The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 526: seed

The enthusiasm of the students is very high for being able to board the ship after the year, because after two months, they can dedicate their youth and blood to serve Da Ming, which is the dream of every Da Ming earth person.

However, when the second content was announced, all the students cheered with excitement, because this content was a two-month fleet internship, which meant that they could enter the fleet two months in advance.

Speaking here, summer once again signaled everyone to be quiet, saying: "The current Daming Earthman Fleet, although there are two fleets, is still very empty. You 800 people are obviously not enough. However, this situation will be from next year. What has changed, it seems that the teaching system will start in real time from the first grade of the new junior high school. They will directly enter the fleet to realize the half-day study combined with the half-day and half-military military service system. "

Speaking here in the summer, I looked at everyone and saw that many of you were a little disappointed because they did not catch up with the "good times". In the eyes of people, entering the fleet service is the most glorious thing.

Xia Xia said: "You 800 people will be all arranged in the command system of the major ships of the First Fleet to conduct internships in the command system. That is to say, in the next two months, you will become the commander of the starship Of course, these two months of internships are not for you to do it in vain, you can get contribution points, and it is a contribution point that can be circulated! "

The contribution point is within Daming, from the earth people, to the Aodelai people, and even to the Feng people, a common currency. Although students have generous contribution point subsidies before graduation, they are all bound, that is to say, this kind of bound contribution points can only be used by themselves, cannot be borrowed, and when consumed outside Rome, they will be The extra is overcharged, because the bound contribution points must be recovered by the central bank in the end.

The non-binding contribution points of circulation are different. They can be consumed at will, without additional fees, they can be borrowed, they can be deposited in banks to earn interest, and other various investments can be made.

So in the hands of just two months of internship, you can earn the first bucket of gold in life. Even if this bucket of gold is not a lot, it is also very difficult and exciting for the students who are new to the campus. thing.

As for the internship positions, after the meeting, there will be special staff to collect statistics and volunteer to report. What to say next summer, once again stirred up thousands of waves among the students. That is the collection of seeds.

Because in the Ming civilization, the number of people on the earth is too small and almost extinct, so as early as eighteen years ago, the Sea of ​​Life project was proposed and put into practice in the summer, by collecting the eggs and sperm of the people in the machine. After fertilization and gestation, a new human being was born by machine delivery.

The detailed process of this plan has been introduced in detail before, so I wo n’t go into details here. The healthy sperm and healthy eggs provided by the people are collectively referred to as seeds. In Daming ’s promotional materials, donating seeds is the duty of every people in Daming.

It is said that they will be the first batch of seed donors among the engineers. All of them are boiling again. People are whispering and talking about how to collect seeds.

Sitting there in summer, looking at the venue with a smile. Lu Cheng said at this time: "Students, donating seeds is the obligation of every Daming Earth person. This method will continue until the population of Daming Earth people reaches one billion people. About seeds The donation system has been roughly introduced in our textbooks, and you all have some understanding. So I think you should all be able to understand and accept this.

"From the opening of your gene watch to the function of the watch, it explains one thing. When you grow up, you can fall in love, you can get married and have children. However, as a Daming earth person, your obligations must also be fulfilled, that is Donate seeds. In fact, the process is very simple, and the speed is very fast. Here I will introduce to you:

"Girls donate eggs. Due to girls’ special physiological cycle, girls can only donate one egg once a month, and donate only during ovulation. The collection method is very simple, the doctor will give you a nano armored car , This armored car is only 2 mm big, which is as big as a sesame grain, and it contains a set of nano robots and an egg storage. The nano armored car is operated by yourself, it is installed in the body, and there is a manual with the package, which will teach you Detailed use method.

"During the ovulation period, the nano-armored vehicle implanted in the body will automatically collect eggs. After the collection is successful, you will be prompted to your personal computer system. You only need to wait for the armored vehicle to come out according to the user manual. Then you take the collection The nano egg armored vehicle of the good egg is handed over to the doctor, and the whole process is over. The whole process is very simple, no pain, no damage, and no impact on your normal life. Each of you came to this in this way international.

"Let me talk about the collection method of boys, the method of collecting sperm is simpler. Since the eggs can only be collected once a month, for your boys, although they can be collected every day in principle, but every month It only needs to be collected once. It is important to note here that since high-quality sperm is required, it is prohibited to use the ash machine for five days before collection. I wonder if you can do it? "

Lu Cheng said here, everyone laughed, and some boys shouted, "No problem!"

Lu Cheng smiled and said: "It's good, it's good to cooperate. The following is the method of sperm collection, which is also very concerned about all your boys, isn't it?"

Seeing that everyone was laughing again, they said, "The process of sperm collection is also very simple. You will be assigned a medical robot dedicated for collection ~ ~ For Lucheng, just take a word In the past, the boys were obviously dissatisfied. Several people asked aloud: "Can you elaborate more! "

Lu Cheng smiled and said, "Look at the slide."

The slide shows a medical robot, a robot wearing a pink nurse costume, female in appearance, beautiful and sexy. To put it bluntly, it is a robot house puppet. The original collection process is to let the donor and the robot housemate perform XO, and then the robot housemate will send the collected sperm to the population factory.

The graduation ceremony and mobilization meeting lasted for an hour, and finally announced the end. More than half of the graduates are suitable for seed collection, and they are all scheduled to be collected. In the other half, there are boys who have played handjobs in five days, and girls who are not in ovulation. These people can only wait until the fleet is collected.

After leaving the venue, Xiaoying chased and was stopped by the guard again. Xiaoying shouted, "Lord!"

Summer turned around and looked at her.

The girl asked: "Can I go to the headquarters for an internship?"

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