The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 1167: Super Locust Battle (20)

Over the years, Bai Ziying has maintained a relationship with the summer couple, but not married. The two of them have only one son, that is the Xia Ming Dynasty, formerly known as tomorrow Q, originally did not know that he is the son of summer.

When Bai Ziying was in college, she was half-military and half-study. She served as a combat staff officer at the General Command of Daming. After graduation, she stayed at the headquarters. Until she was thirty, she never married and had children.

Later, she adopted a biological son in the gene bank, named tomorrow Q and breast name Xiao Q. Later, in the Battle of Soul, Xiao Q lost an arm and a leg, and half of his face was disfigured and became a vegetative. After many years of hibernation, it was considered alive.

When cultivating alloy biological prosthetic limbs, it is necessary to collect genetic samples of biological fathers, only to know that summer is his biological father. Summer also happily accepted this biological son.

At that time, Xiao Q also changed his surname to Xia. Because his name was taboo, he changed his name to Xia Ming Dynasty.

Xia Mingchao was physically and mentally disabled, actively cooperating with the treatment, and with the careful care of Xing Xiaoju, he soon recovered. After marrying Xing Xiaoju, Ding Wang was prosperous, and his family was full of descendants.

In addition to the 60 children who are underage with Zheng Yunyan, there are only three direct children in summer. Of these three, except for the Xia Ming Dynasty, he and his wife, Queen Mina, have two children, son Xia Deng and daughter Xia Xiaola. .

Xia Deng sacrificed during the battle of the sine wave, but some engineers saved his sperm. In the Kingdom of June, he recruited the princess with excellent conditions, bred offspring, and remained the throne of the Kingdom of June. So this branch of Xia Deng is also lush.

Then there is Xia Xiaola. Xia Xiaola is nominally the daughter of Xia and Minaer, but in an accident, it is found that she and Minaer are not related by blood. It is likely that someone The egg was implanted into the body of Queen Mina, so who is Sharma's biological mother is a mystery, but it is speculated that Sharia's biological mother is most likely the mysterious goddess of purple light.

This gave rise to Princess Mingyue, who always believed that Ziguang was her grandmother.

Xia Xiaola married Bai Zixiong. As a surname, Xia Xiaola's population is not large. The two of them have only one daughter, that is, Bai Zimingyue, only a few days as the Queen of June, she took the initiative to abdicate. . Later, Queen Kun of the Peysen Zerg became the Queen of Blades of the Peysen Zerg.

Since Princess Mingyue became Queen of Blades, she did not have the function of conception. She would have broken off her offspring in her generation. Who knew that it was Ziguang who helped in the dark, so that she and Xia Xingcheng had children.

This is the general situation of the summer family.

From the Pan-Allied Coalition, teleporting from the distant starry sky through the Dandy Lei Wormhole, after returning to the solar system, rested for a month, and spent a month chasing Lips on the "wrong course", which passed two months.

In the past two months, in addition to the normal command of the entire Daming civilization, the daily operations of the Pan-Union, high-speed star flights, and strategic and tactical arrangements in the summer. The rest of the time is to get along with his children and grandchildren.

Of course, these children and grandchildren who get along with each other are all descendants of adults, and serve in the fleet. As for those who are not yet adults, or have no military positions, but are civilians, of course, they are all placed in the other side.

Occasionally, time will be taken in the summer to go to the octopus of Yanxia civilization to accompany Yunyan.

In this way, two months passed. Summer has not changed the meaning of the channel to chase Lips, still sailing in the direction of the other side of the system. This made several leaders, as well as many senior commanders within the civilization, untenable.

In the summer, on the Dream Chaser, the emperor Yongle, the dawn civilization, was received. The two walked on the promenade while enjoying the view of space outside the porthole.

Yongle asked: "Do you have any plans? You can't just fly on like this. In this case, it is a waste of resources. The important thing is to waste time."

Xia Tian replied: "The Emperor's worry is that I only need to be more confident and win the battle with the smallest casualty rate."

"So, do you have to wait?" Yongle asked.

"Depending on the situation," Summer said with an inaccurate tone, "Anyway, Lips has been on the way to the Dark Sun, and our Soul Master has been closely monitoring them. We know their whereabouts. , And they know nothing about us. "

Summer persuaded Lord Yongle away, Daming senior commanders wave after wave to inquire about the next strategic intent. Summer only laughed but did not answer, and finally they were bothered by the annoyance. But the leaders of the Alliance civilization cannot be so negligent. In order to determine their strategic intentions, they met with several civilization leaders in the summer and stated their intentions:

"We want to make sure that we are fighting a war with a certain level of casualties, so we need to wait for ~ ~ Now our entire coalition has not reached the maximum speed, so I want to wait, Anyway, Lips could not escape our palm.

"So we need to achieve a high enough speed to launch an attack. Our maximum speed is 0.5X, and it will take at least ten years to reach it. Obviously, we ca n’t wait so long. But we also need a suitable Only high speed.

"Why to achieve the appropriate high speed, you must be very clear, that is to win the opponent in speed. If I blindly chase the enemy, as time goes by, that can achieve a very high speed, and, we Can catch up with them. But, comrades, this will take longer. Have you thought about it? "

Speaking of this in the summer, I looked at the crowd. In addition to Yunyan's understanding, several other people were a little ignorant. The summer began to explain: "We have Dandylai wormholes, we can drop the wormholes anywhere in the galaxy. So why are we going to chase them back? Wait until we increase the speed fast enough At that time, it is not a very ideal way to put the wormholes directly in front of them and then send them directly.

"Moreover, we do n’t need to change the course. In fact, we do n’t have to fly according to the current course. We can fly in any direction. The purpose is to accelerate and reach the desired height, and then build the worm. The holes are sent directly between them, just like the heavens descended from the sky, killing him by surprise, people are turning their horses upside down, is n’t it a pleasure? "

It turned out that this was the strategic thinking of summer. Several leaders suddenly realized that Yun Yan added: "And I still need at least a month to start the construction of Dandilai wormhole. So, we need to wait at least one more Time of month. "

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