, but a plant!

That's right, it's a plant, or more precisely, a huge garland of 800 kilometers in diameter and about 500 meters thick made up of flowering vines! Just so abruptly appeared in the universe without warning.

When this huge garland appeared in people's vision, everyone was ignorant, and it felt incredible. First of all, there is a nearly vacuum state in the universe, the wreath is a plant, and the plant is a creature, and no matter how it appears, it is unthinkable how it exists.

When the staff and the Supreme Council had not yet expressed their opinions, the five members of the Dawn Group had already communicated with the information flow.

Dongfang asked: "Who knows what this is?"

"I don't know," all four answered.

Shangguan asked: "Through the detection of the drone, it can show that it has a strong vitality, so through judgment, it is likely to be a living body. I feel very puzzled that there will be such a large living body in the universe. Appears in the universe. "

Tang Yujie said: "It's not surprising that there are records in the system's historical data. That summer, and the messenger Wu Ruize fought against the star insect Grint. And the star insect is a space creature, so we see this wreath, What could not be a space creature? "

But Liu Haoxuan said: "It just feels awkward without any signs. How did it come suddenly?"

Bruce, who has always talked less, said: "Six Lords, does our machine heart have wormhole technology?"

Dongfang said: "There is indeed such a technology. We are now the heart of the third-level machine. The wormhole technology is the fourth-level. It has not been unlocked, so we cannot master this technology now."

Bruce said: "I mean, this garland, will it be traversed by hyperspace technology like a wormhole?"

Dongfang just thought a little and said, "It's not that there is no possibility, but there are many doubts. You must know that for our saints, wormhole technology is the heart of the fourth-level machine, and we are now only third-level. Therefore, the civilization that masters wormhole technology must have a higher technological level than us.

"The third quadrant, desperately flying towards the garland, shows that it knows the secret of the garland, and the high-power signal released by the garland is also directed to the third quadrant, which was detected by my monitoring station.

"What is the relationship between the third quadrant and the garland? Has it mastered the wormhole technology? The technology tree is growing in integrity, so after a civilization has mastered the wormhole technology, the corresponding other technologies must also be mastered together, then it The fighting power will rise one step higher than ours.

"But from all indications, the third quadrant does not master this technology. If it masters it, it will not fear us and will not escape for twenty years! So it can be speculated that the third quadrant and the garland are not the same civilization. So what does it have to do with the garland? Flying so eagerly to it, is it an ally relationship?

"The question now is, is this garland an independent civilization? Is it a Zerg civilization? Is it malicious for us? If it is a highly intelligent Zerg civilization, it has its own way of thinking. If it is malicious, it has its own insects. From the perspective of hole technology, it is difficult for us to beat it. "

"What about that?" Several people asked.

Dongfang said: "Comprehensive system evaluation: 75% of good and evil ..."

The degree of good and evil is an evaluation of other civilizations by the system computer. 50% is an intermediate value. The lower the value, the greater the possibility of maliciousness. Conversely, the larger the value, the greater the possibility of goodwill. Therefore, 75% of the good and evil, indicating that the other party is good.

Dongfang said: "The standard of evaluation is that the wreath is just there quietly, and has not caused any threat to us so far. If the wormhole technology is used for evaluation, if it is malicious, it is entirely possible to attack us. , Or summon troops in other places.

"Another doubt is that the third quadrant seems to be very clear about the wormhole function of the garland. It can quickly reach a place in the universe through it, but for so many years, it has been away from the mainland for nearly 700 years, which is still the first Used once. What does all this mean?

"My guess is that the wreath belongs to a Zerg civilization that is very strange to us. Although this Zerg civilization has strong scientific and technological capabilities, its intelligence is very low. It may be a bit uncomfortable to say this, low intelligence How do creatures master highly intelligent technology? One thing can be reasonably explained:

"That is behind a wreath of higher-level god-level civilization. This god-level civilization may be Quaker or a civilization at the same level as Quake, and we are just the little mice on these god-level civilization testbeds. As long as we do n’t offend them and do our own performances, it ’s okay. The so-called performance is to develop ourselves and eliminate other mice. ”

Regarding the experimental objects of the god-level civilization, this idea had been in the summer long ago. Today's East also coincided with this thought.

Regarding the exposition of the East, Shangguan said: "Even so, we need to be cautious."

Dongfang said: "Understand ~ ~ Nana, you have all the mechs stationed on the earth and human beings coming over. There are Liu Haoxuan, Tang Yujie, Bruce, three of you, each leading a plane After the regiment, go to meet Nana. "

Liu Haoxuan seemed to understand what the East meant, saying: "Six Lords, what are you doing? We can't fall behind."

Dongfang said, "Implement the order! In addition, protect Liming One and retreat!"

Shangguan also quickly understood the meaning of the East. He wanted to lead the team to break the garland and let four of them lead half of the troops to the back. This would be equivalent to leaving all possible dangers to himself.

So Shangguan also said: "Six Brothers, you can't do this!"

The East said without turning back: "I must do this! The saints need to save their strength!"

When Dongfang said this, it had already used the highest authority to retreat the group of Liu Haoxuan's three people and the humans of Dawn One. Although Liu Haoxuan and others are central computers with human-machine integration, in the saint's system, the authority cannot be resisted, and the East has the highest authority.

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