The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 383: Man-made engineering

A large child care center will be built on the edge of the sea of ​​life. After the embryos are mature, they will be delivered manually. The babies will be fed, educated and managed by robots in the child care center. Until he became a child at the age of six, he was sent to the Youth Town.

The location of Youth City will not be in the small universe, but on the lighthouse star. This point is also due to his own selfish considerations in the summer. The small universe was obtained by an accidental coincidence. He wants to keep it for his own private use to prevent himself from having something in the future.

The Youth City must be built within five years. The No. 1 Youth City is located in the dense forest tribe of Weiwei. It is a semi-closed cuboid fortress-style building. The so-called semi-closed refers to the installation of air at several air inlets and outlets. The filter device is used to purify the harmful gases in the air of the lighthouse star.

Like the Sea of ​​Life and Child Care Center, the Youth City is also a modular building. The size of the first Youth City is to accommodate 5,000 young people to learn and grow. The Youth City has all the facilities necessary for the growth of young people, including learning. Early teachers will all be robots.

Juveniles are taught for 12 years. All education adopts the earth ’s international standards, and the Chinese and Western groups are assembled. All the teenagers in the youth city are managed quasi-militaryly. Eighteen years old, when he graduated from high school. The teenager becomes a youth.

After becoming a youth, there will be two ways to choose, the same as the earth system, that is the college entrance examination system. As for the way to choose the best for the college entrance examination, it will be determined according to the need of the fleet for talents. Those who pass the college entrance examination will enter the university, and those who fail will enter the military camp.

Whether it is a university or a military camp, all will go to the fleet, and college students and soldiers will officially become fleet members. So far, the steps of the 18-year population plan have been completed. Of course, the population plan is still going on, producing and importing more available talents for Daming.

In the process of instilling the concept of artificial production into the crew, summer repeatedly emphasized that artificial production is absolutely eugenic and eugenic, because the physical and intellectual qualities of the population can be checked at the time of embryo. This can be achieved by survival of the fittest, excellent embryos continue to artificial pregnancy, and poor quality embryos will terminate artificial pregnancy.

Summer also stated that the population produced by humans (machines) is neither a clone nor a clone, but a 100% natural person. In Daming, clones are strictly prohibited. Natural people will be divided into two types, one is the machine delivery, the other is the natural delivery.

Regardless of whether it is a mechanical birth or a natural birth, the social treatment received will be equal, which is Daming's most precious wealth. Whether it is a child born by machine or a child born naturally, everyone has to create a genetic file. Summer is considered long-term, because the population bred from the sea of ​​life is brought up by machines, not biological parents.

Such a result will create a situation in which when they grow up and need to fall in love and get married, they do not know whether the object they are in is their own brother or sister, or whether they have close blood relatives with themselves. So Hand Summer considered for a long time, creating a gene file for everyone. In addition to the gene file stored in the archive, it will also be stored in a watch in the form of a check code. This watch is worn when the gene file is owned Owner's hands.

When a pair of young men and women are together, as long as they touch the watches on both sides and nothing happens, it means that they can fall in love. If an alarm is issued, then they are sorry, they may be siblings within three generations, and cannot fall in love.

Have you ever had that kind of dog blood drama from time to time, talking about a pair of lovers who died in love and finally found out that they were brothers and sisters. Considering that this kind of dog blood drama does not happen in Daming society, it is also for the young men and women in love not to accept this pain, so the idea of ​​making genetic watches came out in the summer, but fortunately Daming has this technology to realize .

Why the three aspects of the machine breeding children and the parents who provide cells are mutually opaque, this summer was considered early in the morning.

First of all, in the early days of Daming construction, only this method can achieve rapid population growth. After the population comes up, this method of breeding humans by machines can be completely abandoned. So by machine breeding with sperm, this is also a last resort.

Secondly, and most importantly, that is to consider the emotional factors of the three parties. For example, both men and women who provide eggs and mirrors use machine optimization to perform machine fertilization. When a woman knows what a man looks like, may she still be a person she hates? Another point is that a healthy Daming woman may have more than 300 in her life. When she knows these more than 600 children (the sea of ​​life can basically breed twins), there will be hundreds. How would she feel about a different father?

Therefore, considering this point, the three parties do not know each other and become opaque. It saves a lot of trouble. Anyway, there is a machine to compare genes, don't worry about ethical disaster. And in order to dispel the worries of the crew, Summer repeatedly emphasized that all people with sperm are pure. After donating, the children they will be bred by the machine have nothing to do.

There is also a problem with the offspring of machine breeding. UU reading is also considered in the summer. That is because machine breeding saves pregnant women from worrying about pregnancy and childbirth. This will make many married women unwilling to conceive naturally in the future. Instead, choose machine surrogacy. Regarding this point, summer feels that it is still practicable, that is, the child surrogate by the machine and his parents are transparent. After birth, the child will be raised by the parents, and the cost of the maintenance will be paid by the fleet. In this way, another contradiction was resolved.

Before a substantial breakthrough is made in population, building a natural city is purely an unplanned project, and it is no wonder that it will end badly. But from now on, the Sea of ​​Life and Child Care Center must be constructed as soon as possible, and the Youth City must be constructed as soon as possible.

After discussing Da Ming's future plans, it was not too early to see the time. The whole meeting took several hours and everyone was tired. But the summer is still unfinished, and he now has this ambitious ambition.

"The last question is over after the discussion. See you all tired like a dog, in fact, I am not tired?" Summer said, "Cang Yue, told the kitchen to prepare supper. Okay, the last question, It is the matter of building mines and factories. I have already raised this matter at the Lighthouse Star Conference during the day. Let me talk about the recruitment issues. In addition to the large number of robots used in large construction, workers are also indispensable. I ’m recruiting among the beacon stars, you see who is responsible for this job. "

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