The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 330: To go to Forget Island, first pass ...

With enough food and drink, I visited the battleship and gave an introduction about the universe. ????????????????????? Ellie guided summer to the captain's living room, a luxurious cabin. Weiwei and Tai Shici are in a single cabin next to an ordinary crew.

However, it is said that this living room is completely imitated by the habits of the people of the earth. If it is not coming from outside, I really don't know that it is just on the spaceship. This is completely the same as the three-bedroom house.

Entering the living room, Ellie ’s virtual image said: "The master bedroom has all the clothes and daily necessities of the two of you. The bathroom has hot water, shower, and pool bath. Because you two come from two different worlds, so for the atmosphere The requirements are different. At present, the interior is the atmosphere of the earth, you can switch to the lighthouse star atmosphere at any time. "

Xia Xia said: "Switch to the lighthouse star atmosphere, I can adapt to it, Miner can't use the earth's atmosphere for too long."

"Well, yes, the atmosphere has switched. Brother Xia, do you have anything else to order? If there is no change, Sister Ellie will withdraw, without affecting your private space."

"Yes. I want to ask, must your computer have some knowledge of medicine and biology?" Summer asked.

Allie replied: "I can be the last doctor."

"Well, I ask you, you said that Mina has been pregnant for a month and is the common child of me and her, so is this child a lighthouse star or an earthman after birth?"

"Earthman and lighthouse star people have half of each lineage, but after the child is born, they will tend to adapt to the lighthouse star environment."

"Understood," Xia Xia said, "you can withdraw, you can't see it."

"Brother Xia ..." Ellie said, "Well, you are the future master of the Sad Realm, and I will do it." After all, the virtual image disappeared, and there was no more sound.

The husband and wife, bathing and sleeping, had nothing to do overnight.

But he said that the next morning, the two fell asleep until they woke up naturally, the day was already bright, and the sunlight entered the bedroom through the gap between the curtains. After getting up in the summer, open the curtains and see the scenery that can be seen in front of the battleship. It turned out that the monitored scene was projected onto the simulated window.

Summer shouted: "Sister Ellie, are you there?" There was no echo. Summer shouted again: "Sister Ellie, you come out soon, I have something to say. Why not call us up early?"

"Drip ..." An electric appliance started, and then Ellie's voice came, "I'm sorry, my lord, that you can't say anything." As she spoke, the virtual image appeared beside her.

"What did you call me just now?" Summer asked slightly.

"Sir, what's wrong?"

"Don't you always call my little brother?"

Allie sighed and said, "There is no way, who will make you the master of the future of Sorrow Realm? And I am the master computer of the Sorrow Realm, so I can despise you and call you adults for the time being."

"Aren't you going to wrong you? What should we do later?"

"You are the coach, you make the decision."

"Then you can give me the secret code of the sky directly."

"That won't work."

"How to do it?"

"Go to Wangyou Island, open the Wuyou Tower with the key to solve the worries, and you will get the secret code of the sky."

"When are you going?"

"Eat breakfast first."

"A computer with a personality, I count you ruthless, can't you?" Xia said, gritting his teeth.

"OK." Allie answered casually.

In the summer, she almost didn't make her foolish, "Sister Ellie, I think if we cooperate, we can be invincible in the world.

"Ellie feels the same way."

"Sister Sister, can Zan not be poor? Go ahead, the two men shouted, and in half an hour the command module will gather to send breakfast there."

"Yes, sir."

Weiwei lay on the bed and looked at the person in front of her. She didn't know what the two of them grumbled about. After Ali's virtual image disappeared, she asked, "What are you talking about, Heaven?"

Summer laughed: "That stupid computer and I are playing tricks. Get up, wash and wash the command cabin."

Half an hour later, a man and two women and the robot Tai Shici assembled in the command module. Ally's virtual image also appeared in mid-air. In the command cabin, three people had breakfast. After breakfast, summer asked: "Ellie, can you tell me what to do next?"

"Driving the battleship and going to the Tongtian Tower."

"Hat? Why go to Tongtian Tower? Don't you want to go to Forget Island?" Summer asked angrily, he guessed that Ellie would definitely give him a question again, and wouldn't easily give him the secret of the sky .

"If you don't go to the Tongtian Tower, how can you forget the island?" Allie asked back.

"But we are going to forget the island, what are we doing at the Tiantian Tower?"

"Because only through the Tiantian Tower can we reach Kuyou Island."

"I see," Xia said, "Is Wangyou Island in the sea to the north of Nianzhida 6?"

"Who told you that Wangyou Island is at sea?" Allie asked rhetorically.

"Where is it no longer on the sea? Is it in the sky? Sister Ellie, I said can you finish the conversation at once? Don't I ask, is it okay? Is it very tiring!"

"Yes," Allie said. "Think about it too. We will spend time together for a long time in the future. Peace is the key. Well, without further ado, I will talk briefly with you. Forget about the island. Not in the sea, but in the sky.

"Tiantian Tower is at the center of Nianzhi 6 and also on the central axis of the small universe. The radius of the central axis is 5ooo kilometers, but the distance from the center of the big 6 to the sky is not 5ooo kilometers, but only 1ooo kilometers. As for 1ooo kilometers or more The space below the sky dome is the 'artificial sky' in the small universe.

"This man-made sky is tilted toward the equator with the arc of the earth as the center. ~ ~ Wangyou Island is on the man-made sky 1ooo kilometers away from the center axis. It is a floating island."

"Understood, Forget Island is like a dangling peak on the lighthouse star." Xia Xia said in a sentence.

Ally said: "Yes, the island floating in the sky, but it is different from the principle of the dangling peak of the lighthouse star. The dangling peak is formed by the gravitational disturbance of the lighthouse star. The Forget Island is a unique artificial in the small universe. Caused by gravity. "

"This is not important," Summer asked. "The important thing is, how do we get to Kuyou Island through the Tongtian Tower. Since the Kuyou Island is in the sky, do we have to go to the sky through the Tongtian Tower before we can forget?" Worrying island? And after going through the sky tower and going to the sky, will you still encounter monster battles? "

"I don't want that," said Ellie. "But the Sky Tower is not under my control. The monsters of the Sky Tower are designed by Master Domian at the beginning. I can't change it. I'm sorry, I can't help."

"Okay," said Xia Xia with a wave of his hand. "Why are you still stunned? Hurry and go, how many kilometers of 3ooo? Can your warship fly? You will talk to me again on the road."

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