The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 352: Take the enemy's nose

"What should we do now?" Xing Wen asked. Apex novel 『『 ⒉②

"Cangyue, tell me, are all star destroyers and poisonous mosquito drones on Axe Hammer Peak locked?" Summer asked.

Cang Yue replied: "Yes, all enemy units are locked."

"Turn on the space rays and send them all into the small universe." Xia ordered decisively in summer.

"Yes, adults, the space ray will be detected, and it needs a process. It can't transmit too much at a time, so in this process, the enemy may escape or attack us." Cang Yue said.

Summer said: "No matter, just send them in."

At the moment, the Battleship of the Years has already opened its way to the axe and hammer peak, and a ray that is invisible to the naked eye is shining on a star destroyer. . Since the range of the space ray is only 5 kilometers, the battleship begins to fly towards the center of the peak, looking for the target while flying, and once locked, the ray is turned on and transmitted into it.

"Adult, some of the locked targets are too far away to transmit." Cang Yue reported the situation.

Summer said: "Don't worry about them, we are now flying forward, flying through the entire Xuanfeng, how much can be transmitted."

According to the instructions of the summer, the battleship "Yueyue" flew at a low altitude of 100 meters from the ground of the suspended peak, and did not attack any targets. It only saw Daming's aircraft and transmitted it to the small universe.

Finally, a few drones shot lasers at the battleship, but under the protection of the shield, they could not hurt the battleship at all. Some aircraft began to flee.

Xia Xiao said with a smile: "It's interesting, think about it, I used to drive a Daming flying machine, and the people of the Feng tribe ran around everywhere." Xia Xia stopped here and looked back at Tao Te, who was the Feng tribe. , But at that time summer was to help Tao Te hit the world.

Looking down at Axhammer Peak, I saw that the peak was full of ruins and broken walls, and there were corpses of Feng people everywhere. That was caused by the fleet of Shen Xilin. In the course of the battleship flight, I saw the surviving Feng clan crying and kneeling at the battleship.

Soon the battleship had reached the palace and hovered. I saw that on the top of the palace castle, several people were kneeling towards the battleship. Looking closely in the summer, it was King Blatt, the king of Blatter, and his family.

"Let me go," Summer left the captain's seat and stood on a teleportation platform in the command cabin, ready to go down.

"Protagonist, dangerous!" Xing Wen and Huangfu both said worriedly.

"It's okay, rest assured, Cang Yue, let me go." Summer said while putting on the golden armor and carrying the golden sword in his back.

The deck under the transmission platform was opened, and the summer was laid down under a golden light.

In the summer, he came to the top of the castle and came to the crowd and said, "King, look, it's me!"

"Sacred Venerable! Sure enough it is you, Venerable Divine!" Said King Modaisi in tears.

"Summer came to support him and asked," What the **** is going on? It's only three days since I left. "

The old tears of Mao Daisi said: "God, you just leave, there are a lot of Scorpio coming, it is a burn to our home, a lot of people have died."

"What about my more than a thousand soul informants?" Summer asked.

"All dead."

"Damn it!" Summer said angrily. "You all get up and listen to me. I'm going to the Blazing Kingdom soon. You are not safe here, so you hurry up with me and leave here. The large force of Shen Xilin can't help The meeting is coming. "

The king turned back and said to everyone around him: "You all follow God to the spaceship."

"Father, let's go with us," the young prince said.

Modes said: "No, this country can't be without a king for a day, I am still a king. One day is a king, I can't leave one day. Child, you are a prince, the future of my kingdom of Blatter. If I die If you want, you will come back to take over my throne and rebuild your home. Do you understand? "

The prince knelt down and cried, "No, Father, I can't leave you behind."

Mao Dai Teshu said: "Obey, you must go, you are my last hope for the royal family."

The prince stubbornly said, "No, the father will not go, nor will I go!"

Summer is a little bit anxious. Shen Xilin ’s army is about to arrive. He has his plan. If he does n’t leave, his plan will be disrupted. "You make a decision quickly, I really have no time," Xia said anxiously.

Mao Daisi said aloud: "If you don't follow God, I will die in front of you immediately!"

Both hard and soft, the prince, the princess, the several ministers, and the maid guards boarded the battleship with Xia, and the queen insisted on staying with the king. Mao Daisi was not able to wait for her, and she could not wait for Xia, only to leave the king and his wife The duo ~ ~ drove the battleship and left the axe and hammer peak of the country of Blatter.

After everyone came up, Xia Xuan ordered: "Cang Yue, drive the battleship away from Hammer Peak and fly in the direction of the cyclone."

There is a mountain between Blazing Power and Blatter. On the peak is a cyclone, and ordinary spacecraft can't leap past. When the battleship came to the front of the cyclone, the summer commanded again: "Pull high and fly over the cyclone. Be careful to observe the surroundings all the time. All locust drones don't fly too far, keep up with the battleship.

The warship began to fly vertically against the cyclone, and soon reached the top of the cyclone, with a height of more than 100 kilometers. Just about to fly over, Cangyue reported: "Adult, present enemy, at six o'clock, 7oo km away, 24oo km high."

Summer sneered, and said, "Full-heartedly, fly to Kunyin Peak, the blazing country!"

For the summer tactics, everyone in the command module is unknown, so they can only obey the arrangement. The battleship Canada flew in the direction of Kun Yinfeng. In the meantime, the Huangfu layer whispered to Xing Wen: "Brother Xing, you see that this battleship has no shell, it is connected to the outside world, and I don't know how the defense is.

Xing Wen then whispered to him: "I think the new warship of the protagonist must be better than ours!"

"Why are so many flying machines gone just now, why are all the others running away?" Huang Fu asked.

"I don't know," Xing Wen said. "This warship must have any special weapons. Look."

The Blatt people who just uploaded were all sitting on the deck, and several robots moved to the sand to let them sit, and brought food and water.

The time is in front, followed by six large-scale spaceships, two of which are Shuguang-class warships, and four Fengyun-class warships, and more than one hundred star destroyers. go with.

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