The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 506: The Temple of Thunder battles with the Dead Light Machine ...

Seeing the armored vehicle roll over on the ground and being pushed by the robot to slide forward, several people in the vehicle did not know how. In this scene, Nobita looked in his eyes, anxiously in his heart, this anxiety, could not help but distracted, kicked by the robot in front of him.

Zhou Jinyin over there had already ran behind the robot, and like him, he kept shooting and hacking with the blade, and was entangled with the robot, so that the armored car could be released.

At the same time as Daxiong was kicked off, his body was facing backward, facing the robot in the hall, shooting at it non-stop, and waving his blade. At the same time shouted: "Mommy, the No. 1 armored car wave cannon, you control it!"

Jumping over the gate of the temple, he fell to the ground outside the temple with a loud bang, and shocked him with his internal organs as uncomfortable as turning over the river and the sea. His position at the moment was outside the hall, on an empty space on the steps, and he watched the robot in the hall lift his legs and walked out.

Nobita immediately got up and ran diagonally down the steps. While running, he looked at the armored vehicle with the rollover pushed by the robot, and also observed another armored vehicle farther away to explore No. 1. At that moment, the armored vehicle had built a wave gun, and the muzzle was turning towards this side.

The robot in the hall has already left the hall door and stood looking at everything in front of it. As soon as it stood firm, countless arrows were shot. The army of sorrowful winds has been on the top of the mountain for 66 consecutive times, and a large group of bow cavalry stood at the black ends of the square.

Arrows shot at it one after another, and the sound of Dangdang fell to the ground one after another. The robot suddenly raised its head, made a harsh roar, and then raised the hand gun in his hand, ready to fire.

Nobita screamed while running, "Hurry up!"

But it was too late. A thick beam of light shot out, illuminating the crowd shooting at it. Only the roar of buzzing weapons and the wailing of the cavalrymen were heard. Or flesh and blood flying, or blue smoke plume. The beam of light swept across the square ...

Nobita has already ran across to explore the No. 2 armored vehicle, running at a distance of more than ten meters, running parallel, he did not dare to get too close, for fear of attracting the robot in the hall, causing them a greater threat.

In Yu Guangli, I saw three people in the car being tumbling in it, but I can be sure that they are still safe inside. And the robot in the cart raised the giant knife and chopped the armored car. Because the armored vehicle is protected by a shield, every time the giant knife is cut off, it is cut on the invisible shield and then bounced back.

The armored vehicle vibrated every time it was cut, and the people inside panicked. And every time the robot cuts, the motive that provides energy to the shield will load once. If it is too many times, the motive will be burned. Once burned, the shield will be invalid.

Therefore, Nobita was very anxious. The reason why he chose to run parallel to the armored vehicle to keep the distance is to attract the attention of the robot, thereby reducing the burden on the armored vehicle.

If that happens, it will cause two robots to attack him at the same time, and he will be more aggressive. At this moment, many archers were shooting arrows at the robot behind, and the robot also shifted its target in preparation for dealing with those archers. The great ambition was feeling relaxed, but the next scene was even a very tragic one. A large number of bow cavalry under the irradiation of the robot's death beam, either shattered or shattered into smoke, screams, and wails continued.

In addition to roaring "quick running", Nobita had no time to take care of those bow cavalry. As he ran, he attacked the robot pushing the armored vehicle.

Since he was on the left side of the robot, he was waving his right hand to the right and swinging the blade, while his left hand was pointing to the right, taking advantage of the gap between the right blade.

While he was running, the robot behind was shooting beams towards the cavalrymen. The beam sweepers came and made a buzzing roar. It was about to sweep to explore No. 1, and the wave cannon on the No. 1 cargo armored vehicle also explored. Just set up.

With a bang, a bombardment came over and was in the middle of the robot, and the robot's light beam also just found Exploration No. 1. Exploring the No. 1 armored vehicle under the beam of light, it was lifted, turned a few heels, and hit a big tree, breaking the big tree. The wave cannon also lost its sight and could no longer attack the target.

Here, the robot at the entrance of the hall was bombarded by the wave cannon, and the robot was also bumped up and leaped backwards. At the same time, the light gun muzzle in its hand was facing upward, and the beam still did not stop. Shining on the shrine, the tiles, bricks and stones crashed down, and the shrine collapsed immediately. The robot was also bombarded into the temple, the beam stopped firing, and the robot was silent.

One of the two robots lost its threat for a while, but Nobita understood that the robot that was bombarded by the air wave must have received no damage. When it got up, it would definitely come out and attack them again.

Nobita and Zhou Jinyin have stood together. The two faced the non-stop shooting and waving of the blade of the robot driving the armored vehicle. Under the harassment of the two of them, the robot finally stopped pushing the armored car, stood on the spot, roared with anger, and screamed everywhere.

The robot turned his head, glared at the two of them, raised his hands, and prepared to bombard them with their hands. Daxiong and Zhou Jinyin stared at each other in horror, and at this moment, Mommy prompted: The third sarcophagus has been opened, and another robot came out. "

"I wipe!" The two scolded at the same time.

The robot in front of him has a gun in his right hand ~ ~ holding a giant knife in his left hand, he is actually a lefty! Unexpectedly, this robot actually has left-handers. The handgun hadn't aimed at the two of them, so it had already emitted a beam of light and swept over not far from them.

"Run!" Both of them shouted and ran around the robot in a counter-clockwise direction, and the beam behind them swept the ground, roaring with a roaring death roar, and chased after!

While the two of them were running, there was a violent metal impact sound in the hall. It should be the sound of the third robot walking after it came out. The sound became louder and louder, coming from far and near, and it was about to come out of the temple.

The two ran for nothing. Their goal was to run around the robot. When they ran to the other side, the robot would turn around, which would affect the light beam irradiating them. But what should we do next? At this moment, they simply don't have time to think about it.

The beam of light that came after him was already in the direction of the gate of the temple, and almost caught up with them. At this moment, just listening to a loud bang, a behemoth flew directly from the temple ... () "The Galaxy Spokesperson" only represents the author's view of Ximen Northwest. For deletion, the position is only dedicated to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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