The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 1175: Continued Super Locust Campaign (1)

Intelligence investigation and the deployment of the Tianming system still have a 20 billion Fly Fleet. Other civilized fleets have much less troops, but there are more than 10 billion. In Muyun, another home of the Flyman, there are as many as 80 billion Left Alliance forces.

The plan for the summer is to destroy the Tianming and Muyun systems, followed by the Blu-ray and Tianlong systems, and other major civilizations.

Before starting the expedition, the strategic deployment began in the summer:

"The first wave of wormhole construction started by Queen Xin, 12 wormholes, connected to the Tianming system. We currently have 240 billion troops, of which 30 billion are still in other galaxies. In order to do a good job with the indigenous civilization, these 300 I'm not going to come back to participate in the exhibition for the time being, so we still have 210 billion in the solar system. In addition, as for the civilian guard legion hidden in the other side of the system, it is relatively safe for the time being, and we are still lurking there temporarily.

"So it only takes 100 billion to launch a battle against the Tianming system, and another 110 billion stays in the solar system, guarding the wormhole and standing by. Yunyan you also stay in the solar system."

Hearing that she was going to be left, Yun Yan said: "Allied leader, in which battle, I didn't rush ahead? Although I am now a Zerg Engineer, that wouldn't leave me behind."

The Yunxia civilization of Zheng Yunyan is now a zerg civilization with eight classics. The civilization now has two queens of blades, one is Zheng Yunyan, and the other is happy. In the battle of the Legion, the Yanxia civilization is mainly for the purpose of building wormholes. Once the wormhole is built, there is no fighting power. Therefore, the Zerg of the Yanxia civilization is called racial engineering soldiers by other civilizations.

Seeing Yunyan fighting in the summer, he said: "Yunyan, you also have more important tasks to do, rest assured that you will not be idle."

Reassure Yunyan, and continue to deploy in the summer: "Queen Xin, you can build 24 wormholes right now? After the battle starts, you only need to build 12 wormholes. Let ’s take a look at Zuomeng ’s Tianming Department. The deployment of troops, after eating our great loss, he also learned to singularly, scattered their troops in all corners of the galaxy, this will increase the difficulty of killing them, but it does not matter, we have time to destroy them !

"Look, Xin, there are two symmetrical wormholes in the Tianming system, one is to the light system, and the other is to the Duyun system. There is also a dial wormhole, which we left in the last battle, compare Hidden, do n’t worry about it for now. You will arrange these 12 wormholes near these two symmetrical wormholes and wrap them up. After our 100 billion troops pass, we will use the wormhole group as a base to spread out Attack the surrounding enemies.

"The following is the strategic deployment: Dongfang, Queen Han, you two only need to send a part of the troops in the first minute, and the first fleet of My Dreamcatcher will be mixed in your machine bug formation ..."

"But the lord," Dongfang said, "you sent it so early, and it's a dream chaser, isn't it a bit risky?"

In each battle, the human army is always at the bottom, which is also considered to ensure the safety of human beings. This summer, it is actually necessary to charge the enemy in person, so several leaders are puzzled and worried.

Summer waved his hand and said, "It's okay. My Daming internal commanders have always been cherished for each battle being scheduled at the end, this time let us humans charge. The key is that I am in the hands now There are artifacts, do n’t be afraid! "

The so-called artifact in summer naturally refers to the sword of angels.

It was so decided that the leaders had no objections. The commanders of Daming, opposed to letting their rulers charge ahead, and demanded to charge themselves at the forefront, were rejected by the summer one by one, and ordered: to be arranged to attack humans in the battle of the Tianming system The fleet, except for the first fleet of the Dreamcatcher, all other fleets must be arranged at the rear of the legion, and the offender warlords should be disposed of.

In the solar system, the Pan-Allied Coalition Forces built an orbit around the sun. The coalition forces all sailed at high speed on this orbit. After three hours of acceleration, the Queen of the Sun worm swarmed at the front of the legion and began to build Dandy Rai wormhole.

The wormhole was quickly built, and the corresponding wormhole at the corresponding preset position of the Tianming Department corresponding to the young eagle. Summer ordered: "Start crossing!"

Just in front of the Dreamcatcher, there was a large wave of saints flying towards the front, rushing into the wormhole in front. In the summer, he sat steadily in his commanding chair and looked at the Angel Sword gun compartment in the hall. The colonel gunner was already sitting in the gun position, and two other gunners were sitting in chairs outside the gun compartment. Standby.

Summer Gunner: "How are you ready?"

The gunner at the gun position turned back and said, "No problem, chief!"

Summer once again commanded: "Note that after a while, it must be designed according to the precise calculations of the computer, don't hurt yourself by mistake, understand?"

"Yes, Chief!"

One minute later, all the saint fleets in front of the first fleet entered the wormhole. After they entered the wormhole, they could reach the Tianming Department one after another in three and a half minutes ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ Summer ordered: "Start!"

The First Fleet began to depart as a whole, approaching the wormhole in front, gradually entering the wormhole and disappearing in turn.

The transmission time of the wormhole is four and a half minutes, but it is only instant for the teleporter, that is, after they enter the wormhole, they will, just instantaneously have reached the other end of the wormhole, but the universe has passed Four and a half minutes.

Soon, the wormhole was out. In the summer, it was seen that the mechs, fleets, and enemy fleets were full of fire. He immediately said: "The gunner, look for the nearest target and fire!"

In front of them, about 5 million kilometers away, there was an enemy flagship. The gunner pointed the muzzle at it. The computer system quickly calculated the distance and set the attack parameters. The gunner pressed the launch button, and the invisible rays instantly reached each other.

From the outside, I can't see it. The flagship has been cut off a huge piece from the inside. According to the gunner's computer system, the cut out piece has a diameter of 780 meters, and this piece The space ball that was pulled out happened to be the flagship headquarters. In an instant, this flagship with a length of more than 10,000 meters lost its command, energy and weapon systems.

It will soon be seen from the appearance that it has disturbed the flight direction, and many fighter planes have collided everywhere around it.

At the first battle, I tried the powerful Angel Sword. The information in the summer doubled, and I was worried about hurting myself. The other shore said to Cang Yue: "Immediately draw the Angel Sword ’s ray channel immediately and send the dynamic channel data like the whole army. , Let all combat units try to avoid breaking into this channel! "

"Yes, sir." Cang Yue replied and began to calculate the ray channel in real time.

And now the gunner has started to aim at the next target.

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