The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 1156: Super Locust Battle (9)

It has already been calculated in the summer. It will take about four hours for the Pan-Union 250 billion coalition army to be sent to the Tianming Department. For the sake of human safety, Daming's fleet was arranged behind. When the war lasted for two hours, that is, half of the whole army's transmission, the regiment of the five heads of the saints began to transmit. After they were completed, the Daming fleet began to mix the aircraft in the first batch. Teleportation takes place in the masses and swarms.

Daming civilization is a human civilization. There is a profession in civilization that other civilizations do not have. It is also a major feature of Daming, that is, Soul Master. As for what the Soul Master does, I have also introduced it earlier.

When the human fleet passed through the wormhole, the soul division in the fleet immediately began the intelligence investigation of the soul wave. The main purpose of the investigation was to find the survival base of the flyman, that is, their star castle. In the first two battles with the Flyman, the pan-Allied strategy was to find the Star Fort to attack, which was very headache for the Flyman.

In this battle, Lips thought that the Pan-Union had also attacked its human survival base as it did the previous two times, but this time it did not, which made it very strange.

In fact, it ’s not that the Star Alliance did n’t attack them, but that the warships of humans began to transmit two hours after the wormhole traversed. Therefore, in the first two hours, Daming ’s Soul Master could not be in place, and he could not detect them Star Fort location.

Well now, the human fleet has begun to send, so the Soul Master who came over the first time immediately launched the Soul Wave investigation. The Soul Master ’s soul wave detection speed is generally above 540X. This speed plus the number of Soul Masters with as many as 50 million to search the entire Tianming Department is very fast!

After the first wave of the Daming Fleet rushed over, it took only ten minutes for the Fengzu Soul Division to detect the location of the first Star Fort. Immediately, the Pan-Allied Legion that had been sent over quickly Flying over the location of the enemy's Star Fort.

This action obviously shocked the Flyman. Lips had been connected to several civilization heads of the Pan-Union. At this moment, when he saw such action by the Pan-Union, he roared online: "What are you going to do in the summer? "

"What am I going to do? Don't you know?" Summer sneered.

"You're inhumane to do this. What do you think of your new ally?" Lipps tried to persuade him linguistically.

Summer naturally has something to deal with him, "Our Pan League only considers humanity."

"But we are also humans!" Lips almost snarled as he understood how the Pan League slaughtered his compatriots. This is like a lizard looking for an ant nest. Once found, all life in the entire ant nest cannot escape the lizard's mouth.

Summer sneered and said, "Are you also humans? At most, it's just mutant flies, which is too far away from our humans!"

Lips is still the author trying: "But don't you also have the wind giants and the Taino with wings? Their appearance is very different from your humans. Why can they be treated well in your Daming? Can't we? What's more, as far as I know, the Taino people used to be your Da Ming's enemies, but now they are also integrated into your Da Ming society? Why can't we be eternal? "

Lips's words seemed very reasonable. Bai Ziying, who was sitting next to him, turned to look at the summer, fearing he would have no words to go back, but the summer still said: "There is a fable in our Daming, you Since I am so interested in our Daming civilization, it is the story of the farmer and the snake. I believe you must have heard of it.

"And you are this snake. Lips, I haven't given you a chance to fly people before, but you don't cherish it, you have to bite me when you turn back, and occupy our three galaxies ...

Pan League used to have three galaxies, Dark Sun, Twilight and Tianming. During the battle of locusts, Pan League actively gave up these three galaxies because of strategic needs. Later, Dark Sun was barely taken back, and Twilight and Tianming It has been occupied by the Flies.

Summer went on to say, "Lipps, in fact, I really want to live very peacefully. Whatever the law of the jungle, we pan alliance, and your left, in this vast universe, live in harmony, share technology and Resources, what a wonderful thing. But can you do it? I ’m talking about it, do n’t you know it? Your greedy nature of the flies makes the incompatibility between us.

"Before you there is a human civilization, that is the Holy Light Scale Armor, and it is also uncertain and unpredictable, so they are destroyed by us, and now it is you. For you, I am sorry, the Hessian Law is very useful here. In order to survive, otherwise the same reason, don't you want to destroy us?

"So, stop beeping, come up with your strength ~ ~ Let's have a decisive battle."

In the words of summer, Lips was speechless. At this point, he was suspiciously certain that there was no peace between Daming and the Flyman. Some only conquered, killed, and lived with you.

The recent Flyman Star Fort took only half an hour to be bitten by the Pan-United Alliance. The mechs and insect swarms madly and launched a strong offensive against them. There were a large number of human warships behind Hurried over.

In just 15 minutes, the Star Fort was destroyed. The Soul Division immediately discovered the second Star Fort closest to them. The Pan-Allied Forces immediately rushed over at full speed and did not engage with the enemy ’s reinforcements at all. With great care and determination, it is necessary to wipe out all the flies.

While destroying the Flyman Star Fort, the Pan-Allied Allied Forces have begun to send a large number of legions to the TG Wormhole to block the Left Allied Allies who came to support.

The TG wormhole, which is the symmetric wormhole connecting the Tianming system to the light system, is called the TG wormhole at the end of the Tianming system, and the GT wormhole at the end of the bright system. However, when the TG wormhole was blocked, the Pan-Allied forces encountered strong resistance.

In order to ensure that the reinforcements can come unimpeded, the Flymen mobilized a large number of troops from the Tianming Department toward the TG wormhole. Therefore, in order to block the TG wormhole, the Pan-Allied forces encountered strong resistance.

In order to reduce the war damage, Xia Xia decisively ordered and gave up the blockade of TG Wormhole, and could only watch the large influx of Left Alliance forces.

Under the command of summer, the strategy has been slightly adjusted. The battlefield movement of T4 ~ T5 continues, and another half of the troops are deployed to search the Starman of the Flyman. All strategic principles must follow one principle, that is: run while playing.

By the third hour of the teleportation, the insect swarms led by Queen Han Bing of the Magic Blade and her five worm kings also began to teleport.

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