The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 182: Taming Birds

A short period of time to regain consciousness, a strange language sounded in the ear, unable to understand, do not know what to say? The coma caused by suffocation does not know how long it lasts. One novel ≤ ≦ <≦≦ ﹤ In summer, I only feel that my body is lifted by one thing, and my blurred eyes are opened. In the red sky, a girl ’s face is reflected in front of my eyes, silver-white head, dark green eyes, and colorful stripes s face.

What a ugly one! This was the first reaction in the summer when I saw this girl. Later, due to suffocation, summer wheezing "roar, roar ..." This feeling was too painful, and passed out again in a coma.

In the coma, I could feel a warm hand holding him, a figure running in front of him, he was going to catch up with her, and his back was so familiar. "Mila, is it you? Don't leave me alone?"

Weeping in the summer, Mila, how cruel you are! Why are you leaving me? why!

A powerful air blasted into the summer in the dream, blowing him to the bottomless abyss. A powerful stream of information hit his mind, and countless grass and mud horses ran wild in the wilderness ...

"Ah ... roar, roar ..." Summer jerked her chest up, opened her frightened eyes, her whole body was convulsive, breathing desperately, regardless of whether the air was poisonous! Because of the spasm, the chest was raised high, and it could not be recovered, the fists were clenched tightly, and the limbs were stiff and could not be bent.

Several Feng people surrounded him and spoke incomprehensible language. The girl gestured and took a deep breath to signal him to breathe.

Finally, he gradually adjusted to the air, his wheezing became low and rapid, and his cramped body returned to calm. There is a blank in his mind now, Lighthouse Star, this poisonous atmosphere, can he even breathe? Just now it was obviously dead, how could it be brought back to life. He didn't understand that he didn't want anything now, only that his eyelids were heavy and he couldn't open anymore. This time he was not comatose, but slept tiredly.


Half an hour ago.

The 24 members of the Cavaliers Academy, including 12 instructors, 12 students, and 12 phoenixes of the pilot came to the Qifeng stone, the pumice stone where the burning valley is located. This is a very large pumice stone, so big that it is approaching the point of hanging peaks. In the burning valley of Qifeng Stone, at least two thousand wild phoenixes live.

Princess Taote stepped down the Phoenix and went straight to the Valley of Fire. The rider and royal guard behind her shouted: "Princess, be careful, danger!"

"Phoenix, Phoenix, I'm coming!" The princess screamed like a wild child and ran to the burning valley where the wild Phoenix was inhabited. A large group of people followed, with instructors and students.

As soon as he approached, he could already see a large number of wild phoenixes perching. Although wild phoenixes are raptors, they are also afraid of strangers, especially tall people like Feng. Everyone saw such a large group of people approaching, and heard the sound of hula, a large wild phoenix flew up and fled around.

"Little princess, look," the guard said breathlessly. "They are all scared away by you. Arresting the wild phoenix needs strategy. You can't pass it so violently."

"Yes, I know, Uncle Ankacon." Princess Taote said with a smile, and suddenly she pointed in a direction and said, "Do you see where there are still a few? Wow, the biggest one is so beautiful! I Just need it! "

"But, Her Royal Highness, are you talking about the biggest one? You know at first glance that it is a male phoenix. It must be wild and difficult to tame. Otherwise, would you choose a small one?"

"No! I am the wind knight! As the royal wind knight, it will be used to challenge the fiercest phoenix! I will need it! You are waiting for me, not allowed to come." Tao Te said bowed his body toward the male phoenix Slowly approach.

The assessment of the wind knight is very simple, that is, it is enough to tame the adult phoenix with bare hands. No tools and weapons are allowed, and no one is allowed to help. This must be done even if the challenger is the prince and princess. This is a necessary condition for the entry of the Wind Knight.

So when Princess Taote stepped forward, no one dared step forward to help. In the assessment of the wind knight of the blazing wind clan, there are strict to almost cruel and impersonal regulations, that is, if the challenger falls due to failure during the process of tame the wind knight, it is also allowed. The relatives of the deceased must accept the facts and must not cause trouble. As a member of the royal family, if you die outside the challenge, no one can be held accountable.

Taming the phoenix is ​​a glorious and sacred thing, and it is also an extremely dangerous thing. If you fail to do so, you will fall to the ground below a few thousand kilometers and crush your bones! Therefore, not everyone in the whole wind family is fortunate enough to have their own Phoenix mount. The proportion of wind knights is only 1%.

The phoenix princess Tao Tei looked at was flaming red all over, without a hair. Holding his head high, it also has a majestic phoenix crown. This is a majestic and beautiful bird. No wonder the princess will look at it.

Tao Te approached slowly, although the people behind were worried, but the strict challenge regulations restrained everyone from going forward, and could only watch the princess either tame the male bird or be dropped by the male bird and die. In the process of tame the phoenix, most of these are the two endings, and only a handful of people survive the failure and injury.

As Taote approached, several phoenixes screamed Zhang Huangfei fled, and the male bird still stood proudly, ignoring the approach of strangers.

"Haha, little bird, you are mine! You are too domineering, I like you so much. I want you!" The little princess murmured excitedly, and the little princess stood still only ten steps away from the male bird. Stopped moving forward. Facing the male bird and closing his eyes, UU reads the book www.uukanshu. com folded his hands, his lips moved slightly, as if he was reading a spell.

The male bird made a sharp phoenix sound, still proudly raising his head, not looking at the mortal in front of him.

Tao Te opened his eyes, spread his hands, and said: "Birds and birds, you see that we have already communicated with each other, your old man will let me ride? I will be very light and will not hurt you. ,Trust me."

Tao Te said as he stepped forward, it was strange to say that the male bird did not reject her, but made a slight whisper, as if welcoming the arrival of its little master.

Tao Te came to the male bird's front, the male Phoenix was as tall as Princess Tao Te of the human race. Tao Te reached out and gently stroked the feathers on Phoenix's head. Phoenix is ​​very docile.

"That means, you promised me to ride?" Tao Tei tentatively stroked the feathers on the back of the bird, and then lifted his legs up.

Tao Tei had just mounted and was not seated yet. The male bird suddenly twisted wildly, frightening the little princess. Then the huge phoenix rushed to the edge of the pumice stone, head down, and rushed towards the earth.

"Ah ... help!"

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