The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 200: 1 person's loneliness 2 people ...

last night.

Daming Yongle Tianshi, stationed on the other side. The lighthouse star at the moment is night, but the time system of the Daming Fleet is still daytime. Shuguang No. 2 interstellar ship, Zheng Yunyan sat unhappy in the general command seat of the command cabin, surrounded by her four bodyguards Zheng Wen, Zheng Wu, Zheng Shuang and Zheng Quan, as well as two close-fitting girls Zheng Peng and Zheng Feicui .

The particles used for quantum entangled states are still on the lighthouse star, and Zheng Yunyan is conducting a carpet-like scan of the lighthouse star land.

"Miss," pomegranate said in a begging tone, "give up, you haven't closed your eyes for twenty hours, and Xia Gongzi can't survive."

"No," Zheng Yunyan said blankly. "Even if I die, I will see Brother Tian's body."

Zheng Yunyan is very stubborn and vows to find summer. Emerald suddenly said in surprise: "Miss, look at it and receive a strange signal."

"Push over and see." Yun Yan ordered.

This is a very weak set of pulsed electromagnetic signals. It is also where the smoke has been scanned many times. This signal is artificial and definitely not naturally formed. Is there a human in the radio age on the lighthouse star? That's impossible! Unless it is a bright person. Is it summer? He is not dead?

"Quickly decipher!" Yun Yan ordered, and then said, "Wait, use Qiling password to crack. Quick!"

Yun Yan thought that she had installed a small computer in her brain in the summer. Maybe the electromagnetic signals she discovered were emitted by Qiling?

The results came out soon. Emerald said: "The master of the county is the specific coordinates of Qiling's computer."

"Search quickly!"

The coordinates are composed of three numbers, latitude, longitude and altitude. The number showing the height is more than six thousand. "Such a big number? Right! I didn't expect that Tiange would probably be in the upper world at this time!" Yun Yan said excitedly, and was very nervous at the same time.

Because for a while she might see a corpse in the summer, and it is a corpse that looks ugly. The gas of the lighthouse star is poisonous and cannot survive in summer!

But what I saw next was ...

The picture observed by the particles is advancing, according to the specific orientation suggested by the three-dimensional coordinates. In the night of the lighthouse star, the hanging peaks, the towering royal palace, and a small room, a pair of fruity men and women are entangled passionately. Yun Yan looked red-faced and was about to turn her face, but unexpectedly Jadeite shouted: "He is summer!"

what? summer? He is not dead? He is not dead! He can survive in the atmosphere of the lighthouse star! Yun Yan couldn't believe it at all. She turned her head hard to see. It was indeed summer, the summer she deeply loved! Enjoying the joy of fish and water with another very beautiful woman!

"Ah ..." Yun Yan shouted painfully, sweeping everything on the console to the ground, and the screen disappeared. Yun Yanba wept bitterly on the table.

How could this be? How could this be! "Miss, miss, don't do this," both Pomegranate and Jade advised, "Don't hurt your body."

Zheng Wu shouted: "Why don't you, brothers, let's go and scrap this kid!"

Several brothers of the Zheng family are in harmony, and they are going to board the star destroyer and land on the planet.

"Don't go!" Zheng Yunyan wept, stopping everyone, and said, "You are ready, I want to hibernate."

"Miss ..." The girls wanted to dissuade.

"Our mission was originally for the launch of the Dixing Project," Yun Yan cried, "Now that the plan is far away, we shouldn't have woken up. So we should continue to hibernate now and wait for the day when Dixing started." At that time, I might forget this sad love affair. Listen to my orders, you must not be impulsive, four uncles, two sisters, okay? Yaner begs you. "

Although Yunyan shouted to their uncle and sister, they were her guards and maids after all. They obeyed Yunyan's orders. Since the hostess is so determined now, she can only take orders.

Zheng Wen said: "Miss, it takes six hours to restart hibernation."

"Go ahead and prepare, contact Xing Wen formation and let Xing Wen take full responsibility for the day-to-day work of backlighting. After six hours, we enter hibernation. Don't say anything, hurry up and prepare! Let me be quiet for a while?"

"Yes, miss!"


Six hours later, now, Lighthouse Star.

After finishing her shower, Mina changed her clean clothes and came to the restaurant. Seeing that everyone was waiting for her, she was looking for a seat to sit down, but listening to Tao Te said: "Sister Mina, don't look for it, you can sit in front of your brother, haha."

"Peach, you hate it!" Minar smirked, and moved in the summer, leaving a little space around her.

"Don't be embarrassed, sit down!" Tao Te said again.

Minar took the skirt and sat down next to summer.

"Sister, Brother Tian, ​​what's the situation with you two?" Milun stared at him with wide eyes, and before he could answer, he shouted immediately: "Haha, I know! Brother Tian, ​​you have to do Is my brother-in-law? "

Minaar smirked: "Brother, don't talk nonsense."

"Haha, it really is like this!" Milon stood up and yelled at the clan people: "Family folks, you all see it, our female chief, Mi Na'er, is finally asked for, and she finally wants to marry herself Go out! "

Hearing Milon coax together, the big guys screamed and sang and danced. Neither Summer nor Minaer were embarrassed ~ ~ was coaxing, I don't know who started it and shouted, "Dear one!" Then everyone shouted, "Dear one, Kiss one! "

I went, and laughed in the heart of summer: Why do people on this alien planet like to join in the excitement like people on earth, like March 8th? No way to do it, healed and kissed Minaer in the summer. The Mina child was very generous, she closed her eyes and was enjoying her lover's kiss under the eyes.

Just like this, everyone had a whole morning, and the summer was completely immersed in the joy of happiness. Where did he know that 100,000 kilometers away, there was a girl who was immersed in pain, she was Zheng Yunyan, and in a few hours, She is going to hibernate, and she doesn't know how many years to wait until she wants to see her again.

After breakfast, Tao Te found the wind knight of the royal guard, and gave away all the people of the June tribe. Since the female chief was out, the tribe needed someone to lead, and Minar let the four elders of the tribe temporarily manage the tribe affairs.

In this way, there were only five people left in the "team" left behind in the princess's palace: Dote, Roy, Summer, Mina and Milon. Because it involves flying a phoenix, and the three of them will not be able to control it in the summer, Tao Te invited another uncle Walsu in the guard. This team has six people and three Phoenix mounts.

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