The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 1163: Super Locust Battle (16)

He and Yunyan were lingering together. After that, both of them drank chicken soup. Even so, there was still plenty of time, and they used quantum communication to make videos with children who were far away. I spent happy hours here in Yunyan in the summer. In the last hour, I left Octopus, took Navy One, and returned to the flagship of the First Fleet of the Ming Dynasty.

Half an hour before the final construction of the wormhole, summer has returned to his commander-in-chief position on the Dreamcatcher, the heads of civilizations, and the commanders of Daming have been waiting online.

After sitting down in the summer, he looked back at Bai Ziying. He saw Bai Ziying, with a strange expression on his face, and he didn't look at him. Summer guessed that the woman was jealous if she failed. Summer is also very helpless, he needs to deal with the relationship between the two women, then someone always has to make some sacrifices. Fortunately, although these two women are strong women, they are also very virtuous, and it is not difficult for summer .

Although the solar system was occupied by the flymen, there are still very hidden intelligence agencies operating. According to the information sent back by the forward intelligence agencies, the left alliance coalition forces, including the flymen, have 1200 troops in the solar system Among them, the army of the Flies is the majority, accounting for more than 60%, including about 100 civilizations.

These enemies occupy several rocky planets including Earth, Mercury, Venus and Mars. It also destroyed the ongoing transformation of the global environment. This makes the already devastated earth even more dilapidated.

Online, Xin asked: "Can you start, Your Excellency?"

The Dandilai wormhole connecting the Tianming system and the solar system will take half an hour to disappear, but it will take time to activate two more wormholes here. So, he did n’t hesitate anymore in the summer and said, "Start!"

Immediately, the insect swarm of the Queen of Yanxia civilization flying at the forefront of the Alliance Legion began to spit forward. During the spinning process, it still maintained a high-speed flight. Together, they merged into two huge rings, and they continued to expand and change. About half an hour later, two garland wormholes were formed. As before, they are both 800 kilometers in diameter. Similarly, in the solar system At the same time, two similar wormholes were formed at the same time.

It should be noted that the annulus that constitutes the wormhole is the plant form of the Dandila insect group. No matter what form it is, it needs material to form. The flesh of the swarm, what is the material of the ring formed at the other end of the distant interstellar?

Of course, it is also the flesh of the worm swarm. At the same time as the formation of the wormhole, the worms that constitute the wormhole ring body have already been transmitted in advance. So at the other end of the wormhole, the required material is also provided by the wormhole.

Once the wormhole is formed on this side, the other end will be formed in an instant in five minutes. The two wormholes opposite to the solar system end are set in the solar system ecliptic plane in the north and south directions. From the perspective of the universe, when viewed from a distance, it feels like the up and down directions of the solar system. Of course, if the shareholding is set to go north to south at the angle of the solar system, otherwise, there is no concept of up and down directions in the universe.

The wormholes in the two directions, north and south, are projected on the ecliptic plane, and are between the orbits of Mars on the earth, and the distance from the ecliptic plane is 1 light hour, respectively, then the distance between the two is 2 light hours.

The Pan-Allied Legion had maintained a maximum speed of 0.5X before teleporting, so if it teleported in the past, it would fly to another wormhole facing the Zodiac for up to four hours.

For enemies in the zodiac, starting from the discovery of the wormhole, and then flying over, it will take at least 10 hours to reach either of the two wormholes. When they felt near the wormhole at full speed, half of the troops of the Pan-Allied Coalition Army had been delivered.

Therefore, the Pan-Union will have an absolute advantage in speed!

Once the wormhole was successfully constructed, the Pan-Allied Coalition Army immediately began to teleport. In the summer, the command was issued: "All combat units, once teleported to the solar system, immediately fly to the location of another wormhole, and circle the other wormhole, then Fly back to the first wormhole, repeat the last action, and go back and forth around the two wormholes, do a 8-word loop flight. While flying, you must carry out vital attacks on any enemy aircraft and enemies encountered on the way. At the same time, the flight speed must be maintained at the original high speed, and no deceleration or warfare is allowed! Until all the legions are sent over, the next action will be taken, which will be notified separately. "

In the solar system, wormholes in two directions up and down on the zodiac surface ~ ~ A large number of mecha worms immediately began to flow out, thinking about the wormholes facing the zodiac flying away. This summer setting is to effectively attack the enemy and protect the wormhole to prevent the enemy from running away from the two wormholes.

Because the wormholes are bidirectional, they can be sent over as well as in the past, so these two wormholes should be protected in summer.

Fortunately, once the solar system battlefield was opened, it was equivalent to playing with the enemy in the door, without worrying about the left alliance's allies coming to support. Moreover, in the solar system battlefield, the strength of the enemy and our opponents showed a deficit for the first time. The Pan-European Union's 210 billion is compared to the enemy's 120 billion.

The average combat power, speed, number, these three, the Pan Alliance has a clear advantage, eliminating or even annihilating the enemy entrenched in the solar system, that is only a matter of time.

The reaction of the Left Alliance forces is still quite fast. When the wormhole just appeared in the solar system, the left alliance intelligence agencies obtained this important information for the first time, and the left alliance forces also made the first time In response, they sent troops to the two wormholes to intercept them.

Counting from the wormhole, in less than an hour, the enemy and the enemy encountered each other in the cosmic space not far from the two sides of the zodiac, and launched a fierce confrontation.

The speed of the Pan-Allied Forces is obviously much faster than that of the Left League. The Pan-League maintains a maximum speed of 0.5X, and the Left League Allied Force has not reached the speed of 0.1X due to the hasty confrontation. So our army hit the enemy heavily, especially the saint ’s armor, basically flying at high speed, which is equivalent to a high-speed rotating space chainsaw, and these chainsaws will also emit lasers for long-range attack.

Lips was crying with his face in tears as the situation of the enemy developed in a state of utter disregard.

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