The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 508: Radiation sickness, cards and unlimited ...

"Brother, what's the matter with you?" Nobita's voice choked clearly, and Zhou Jinyin also came in from the outside. Chinese ≥ =

Sad Wind also came over and asked, "What's wrong with this little brother?"

Nobita said: "I don't know, Mommy, make a medical diagnosis of cheese!"

Mommy said: "Baicao cheese has been seriously contaminated by radiation, and many internal organs have become exhausted and severe internal bleeding."

"No, how could this be!" Nobita cried, "Mommy, can it be cured?"

"I'm sorry, boss, I can't do anything, unless he returns to Beacon Star immediately, receives treatment, and maybe saves."

"Hurry home, hurry home!" Daxiong said incoherently, he had lost two brothers, and now the third brother could not survive, and at this moment he was in chaos!

"No, Brother Nobita!" Said Cheese, grabbing Nobita's arm. "You listen to me, don't break things down for my own sake."

"What's the big deal? What's the big deal? Is there anything bigger than your life?"

"Yes, some," said the cheese with difficulty, "stop the gluttonous invasion."

"I know, I know! We will go home now and notify the consul to be prepared!"

"No, boss," said Cheese. "You know we have a better way! You should understand."

"Don't talk, listen to me about this!" Nobita shouted, and then turned back and shouted: "That robot, you come in quickly, open the portal quickly, we are going home!"

The sad wind on the edge said: "Don't worry, little hero."

Before the robot came in, Nobita grabbed the sad wind collar and said, "Come on, call your military doctor and see my brother!"

"He is dead."

Daxiong released the sad wind with great disappointment, but sad wind said: "His apprentice is in our army, and his medical skills are equally brilliant. You wait a minute, the commander, the commander, call out Yihan!"

Soon a female soldier ran in. It was the female disciple of the miraculous doctor in the army who looked at the cheese on the ground and said, "Can you take off his armor?"

Daxiong didn't believe her, can an ancient Langzhong, or a girl, cure radiation sickness? Yihan said anxiously: "General, please believe me, please? General, you must convince me to help him, he must be quick, otherwise, he will not be cured!"

Sad wind also said: "Do you believe her, okay?"

The robot also came in and said, "Humans, do you want to open the portal? You have to think about it. The portal only has one chance to teleport, and the invasion of Fengshen cannot be stopped by anyone!"

Nobita raised his head and asked, "No one can stop? What do you mean?"

The robot said: "Once the fleet of Fengshen Star enters your universe, it will be the catastrophe of your unicorn universe, and the lighthouse stars will only disappear in a flash."

The cheese said again: "Boss, don't care about me, you should go to the Sixth Universe to stop the enemy!"

Seeing that the cheese is on the verge of death, whether to start the portal is to return to the lighthouse star, or to go to the Aeolus star in the universe 6, it still needs to be discussed, and it can be decided from time to time.

Yi Han shouted back, "I need a big pot, and a big pot of hot water! Quick!"

Sad wind also shouted: "Do what the doctor Yi Yi said! Hurry!" Said to Nobita again: "Little hero, you make a decision quickly!"

Zhou Jinyin said on the edge: "Nobita, now he can only live horses ..." The second half of his sentence "used as a dead horse doctor" was not said.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you!" Nobita said: "Heal him, please! Mommy, help me turn off the cheese shield!"

Yihan took a lot of powder from his backpack, and when Nobita opened the cheese helmet, he began to feed him. Nobita knew that it was Xiang mushroom powder. After feeding, he took out a water bag, mixed the bus of Xiang mushroom powder into the water, and shake it evenly Feed the cheese.

Xiaola had already come down from the armored car and entered the temple. When she saw the cheese on the ground, she asked with concern. At this time, a large number of blood moths flew over and attached to the cheese. Yihan looked up and said, "General, if you believe me, give me this general, and I promise to cure him, but ..."

"But what?" Nobita asked.

"It will take at least ten years before he can heal!"

Listening to her, Da Xiong giggled, ten years? Either let the cheese stay in the snow world, or bring Yihan back to the lighthouse. A cauldron has been set up outside the square, and the soldiers filled the pan with water and burned it with firewood.

After seeing the cheese taking a large amount of agaric powder, it stabilized slightly. Mummy's diagnosis is that the internal bleeding has stopped and will not die for the time being. But his physical condition is still not optimistic. It seems that this doctor and his female disciples did have a solution. So many soldiers under the mourning wind were exposed to the skin, and they were not afraid of radiation. .

Then he asked the robot: "What did you just mean that the portal only has one chance to teleport?"

The robot pointed at the screen and said: "The gate of time and space is both a portal and a portal in the teleportation array."

"Zhenmen? What do you mean?"

"Have you heard of the concept of the card universe?" The robot asked.

"Card universe? What do you mean? Can you elaborate more?"

The robot clicked this and said, "Yes." Then he raised his hand and pointed a finger at the air, and immediately a virtual three-dimensional image appeared in the air. The image showed countless cylindrical things. The robot dialed in the graphics, and soon found a "cylinder", and then zoomed in, it turned out to be a round pass composed of a lot of cards stuck together ~ ~ These cards are like dominoes They are arranged one by one, but they are tightly attached to form a circle, forming a circle. The robot said: "This is the card universe! Every card is a sub universe."

Zhou Jinyin interrupted and asked, "This piece of paper is clearly two-dimensional, and our universe is three-dimensional."

The robot said: "Our universe is indeed three-dimensional, and the card is just a projection of the three-dimensional universe. You may not understand it, but this is how the theory is set."

Zhou Jinyin mumbled: "It's really brain-burning, okay, you continue."

The robot added: "In your perception, I am afraid that the universe is always three-dimensional. Right?"

Nobita said: "At least the current existing knowledge thinks so. As for the four-dimensional, five-dimensional, and even higher-dimensional universes, they only appear in science fiction, and there is no scientific basis to prove it."

The robot said: "In the theory that Fengshen's civilization has recognized, the universe is four-dimensional, and the theory to be verified thinks that the universe is infinite."

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