The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 432: Parallel universe and bubble universe

Summer explained the Stargate.

Interstellar Gate is somewhat similar to quantum entanglement. In two places in the universe, these two places can ignore the distance, and tens of millions of light years are possible. But there is a premise that the Stargate must be installed in both places, referred to as the Stargate.

When one of the two star gates makes a call, the star gate at the other end of the universe will be called. Stargate has a transmission confirmation facility. When the called party starts the confirmation facility, the calling party can transmit, and the transmission direction is from the calling party to the called party.

Therefore, using Stargate transmission is a one-way transmission. The principle is a bit similar to a telephone, but the current telephone is a two-way dual-channel, and the star gate transmission is a one-way transmission, and the star gate transmits material, and the phone transmits electromagnetic signals.

The phone needs a physical connection. Even a wireless phone requires a spatial connection of electromagnetic waves to implement the call function. Stargate teleport has already passed the space, ignoring the distance of the space means that the transmitted position does not pass through the space, and directly reaches the other party. So this is very much like quantum entanglement. And quantum communication using quantum entanglement can also be used for two-way conversation.

The Stargate can only be transmitted in one direction. It transmits people and all objects. As long as the size is not too large, anything can be transmitted!

This is Stargate! Nobita pondered and said, "My Excellency, I have a question."


"Is the universe simple?"

"Huh?" Xia Tian understood that his question must have a deeper meaning, so he begged him to specify the qualification question.

Sure enough, Nobita asked again: "Is the universe just a single universe? Is it a combination of all space and time in the traditional sense? Your Excellency, what I want to express is whether there is such a possibility. Other parallel universes are folded together with our universe. "

"You mean parallel universe?"

"Yes, sir."

"Yes, there is the saying of parallel universes," Xia Xing paced in front of everyone, said: "Daming Technology's most core scientific and technological history materials have records about parallel space." Xia Xia did not say parallel small universe.

Only a few people who know the small universe have long been deliberately explained by summer, keeping secrets and prohibiting leakage. Within the Daming Fleet, the eggs and sperm collected each time were collected by a special robot, sent to the Sui Yue, and secretly transmitted to the small universe.

And the children in the small universe will be secretly sent to the years after reaching the age of six, and secretly sent to the youth city. People only know that there are individual factories in this world, but no one knows where this population factory is except for those insiders.

Knowing from Xia Xia's mouth, there is indeed parallel space in this universe, and Nobita snapped his fingers and said, "That makes sense!"

"What did you get through?" Summer asked.

Nobita looked at everyone and said, "This issue may involve Da Ming Confidential. I will report back to you later. Your Excellency, now I will talk about my opinion on Star Gate first. I think it is not necessarily the Star Gate."


"I don't have evidence, I just guess. Just like you guess it is the Stargate, I also just guess. I guess it may also be the door of time and space."

"The door to time and space?"

"Yes, sir, the door of time and space. It is very likely that my guess is wrong, but wouldn't it be better to have one more guess?"

"Well, you tell me what is the door of time and space."

"The gate of time and space is the gate that connects two universes. These two universes may be overlapping parallel spaces, or they may be parallel spaces on the opposite bank."

"Parallel space across the bank?" Summer is increasingly interested in listening to the boy's conjecture.

"The other side is my own conjecture. I am not sure about the possibility of existence."

"Tell me."

"For example, we are between Skater's 6th and New North America's 6th, separated by a sea of ​​dragons. We are going to the New North America's 6th, in addition to passing by a spaceship, we are passing by a seaboat. Suppose, we re-enact The rule is that if you want to go to the New North American Big 6, you are only allowed to walk or ride in a horse-drawn carriage. You are not allowed to cross the sea, and you are not allowed to fly over. "

Hearing this, summer has already been understood, but a few of them were confused. Xiaola said, "Walk over? How is it possible? It's even more impossible to ride in a carriage. When you get into the sea, it falls and drowns."

Nobita said: "Yeah, you're right, Xiaola. I'm going to make an analogy now. Skater Big 6 and New North America are two universes. These two universes exist in a large universe at the same time. Dragon The sea is the insurmountable gap between our two universes! Its distance has been more than light years ...

"We now know that the universe is more than 100 billion light-years (Note: Earth astronomy knows that the radius of the universe is 3.6 billion light-years). We assume that our current known universe is a big ball, and the new North American Big 6 is another universe. ~ ~ And the distance between these two universes will be 100 billion light years and then multiplied by 100 billion! There are countless such cosmic bubbles in the large universe. The cosmic bubbles are also my own gas The name, the universe we know is quite a bubble, and there are countless such bubbles in the large universe. So think about how vast the universe is! "

Xiaola said, "Ah, I see. You mean that there are so many bubbles in the universe, because they are too far away to communicate with each other at all, so the door of time and space is used to pass through the bubbles."

"Yes, but my opinion is untenable. If there are cosmic bubbles as I said, how are the doors of space and time in the two bubbles installed? One door was installed, the other one. The portal can't be installed at all. So there is still a possibility that it is bigger, that is, the parallel universe. "

Xiaola also raised the question: "But as you said, the possibility of parallel space is not great. Since it is necessary to traverse the parallel space, how did they pass before a portal was built?"

Nobita shrugged and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know. The above is pure conjecture, everything has yet to be confirmed."

Summer summed it up and said, "Okay, Nobita, what you said makes sense. Now, no matter whether it is an interstellar gate or a space-time gate, it does not hang whether it is used to traverse parallel universes or bubble universe Yes. The problem we are facing now, how to face it. "

"Your Excellency," Nobita raised his hand again and asked, "The question you are facing now is what to do with this door. But why don't you organize some scientists to do research, but look for some of our high school students?"

Xia Xiaoxiao said: "Because so far, you, several of you have the highest IQ in civilization." ()

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