The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 523: Time and space gate failure

Twenty years ago, in the 19th year of Tianyuan, in the cave where Olympus Peak and the Gate of Time and Space were located, in summer, Xing Wen, Huangfu Arctic, Su Du and Lu Cheng watched six people including Bai Zixiong enter the space and time The door. But after waiting for a long time, there was no news.

Sitting on a sofa in the summer, he quietly looked at the portal, and the portal was standing there quietly. The current portal is in the called state, which means that as long as the number one world opens the caller, the commando We could come back at any time, but after waiting for a long time, we did not see the slightest response.

According to the agreement in advance, after they have passed it, they will first let a robot come back and report the safety, but it hasn't, it hasn't.

Xing Wen was anxious on the edge and said, "Princess, do you want to send someone to see it again?"

Summer hesitated, and he had no idea at this moment, time and space transmission, something he had never been in contact with. "Princess, you can't wait any longer," Xing Wen said again. "I'm afraid that the princess will have a failure, or I'll go and see."

Xia Xia said: "The safety of the princess is important, but your safety is not important? So, change to the calling mode and send a robot to see it."

Some of the portals were changed to callers, calling World No. 1, but ... they couldn't call, and the other party did not respond! In summer, my heart sank sharply, and several people panicked. Xing Wen shouted: "Check equipment quickly!"

After being busy for ten minutes, nothing could be checked. The door of time and space is not originally a thing of this world, so it is impossible to find out what went wrong with existing technological means. When he was helpless, everyone looked at the summer, only to see him clenching his brows, he said for a long time: "Try to call World No. 11."

World No. 11 is the world that Teng Snake ran out of. The technicians began to try to dial, but the result once again disappointed everyone, and it was impossible to call, the other party did not respond!

"Start with number one and call one by one," Xia said.

The next fact is that none of the 11 worlds can get through. In addition to making calls to these 11 worlds, in the summer, the technicians again opened the called mode with World No. 1, but this mode only stayed for five minutes.

Because the other world is an unknown world, it is impossible to be sure that everything will come out from the opposite side, thinking that everyone's safety, each time the called mode cannot be opened for too long. A flying snake from World 11 is a good example.

After trying again and again to no avail, the summer was almost desperate. His favorite daughter disappeared in this door. If he refused to agree with her at the beginning, he would not lose her, and blame himself. , Too spoiled Xiaola, give her whatever she wants. Summer rebuked himself deeply in his heart, but he couldn't show the slightest discouragement on the surface. He is a leader, and he cannot be seen by his subordinates.

It took a whole day, and there was no result. Seeing everyone is very tired, the summer said: "You all go back, I will stay here for a while."

In the summer, everyone was sent away, Xia Lan said: "Father, otherwise, you go first, I'll just stay."

"No, Deng'er, I'll wait, what trouble they might have over there, they will come back after a while," Xia said stubbornly.

"Then tell my mother?" Xia Deng asked cautiously.

"Don't tell her for now, she just lost her younger brother. I'm afraid she can't take this blow." Xia Xia said a few days ago, Prince Millen killed seven or eight people because he robbed a tribe princess of the jungle kingdom The death penalty was committed. Minar killed her brother and killed her brother.

In recent days, Minaer has been lukewarm for summer, the reason is very simple, Minaer executed his own brother, but in the summer, he did not say a word of persuasion, Minaer gave birth to him for this She's angry, even if summer says a pity, her heart will feel better, but he doesn't.

Now that her daughter has gone to another world, her life and death are unknown. How dare he tell Miner in the summer.

Xia Deng and the officers of the fleet came to persuade him. He did not want to leave. He just ate lunch in the laboratory and slept on the sofa all night. By the next morning, the portal still had no response, and finally left the laboratory after repeated persuasion by Xing Wen and Huangfu. However, there are heavy guards in the laboratory, trying to connect with World No. 1 every hour. Each time, the called mode can only last up to five minutes.

Out of the underground laboratory, in the summer accompanied by a number of officials came to the peak of Olympus, and met the long-awaited Queen Dote. Seeing the disappointed look in summer, Tao Te comforted him and said, "Big Brother, Princess Lala will be fine, she will definitely come back!"

"Hey, I hope you can achieve it." Summer sighed.

The accompanying Xing Wen asked: "Sire, are you going back to the fleet or where are you going?"

Nobita thought for a while and said, "Let's go back home first. It's useless to be afraid of something to be faced sooner or later." What he said about fear was to tell Minare about the disappearance of Xiaola.

The airship "Air Force One" dedicated to the consul took him away from Olympus to Midu. In the process of slow flight, the summer was connected to the royal palace to ask if Minar was in the palace. While waiting for the answer, summer was in the heart With a trace of anxiety, he even hoped that Mina was not in the palace, so that he could delay telling her about Miss La's disappearance, and maybe he could come back tomorrow.

But he knows that this possibility is very small, and the most likely possibility is that ~ ~ Xiaola and the commando players are dead. Although this is the result he never wanted, but he knew very well that this possibility is the greatest.

The staff of the palace office replied: "Her Majesty is resting in the dormitory, sir, you can see her when you come back."

Summer let out a sigh of relief, the mood at the moment is complicated, and the accompanying Xing Wen patted his hand and said: "Sire, you still ..." He didn't know how to comfort the consul, and then said: "To Do n’t let military officials send a message to Her Majesty the Queen? "

"No," Xia said, "Minaer was still angry with me. At this time, I wouldn't show up again, but sent someone to tell her this bad news, wouldn't she hate me more?"

Olympus is very close to honey, which is more than thirty kilometers away. The spaceship stopped on the square in front of the palace. There are many tourists on the square. The military police has cleared the landing site in advance. Tourists can only watch the legendary special officer's spaceship land from afar. .

In summer, he wore a tall navy general's uniform, a cloak, and the wind rolled up the coat. When walking, he occasionally turned his head to look at the onlookers, and even caused a scream in the crowd. Walk towards the palace.

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