The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 531: How to teleport from Lighthouse Star to ...

Soon it was connected to the Mars Messenger Civilization Base four light years away, and the operator helped him connect to Wu Ruize. Wu Ruize, in his sixties, appeared on the screen and said, "Children, are you still asleep at this late hour?"

"Old things, I am still here in the morning," Xia Xia said with a smile, "Are you late there? Or, you go to bed, I will find you tomorrow morning."

"Don't," Lao Wu said, "You really have something to do with me?"

"Really something."

"Then wait a moment, I will ask the guard to bring me some beer and appetizers. The two of us will have a drink and chat." Wu Ruize said with a grin.

"You leave me! Take advantage of Lao Tzu!" Summer cursed.

"Does it take advantage of you? Is there?" Wu Ruize looked innocent. "You see you are not even thirty years old now. I'm more than sixty years old. It's wrong to say that we are two grandfathers." "

"Can you still chat happily? If you do this again, I will be offline."

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you." Wu Ruize stopped and said with a smile, "But seriously, I still envy you very much, you see us, both leaders of civilization, but my messenger civilization did not The prescription for prolonging life can only let you grow old. You are not even thirty years old, but I am old. My grandson is going to kindergarten. "

Wu Ruize said by himself, and when he saw that his face was not very good in summer, he asked, "What's wrong, Xiaoxia, you seem to be worried."

Summer said: "Last time I told you the door of time and space, do you remember? My daughter participated in the exploration of the door of time and space, and did not return with all the players."

"Ah? How could this be?" Wu Ruize asked in surprise, "Xia Xia, it's not that I said you, you are also daring. Why did you agree to let Xiaola take part in the action?"

Summer said: "She is determined to participate, not to be with her boyfriend."

"Little La has a boyfriend? She is only 18 years old." Wu Ruize once again showed his surprise.

"Yeah, but it doesn't matter anymore. She and her boyfriend took part in the action and didn't come back. I dare not tell our grandfather and Galeries Lafayette that you are keeping my secret for the time being and don't tell them the second elder. Ok? "

Wu Ruize nodded and said, "Yes, yes, but sooner or later, they must know that their baby granddaughter is missing."

"Ah, now I'm so disappointed. For this matter, the Queen of my family is also very stiff with me, and I haven't shared the room with me for half a month."

"Half a month? How long has Xiaola been missing?"

"It ’s not just this thing either. I did n’t tell you last time. My little uncle killed someone. She ordered the execution of her younger brother, and now she blamed me on it. , Do you say I am wrong? "

"Well, I used to help you. You were indeed responsible. At that time, your younger uncle was executed. You should come out and persuade the queen to spare her brother. If the queen understands the truth, she will not be favoritism."

"I came to intercede? But even if I intercede, her brother can't escape death. What does it mean?"

"Xia Xia, Xia Xia, you said you are also extremely intelligent, and have experienced so many storms and waves, why don't you understand this kind of love? Your queen, you don't want you to plead for her brother, she wants you. A little concern for her and her family, but you, but pretending not to know anything, she will think you are ruthless. Understand?

"Don't pay too much attention to your work, take more time to accompany her. Although she is a queen, she is a woman after all, right?"

"Okay, what you said is reasonable. By the way, I actually have a very important thing to discuss with you." Xia Xia said, "You also know that I have a secret secret of the sky, which contains more than 30,000 galaxy records. The coordinates of the life planet, including the earth. However, although the secret code records the coordinates, it cannot be transmitted. You must go to the target in person before you can freely transmit. "

There is a big difference between the teleportation function of the Vault of Heaven and the Gate of Time and Space. The Gate of Space and Time is the transmission between different universes, and the transmission method is somewhat similar to quantum communication.

And the teleportation of the celestial secret is the teleportation between two points in the same universe. There is a small universe in the mystery of the sky. The previous name was "Sad Land". Later, it was renamed "Dream New World" by summer. Later, it was changed to "Secret Realm" because of its unpleasant name. Used now.

The meaning of is that the summer is a little bit selfish. He does not want to let the small universe be shared by others. He wants to make the small universe his own private item. However, when he first discovered this small universe, he also discovered it himself when he was most troubled.

Has previously introduced that although the "universe" of the small universe is a parallel universe of the big universe, it is not at a fixed position in the big universe. What it means is that you can enter the secret realm through the secret code of the sky anywhere in the universe.

The big universe mentioned here refers to our single universe. At this time, we have not found a multidimensional multidimensional universe. It was only after Daxiong and Xiaola returned 20 years later that they brought the concept of multidimensional multidimensional universe ~ ~ In the Big Universe, which is defined as the Unicorn Universe 20 years later, and in the Big Universe that is still called now, there are more than 30,000 coordinates recorded by the universe, as long as the coordinates are aligned in the dense environment, Can arrive in an instant.

Strictly speaking, this can't be called teleportation. It can only be said to be in or out of the small universe. Only when it came out of the small universe, the coordinate was selected. This coordinate is one of the more than 30,000 coordinates of the galaxy.

Because the small universe has no specific location in the big universe, the small universe can be arbitrarily defined in one of these more than 30,000 coordinates.

The so-called coordinate is not static, it is dynamic, and records the specific information of a planet, including the living environment, and its trajectory.

However, the problem now is that these more than 30,000 dynamic coordinates must be repositioned before they can be used. This blame can only be blamed on the creator of the small universe, Master Wu Nian, to close all the targets that could have been reached at will, and to open it, you can only reposition.

And repositioning is to send the aircraft to these coordinates.

The problem to be told to Wu Ruize in the summer is: "Old Wu, I plan to launch a spacecraft to fly to the earth and reposition the coordinates of the earth. After the positioning is successful, I can reach the earth instantly. In this way, our future Communication will be very convenient. "

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