The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 1198: Wandering civilization

The Xia Ming Dynasty legion took the Civilization No. 7 very easily. The entire army of the mixed legion passed through the Dandilai wormhole, and immediately dispatched marine mechs, soldiers and marine soldiers to log in all enemy warships.

After entering the enemy's battleship, it was found that it was all quiet, all living people awake were almost killed by the light of death, and the cabin was full of blood stains, carrion and bones, and feathers. As for the plants, they became powder like sawdust.

It's really a hell-like scene.

As for those who are still sleeping, they still do not wake up, they do not know what happened. Xia Mingchao listened to the intelligence summary, and then let the insects attach to these warships, and accelerated to continue to fly to the direction of the Kangcui system, the target green star.

Let the intelligence personnel interpret the data in the system computer on the No. 7 civilization warship, and select some excellent personnel to wake up from the dormant data, and tell the civilization to be taken over, and select the new leader of the civilization from them.

According to intelligence information, among the three planets of the Kangcui system, except that the green star is a rocky planet and travellers live on it, the other planets are all temperament planets, which attack 95 satellites.

The Xia Ming Dynasty let the legion continue to fly, and sent the fleet of civilization 7 near the second temperament planet, let the fleet stop here, became a starship civilization residing in the Kangcui Department, and set rules to not violate the green Indigenous civilization of the star.

Later, Civilization No. 7 and Green Star Civilization survived peacefully in the Kang Cui Department. Of course, the Alliance will also be stationed in the working group.

For the civilizations discovered in the later period, they are all stationed in the working group. As long as they find out who is not honest and threatens the security of the alliance, they will come to teach them a lesson. If they ca n’t educate, then you are welcome, and you will be unwilling to treat this civilization To extinguish. The current alliance is not the original pan alliance. The current alliance is about to step into the god-level civilization.

For two civilizations to break into the Kang Cui Department suddenly, this caused a great sensation in Green Star. Green Star people, the technological level has entered the space age, but the level can only move around Green Star, this level is like the earth in the early 21st century.

Although it caused a lot of panic among the Green Stars, the Alliance came forward and explained that it quickly calmed down the panic and allowed the Kangcui Department to safely start a new era.

At the same time that the Xia Ming Dynasty Army resolved the 7th civilization, the other 12 wandering civilizations had different endings. But in the end, most of them were like the 7th civilization dealt with by the Xia Ming Dynasty. The nobles and the brain-sucking monster Ino were all killed. Cannibal Fino was mostly killed, and then selected a part of the dormitories from the Taino to wake up and manage.

Among these wandering civilizations, because some are still on the way to wandering, they were chosen to be thrown into the nearby galaxy through the Dandilai wormhole. They are basically no civilizations, but only one or two planetary galaxies.

As for those stray civilizations already stationed in a galaxy, the above method is also adopted, but they are stationed nearby and coexist with local indigenous civilizations.

In dealing with these 13 wandering civilizations, there are special cases, that is, during the process of persuasion, there were really nobles who surrendered. For such a situation, the corresponding regiments took measures to put all the nobles who surrendered to sleep. Handle, let other sleepers wake up and replace their positions.

This treatment method is quite unique, and it was specially praised by summer. For this reason, summer once talked with Xia Mingchao and exchanged ideas on how to deal with many problems between civilizations.

Despite the support of powerful god-level weapons, there was still an accident. This accident was the No. 14 Wandering Civilization. After the other 12 Wandering Civilizations were all handled properly, No. 14 had not yet been disposed of.

It is Admiral Bai Zixiong, commander of the 7th Fleet, who handles the No. 14 wandering civilization. His expedition legion is also 10 fleets, plus 100 magic blade worm swarms, 100 saint squadrons and 5 haze worm swarms.

After his legion passed through the Dandilai wormhole, it actually lost the trace of civilization 14. I have been paying attention to the progress of all the battles of the 13 legions abroad on the line, so when I heard this news in the summer, I felt a bit bad.

On the line, Xia Xia asked: "What are you going to do with Nobita?"

Bai Zixiong is Bai Ziying's twin brother, so in calculation, he should be the youngest uncle in summer. Although summer and Bai Ziying have never been married and have always maintained a couple relationship, but his relationship with Bai Zixiong's young uncle and brother-in-law, but Indisputable facts.

But on the other hand, Bai Zixiong married Xia Xiaola, Xia's daughter, so in this relationship, he was Xia's son-in-law. So the relationship between Bai Zixiong and Xia Tian is really too complicated and too worrying.

So at ordinary times, if Bai Ziying is present, Daxiong can try not to shout without shouting. For example, now, when he shouts for summer, he shouts in your name.

In life, if Xiaoying is not present, Daxiong occasionally calls his father as his son-in-law. But in any case, he never dared to call summer brother-in-law ~ ~ but said online, after listening to summer's doubts, Nobita said: "I have ordered the soul master to carry out the soul wave investigation."

While conducting a soul wave investigation, he was thinking urgently in the summer. He was worried about whether he would encounter a more powerful civilization. In that case, the entire alliance would be affected.

Although there is the secret help of Ziguang, there is no news about Ziguang for more than a hundred years. If this time suddenly encounters a very powerful god-level civilization, and it is a malicious god-level civilization, then the entire Ming, or even the entire The alliance will be in danger.

For unknown civilizations, the best way is to hide yourself. So at this time, the first thing that comes to mind in the summer is how to hide yourself. After all, the entire alliance has a population of one trillion trillion, and the three major civilizations also have hundreds of billions.

At this time, he began to have some regrets about the population plan he had implemented for more than 400 years. If the population is small, hiding may be easier.

In the future, the population will be reduced as much as possible to enhance the overall strength.

Seeing the thoughtful look of summer, Xiaoying around her asked: "What's wrong? Did you think of something?"

Xia Tian nodded and said, "Yes, I think something is wrong."

In the summer, he began to give orders: "The Dandilai Wormhole used by the Baizixiong Army must be destroyed!"

The Dandilai wormhole exists for about 70 hours, and it takes only two hours for the Baizixiong Army to transmit. In the summer, it is anxious to destroy the wormhole. Holding him.

Nobita said online: "Your Excellency, the wormholes are behind us, and it will take time to get around."

Summer resolutely said: "It must be destroyed, too. The wormholes at the end of the solar system, the closest legion, no matter which civilization it is, will immediately rush me over and destroy it!"

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