The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 1149: Super Locust Battle (2)

When so many people were called to a meeting to discuss the military deployment of the battle, the large conference room of the headquarters was scattered. Looking at so many people, I feel a lot in summer.

Thinking back then, he unintentionally set off from Tian Cocoon and came to Shuguang No. 2, when he was a lonely high school student. He had nothing and nothing. Now that you have grown to such a powerful scale, there are 45 fleets and a population of 22.5 billion in a single Ming Dynasty.

When he left the earth at that time, there were only 7 billion people in the world.

Of the more than 22.5 billion people, there are 20 billion Chinese people, 2 billion Feng giants, 500 million Bodhi people, 19 million Taino people, and a small number of other races.

He has a strong prestige, prestige and inspiration in the entire civilization. After living for so many years, it is more than three hundred years old, and the children and grandchildren are full of life.

What's more, he is also the leader of the three super civilizations. Next, the military conference to be held is to discuss the vast star wars that he will lead.

Pan League, full name Pan Pan Star Alliance. In this alliance, the Ming human civilization has 45 standard fleets, the Zerg civilization blade has 850 standard swarms, and the machine civilization saints have the largest army, with a maximum of 1280 standard fleets.

After the staff arrived, Xia Yan and Xin Xin were asked directly in summer: "You two, are you sure you can quickly build a mobile wormhole?"

Yun Yan said: "Yes, lord, we have mastered the skills of quickly building an instant wormhole, but ..."

In Yunyan's mouth, mobile wormholes have been renamed to instant wormholes. This wormhole is the highest level among the known wormholes. The earliest wormholes that Daming came into contact with were symmetrical wormholes, that is, the many "natural wormholes" that had existed in the Zuomeng star field from the beginning. It is still unknown who built these wormholes.

The second kind of wormhole is the artificial wormhole built on the holy moon star by Zeng Jin's scaled armored man, which was later destroyed by themselves. This kind of wormhole is not very cost-effective, although it is also a high-tech product. But after it was destroyed, no one tried to recover it.

The third type is the circular wormhole, which is the product of Daming's science and technology. It summarizes the symmetric wormhole of the Zuomeng star field and combines the time and space gates on the former lighthouse star.

Later, on the basis of the circular wormhole, Daming also developed a dial wormhole. This wormhole is more advanced and faster than the symmetric wormhole and the circular wormhole. It once shocked the people of the Left League, and now the people of the Left League No one knows the technology of dialing wormholes.

Furthermore, it is now the traction wormhole. At present, only Yanxia Civilization will have this skill. It has multiple names, coordinate traction, mobile wormhole, garland wormhole, traction wormhole, instant wormhole, and finally was named instant wormhole.

Hearing Yunyan say "just", summer asked: "What's only?"

Yun Yan replied: "It's just that this wormhole technology has a cooling time. And this cooling time is still very long, about six months."

"Six months of cooling time?" Summer pondered a little and asked, "How do you explain this?"

Xin replied, "This is the case. Every time you build an instant wormhole, you need to consume a lot of resources. In addition to the traditional physical energy resources, these resources also need our brain wave resources of the Dandilai Zerg, about six. It takes only months to recover. I used to help the saints from the crossing system to the solar system once. It has been three months so far, so it takes another three months to recover.

"Your Majesty Yun Yan, she has just learned this skill and resources are accumulating, so it will take six months for her to exert this skill."

Listening to her say that summer is a matter of thinking, and the real wormhole is indeed very convenient, but the traction requires a six-month cooling time and consumes a lot of resources. Then ...

Xin went on to say: "In order to facilitate the strategic transfer in the future, I suggest that Yanxia needs to expand and develop more Queen of Blades."

What Xin said was exactly what she had thought of just in the summer. When she said this, she said: "This is your internal affairs of Yanxia civilization. As long as you can make a harmonious development of the alliance, you will suspiciously make your own decisions."

In this way, a full-scale attack on the Left League can only be launched after three months. Summer couldn't help but sneered and said: "This Lips, I can be happy for three months."

Han Bing said: "In fact, this is also very good. In three months, he will be more solid. He can contact the other legions of the Left League. By that time, we can eliminate more. For us, it is more convenient."

"Queen Han is right," Xia said, and then asked Dongfang: "How about, are you looking forward to the upcoming big battle?"

Dongfang said: "Of course I am looking forward to it. It has been more than two hundred years since the last battle. These iron guys of my saints are about to rust!"

The East couldn't help laughing at itself, and the people at the venue also laughed. The saint is a machine civilization, so he said that his people are all iron guys, which is a kind of self-confidence.

Xia Xia said, "Do not worry, three months later, let's show our fists together ..."

"Let's kill!" Han Bing added.

Dongfang also raised his fist and said, "Kill him upside down!"

Summer asked: "Since the Flyman and its allies are in different galaxies, where should our first stop be?"

The eternal galaxy is currently mainly concentrated in the two places of the Tianming system and the twilight system, and its original nest eternal system has become empty. It has stationed some other civilized mining forces in the Left League, and there are sporadic small Gu troops of the Pan League, and occasionally There are also some pirates.

Space pirates have always been a headache for the Zuo Menstral Zone, and it has been there for a long time. It has been inexhaustible ~ ~ Even if there have been many interstellar wars, the rampant activities of these space islands cannot be remembered.

Han Bing said: "Just the Twilight Cloud Department, how?"

The Muyun system was Han Bing's initial nest. The stars were named after her mother. The first to third planets were Han Bingxing, Jiang Pingxing, and Qiufengxing. It used to be the place where she lived for many years, so it is very meaningful to her. Later, she formed an alliance with Daming, in order to obey the overall situation of the strategy, she actively withdrew her troops from the Muyun system, causing the Muyun system to be thrown to the Eternal Flyman.

Therefore, Han Bing has a lot of affection for the Muyun Department. When asked about the first attack target in the summer, she proposed to regain the Muyun Department first.

The Saints joined recently, so the East did not know how to express their opinions, and could only remain silent for a while. The opinions of the people in the venue soon diverged.

Some think that the first battle should be the Tianming system, some think it is the Muyun system, and some think that the light system of the headquarters of the Left League should be played first. So that some people think that they can attack other literary stars.

Seeing what everyone said in summer, I pointed to the 3D starry sky sand table and said, "Play here in the first game."

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