The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 1194: Unseen future

The black storm is really like the death, within the range of being attacked, as long as the organisms are infected, the body's cells and tissues are disorderly reorganized. The result of the reorganization is to turn good creatures into piles in an instant. Horny pieces of meat, it feels like passing through the meat grinder, how tragic and **** the scene can be imagined.

This is the light of death. After many years of continuous upgrades, although it can also be positioned and marked to achieve precise strikes, it is still unavoidable that many dormant warriors are infected. , The Taino people in sleep are all turned into meat sauce in an instant.

Among the human soldiers in our army, although they have been familiar with this weapon after many simulated wars, they are still shocked by such scenes. I do n’t know that the human sword of angels is more domineering than the Zerg ’s light of death. The light of death can turn creatures into meat sauce, and the angel sword is also commonly known as a universal shredder. It can crush any substance. Including creatures, but also metals.

Within ten minutes, within the alfalfa line, 8 million nobles, all the electric rays Aino, and the carnivorous plant Fino were all killed, no one was spared!

This is the horror of so-called god-level weapons! The Daming Demon Blade and the Saints have not yet fully entered the threshold of the god-level civilization. Imagine that the true god-level civilization still does not know what super horrible weapons are.

After the black violent outbreak, it can be quickly controlled. As long as the reverse launch is carried out, all the black violent diseases in the range will be cleared, but the meat sauce that has been changed due to the black violent disease can no longer be recovered.

Those fighters scattered in space are like headless flies, or wandering, or fleeing. The coalition completely ignored it and left it alone, only threatening it with the extinction of the nobility, which made the Techno soldiers in those fighters and the miners on the planets of the mines dare not make mistakes.

The dormant cabins on the fleet warships and the dormant cabins on the planet are still in continuous operation, but intelligence shows that there is not much energy to maintain these dormant cabins. It can be maintained for a maximum of three years, and the least can only be sustained. A few days.

The alfalfa system was so easily taken down. Looking at so many dormant cabins of the alfalfa department and the waking Techno warriors and the miners, Xia Mingchao asked the summer on the line: "Father, the alfalfa department has been taken down, their computer information, I am analyzing, you said, What should we do with these Tylenol warriors? Too many! "

Summer also frowned: "This is indeed a problem, and the alfalfa system is also a barren galaxy. Is Hua Mingjie here?"

"Your Excellency, I'm here, do you have any instructions?" Hua Mingjie on the Angel asked.

"You are also Techno, do you have any good suggestions?" Summer asked.

Hua Mingjie said: "We are now at the intersection of the super civilization peak and the entry level of the **** civilization, and the population is no longer a big problem for us."

Nodded in the summer, it is about to enter the god-level civilization, and the god-level civilization no longer pays attention to the number of people. Because of the god-level civilization, the strategy of locusts is no longer suitable.

Hua Mingjie said: "We don't need too many people, not to mention, the alfalfa system has 500 billion Taino people. Not only can we not accept them, we can even open up new galaxies for them and let them migrate to live in the past, It's impossible. "

"So what is your opinion?" Summer asked.

"Three methods," said Hua Mingjie, "the cruelest way is what I said at the beginning, killing them all and ending their pain."

Hua Mingjie said that he shook his head here, "Not to mention that I as a kind, I feel cruel, I am afraid that you are not even the same kind, you can not take this hand. The second way, we help them rebuild their homes, or open up New home. This is obviously not possible, 500 billion ah, this is too much, it is too busy at all. The third is that we leave here and let them die by themselves. In my personal opinion, I support the third method . "

In the summer, let the coalition forces in the alfalfa system take a cruise cruise in the galaxy, and summon the leaders and important officials to discuss this matter. Most people agree with this third method, and some people say that since Hua Mingjie, a fellow Taino, thinks so, what's wrong?

In the process of discussing the proposal, Hua Mingjie applied again and said: "My personal suggestion is for reference only. A working group is stationed in the alfalfa department to supervise them and help them to the best of their ability. Of course, it is limited to one working group. ability."

Summer nodded and asked, "Who do you think will stay, and what is the size of the working group you are talking about?"

Hua Mingjie said: "I am willing to stay, staff, I think we will come from Da Ming Tai Nuo people, not too many people, a dozen or twenty people can do it ~ ~ There are several hundred-meter warships and fighters. "

"A dozen people stay?" Summer asked, "But they have 500 billion, you are not afraid that they eat you? And your work team is only equipped with traditional weapons, you have to think about it."

Hua Mingjie said: "Your Excellency, I am Daming Taino. I have a powerful Daming and Alliance behind me. Even if I am alone in the alfalfa department, I dare not treat them to me!"

Xia Xia said: "Yes, I agree, is there any opinion in Parliament?"

Seeing summer agree, everyone agrees. In this case, Hua Mingjie stayed in the alfalfa department. Xia Ming Dynasty released a broadcast-level message and told the Taino people of the alfalfa department that they had woke up. I hope everyone will be safe and do not think of rebellion.

The computer system left by Alfalfa Taino was quickly deciphered. Taino had 14 stray civilizations in their foreign names. In addition to the No. 2 civilization destroyed by the summer, there are 13 more. They are shown in the computer data. Location.

The 500 billion dormant fighters left by the alfalfa system also intend to form 10 wandering civilizations in the near future, leaving the alfalfa system and aimlessly flying into the deep space of the universe in search of a new home suitable for survival.

In this battle, 24 million of the alfalfa Taino were killed, of which 8 million nobles, and the others were alfalfa or Taino warriors who were accidentally killed during awake or dormancy. All the brain-sucking Aino were killed, and most of the carnivorous Fino was destroyed.

Because of the use of biological weapons, most of the battleships are intact. Except for several ships that were dragged back to the alliance for research, all other battleships were left in the alfalfa system, so that the awake alfalfa warriors and miners entered the battleship and became a new civilization Due to lack of resources, the dormant Taino continue to sleep without being awakened.

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