The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 195: Glorious Ares

"Mother, you must not be fooled by his lies.? Hunting ???????????????????" the elder prince Erte cried.

"I said Lao Er, what are you so afraid of?" Xia laughed. "It's only a month's time, you can see the difference. In this way, if you can conquer more hanging peaks than Taote in a month, it's all counted. We lose. Her Majesty, if we lose, you people like us are going to kill and slay, and I will listen to you.

Summer promised to say this, not to mention that the ethnic people did not believe him, and even the people around Audrey didn't dare to believe him. There is no soul stone, but want to conquer the entire Skard Big 6, and in just one month, this is simply impossible.

"How is it, Lao? Don't you dare to gamble? Fear of being robbed by your sister for the crown prince's seat?" Asked the provocative tone of summer.

"Gamble and bet, there is nothing to be afraid of! Mother, you can now send an army to your sister. I don't believe it, this bunch of people can't do it!"

"No, no, old," Xia Xia said, "I don't want your army of the wind clan! In my eyes, your so-called Phoenix knight, Gee ..." Xia said as he shook his head, he was going to say they were all It's very rubbish, but I didn't say it after thinking about it.

"You! Do you dare to underestimate our Phoenix Knight?" Erther was furious.

"It's not that I look down upon you, if I can do it, I will see it in a month. Why should you be angry? What do you mean, Her Majesty?"

"Okay, Ertuo, since you have already bet, don't be verbose. You ..." said the Queen. "What's your name?"

"My name is Xia Xia." As soon as Xia Xia's voice fell, he heard a female voice behind him speak Audley, and he couldn't understand what to say, but the sentence was mixed with the sound of "Xia Xia". The voice of the speech can clearly feel the excitement.

It ’s too late for summer, and the queen said again: "Very good, summer. From now on, you are the princess of Princess Tote. What do you have to ask, although it is a bet, but for the purpose of Skarder ’s unification, I will Try your best to help you. "

"I do n’t need much help, Her Majesty. From now on, I hope that the Princess ’s palace will be the rear base camp where we fight. Without Her Majesty ’s Order, no one will be allowed to enter, including the three princes. "


"I want Roy to be a logistic supply officer for the princess, who is responsible for providing us with logistic support. What I need is that Roy can go in and out of the munitions department and the base camp without any obstruction. Although we do not need an army, we Several people still need to eat and dress. Please ask the royal family to provide us with the most superior diet and accommodation. I need Roy to do these jobs. "

The Queen smiled and said, "Precise! I will then prepare a special pass for Roy."

Summer said in his heart: This old witch, for her ambition to dominate, could actually let go of all jealousy and hatred.

Xia Xia said again: "I need these friends to be my think tank." Xia Xia pointed to a dozen Audley behind him. "Wait a moment, I will ask them if they are willing."

Xia Xing turned around and asked, "You all see it too. I'm here to help the princess to complete the unification cause for a month. If you are willing to help me, stay, if you don't want, I will let the old witch send you down." . "

Milon first raised his hand and said: "Brother, I am willing, I am willing! You are awesome!" Then, he poked the female captain next to him and said, "Sister, you are the chief, you first Go back, the tribe cannot live without you! "

The chief sister looked at summer and asked excitedly: "Are you really summer?"

"Yeah, do you know me?" Xia asked suspiciously.

"2o years ago, you appeared in the air as the **** of brilliance, drove away the birdmen who invaded my home, and rescued my people, are you?" The chieftain asked with a trembling voice.

Summer moved, could it be that the young female chief with oil paint on her face was Minar 2o years ago? It's incredible! 2o years have passed, and actually meet the old man again on this occasion! "Minaer?" Summer murmured.

The female chief Minar nodded vigorously and said in tears: "It's me, I'm Minar!"

In the summer, I looked at the side of Milon, this group of guys, I asked you last night who knew Mina, but no one actually admitted!

Milon quickly explained: "I was going to tell you last night, but you slept so dead that you can't wake up."

Summer stopped him from talking, and pulled out the pendant from his underwear, the black obsidian engraved with pixiu. In the summer, he took down the item and handed it to Minar.

Minar looked closely and said to herself, "Yes, this is, this is really this!"

Minar said excitedly to everyone: "My people, he was the shining **** who saved our June tribe 2 years ago!"

Minar said nothing, she knelt down suddenly and sang Nuo: "Great God of Glory, have you finally returned to the world to save your people?"

On the kneeling of Minar, everyone behind him knelt down and sang, "Great God of Glory!" Even Milan's brother Milun also knelt down.

All the Feng clan in the room looked at them curiously, just like looking at a group of monsters. Even the queen was ignorant.

In the summer, he quickly lifted Minar and said, "Hurry up, hurry up, I'm not a god! I'm just an ordinary human being like you. Hurry up! Brother Milon, why are you like this!"

In the summer, I begged again and again, and finally persuaded everyone to get up ~ ~ Tao Te came and asked, "Are you really a god?"

Minar proudly said: "Nonsense! Of course he is a god. Tao Te, there is a **** to assist you, you make a lot of money. Although he is now exiled, but I believe he must be capable!"

Summer clapped his hands and said: "Everyone listen to me, we are now a group, Your Royal Highness, do you admit my statement?"

Tao Te smiled and said: "Of course, although you are nominally my military division, but from now on you are the commander of our group, we all listen to you, Brother Roy, do you understand?"

Roy said: "Yes, the glory has a life-saving grace for me, and Roy has nothing to do, only the people can do it!" Roy called the summer glory, and since then, summer has a glorious one on the lighthouse star Named by many humans in the lower world as a **** of brilliance, not to mention later.

Summer nodded and said to Minar: "Listen, Minar, your June tribe has no leader now, so you have to go back and manage your tribe."

"No, I won't go back!" Mina'er finally saw her idol in twenty years, how could she let go easily at this moment?

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