The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 503: The Temple of Thunder battles with the Dead Light Machine ...

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According to Bei Feng's statement, Nobita sorted out a little, and came up with a statement like this:

Mainstream legend: The universe is composed of three layers. The upper world is the world of gods, which is the No. 6 world called by Nobita. The middle world is the snow world, a cold planet revolving around the cold sun. This cold sun is the Barnard star six light years away from our solar system.

The lower world is hell. There are thousands of demons in hell, ready to break through the gates of **** and come to the middle world to harm the world.

Below this screen in the Thunder Temple is the gate of hell, and this unicorn screen is used to suppress the gate of hell. In the dark, the night of the full moon will be the craziest time for the demons, they will exhaust all their strengths in order to break through the gate of hell. At this time, the upper world, that is, God Realm will fight with the demons in Hell through this unicorn screen to suppress the demons.

This statement is that on this day, the people of Snow Realm are far away from the Temple of Thunder. Why does the "God" warn people to stay away from the temple? Because on this day, the formation of the teleportation array is the best time for the invasion. To prevent someone from coming to the Thunder Temple to destroy the teleportation array, "God" has such a so-called legend.

What is the principle of the teleport array, Daxiong is not clear, and it is estimated that there will be no chance to clarify in the future. But one thing, he is more and more certain that this so-called "god" is pretending to be a god.

In the world on the 12th, the universe where the lighthouse star was located in Tianyuan in 19th represents Kirin. World No. 1, the universe where the earth was in 1945, and World No. 13, the universe where Snow Realm, where Nobita and others are now. These two universes (or worlds) are Kunpeng universe and Suzaku universe.

Listening to the sad wind, World No. 1 is the Kunpeng universe, and World No. 13 is the Suzaku universe. As for why it is so named, why should it be named after these irrelevant ancient gods and beasts? That is also unclear. The remaining world of "God" in World No. 6 is the gluttonous universe.

But in mainstream legends, there is no such statement. It is only the "non-mainstream legends" in Beifengkou that have this kind of argument, so now the question arises, how did such non-mainstream legends come about? The mystery of the mainstream legends is very easy to explain, and pretending to be a ghost is very easy to explain, but why do non-mainstream legends fight against mainstream legends?

And the man who made this non-mainstream legend must be a "god", why should he violate the will of "god"?

Nobita and Beifeng looked at the Qilin screen, and several soldiers walked behind the screen. Nobita quickly shouted, "You must not touch everything behind!"

Looking at Daxiong mournfully, Daxiong said: "My reconnaissance plane was investigated earlier, and there are agencies behind it. Let everyone not move."

The two of them hurried to the back of the screen. Nobita saw the three sarcophagi that had been set up at a glance. In fact, they were just tetrahedral stone objects. It felt like a sarcophagus. The corpse is still unknown. The detection equipment on the drone can't find out what is inside.

The ground behind the screen is still full of corpses and a large number of blood moths. Facing everything in front of him, Bei Feng asked: "What should I do next?"

He was the general who commanded the 100,000 army, and Daxiong was only the captain of the small commando. The general was hesitant to ask the captain, only to show that he had far less knowledge than Daxiong had.

To be honest, Daxiong didn't know it himself. He did not answer him directly, but was thinking. The night of the full moon is tomorrow, what time is it in the dark, he really does not understand. But tomorrow is the time for gluttonous transmission, and the possibility is very great.

"When is the dark day, when is it?" Nobita asked.

"Anytime," Bei Feng said, "The snow world, a cold world, is a dark day at any time."

Big ambition said: It seems that I think too much. The so-called dark sun actually refers to the cold sun Barnard star here. I did n’t know what to do at first sight, and Nobita asked Mummy: "Can you send a few drones under the cliff to catch the thousand-degree body. I can't let him stay at the bottom of the cold valley like this."

"Yes, Boss." After Mummy answered, she really sent a few drones to fly over the cliff, tied a robot through the rope, and then the robot tied the thousand-degree corpse and twisted it up through the rope. .

The old military doctor commanded by Bei Feng also came to the temple, and after listening to Nobita ’s meaning, he was given a sack full of dried agaric powder, a small sack of agaric spores and blood moth cocoons, said, "This spore With the blood moth cocoon, it will not be long before you take it back. "

"Xiaola, can you send these things to the car?" Nobita shouted Xiaola.

Xiao La pouted and said, "Why do you want me to go? Really!" She and two robots led the old military doctor to the armored car outside the shrine ~ ~ Sad wind laugh The author said: "This little girl is very interesting, you also let women participate in such dangerous activities?"

Nobita smiled: "She has to come, no one can stop her, and I can't help it. Hello, hurry up!" Nobita suddenly shouted. Sad wind looked sideways and saw a soldier standing in front of a sarcophagus, reaching for a touch. Nobita was shouting at him, but it was too late, and the soldier's hand had touched the sarcophagus.

Before everyone responded, they heard a loud explosion, and the sarcophagus exploded in an instant. There was no reaction time, and the gravel flew. The colorful Huaguang rose from the exploded sarcophagus, and the outline of a robot appeared in the Huaguang. And the soldier who had touched the sarcophagus was physically exploded, his arms, legs, and torso separated, and flesh and blood flew across.

The crowd shouted in horror, and they had n’t reacted yet. The robot in the sarcophagus had opened fire. He raised his hand and held something like a gun. Roaring, sweeping over, wherever he passed, the person he met was cut in two and killed instantly!

Suddenly, the breath of death enveloped the hall. Nobita and Beifeng quickly fell to the ground, and Nobita shouted, "Run!"

The screams continued, and from time to time there were human remains flying around and falling! The dead light swept a large circle, and when it passed the screen, it heard a blaring, harsh sound. The screen was torn apart by a long groove, revealing the metal objects inside.

Nobita lay tightly on the ground, only to see that many people were cut by the dead light, leaving only half of his body. Only a short time later, the dead light disappeared, the roar stopped, another loud noise, another sarcophagus burst, and another robot came out of the sarcophagus.

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