The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 537: Insect sea attack

Bai Ziying took the lead with her fleet and started to head towards the worm swarm ahead. Xiao Xue on the edge shouted: "Hey, Xiao Ying, you can't take the lead, you will be wiped out by the whole army. Teana novel" ⒉ "

Bai Ziying said: "It's okay, Xiaoxue, you pay attention to my direction and whereabouts, and you will follow me later." Continue to lead the team forward.

Observed that some people in the jury started to shake their heads. They disagreed with Bai Ziying's aggressiveness. Xia Wen tilted his head and asked the people around Xing Wen and Huangfu: "What do you guys think?"

Huangfu said: "Today ’s simulated Star Wars can be said to be a large group battle. The big group battles are about global coordination and local fine-tuning. They are a little bit choking this time, because there is no unified central command, each fights separately, it is easy to disrupt And the enemy is too strong, the number is 100 million when they are dispatched. The 2o group army will soon be lost. As for this Bai Ziying, it seems to be eager, bold and aggressive, and there is nothing to do. But The war has n’t started, everything is hard to say. Look. ”

Nodded in the summer and meditated for a moment: "Brother Xing, revise the rules, the group insists on winning for 6o minutes. When the fortress loss reaches ten, it is judged that the whole army is defeated."

"Yes," Xing Wen said to the interns after agreeing: "It takes one hour for the reinforcements to reach the battlefield to participate in the battle, so you must insist on the arrival of the reinforcements. Sixty minutes later, if your fortress is still there, it is judged as a victory. If the whole army loses ten fortresses, it is judged as a collective defeat of the whole army! "

Bai Ziying rushed out alone, although the others stayed behind, but some people began to spread out around. Standing beside Bai Ziying, Luo Lanxue was a little helpless, not knowing what to do, and stomping his feet in anxiety.

Bai Ziying said: "If you want to lose too early, just listen to me, and now let all of your fighters do spiral flight."

"Ah? How about a spiral flight?" Xiao Xue asked very blankly.

Xiaoying shook his head and gestured, "Fly in this spiral and fly, all must be flying, set as follows: No active pursuit of the enemy, only long-range weapons to attack the enemy within range, and always keep flying high, can not stop."

"Is this useful?"

"Listen to me, keep up with me now!" Xiaoying said.

Xiao Xue really listened to her, making all her fighters rotate counterclockwise around the central axis in a spiral of an electric drill. Xiaoying added: "Let your fortress be in the second half of the electric drill, the flagship is in the first half, the battleship is divided into six parts, four groups outside the electric drill, two groups inside the electric drill, one group in the front and one group in the back. "

"Yes, yes, okay," Xiaoxue said in a panic, because the worm swarm was about to enter the range, "You say slowly, I have no time to deploy."

Xiaoying shook her head and said, "I usually ask you to read more books, and you know to watch the live broadcast without listening."

There are several very well-known live-streaming sites among Lighthouse Star's Audreys. Many people watch it every day. Roland Xue is also one of the fans. Unfortunately, she has no circulation contribution points, otherwise she is positioned to buy gifts for the handsome anchor. reward.

She once said to Bai Ziying that after her first month's salary is down, she will buy a gift for her favorite anchor.

"Attention," Bai Ziying said loudly, and at the same time reminding Roland Xue around, "When you see me, you will do the opposite."

Has reached the range, only to see a large piece of black pressure in front, although within the range, but still not clear to Zerg individuals. Xiaoying made a tactical gesture and enlarged the spiral-powered "electric drill" to disperse the battleships in the flagship array inside the spiral, the front of the flagship was exposed, and the class particle gun began to recharge.

A large beam of light shot directly at the swarm, and at the same time, the entire fleet began to turn towards the 1o point. While turning, the spiral flight is still non-stop, and the particle cannon is non-stop, sweeping the swarm in front.

At the same time of turning, the fortress and flagship inside the electric drill began to adjust the direction. Since the outer periphery of the electric drill has been pulled away by a large enough range, it is convenient for the two small groups inside to adjust the position. The particle cannon on the flagship also stopped firing and began to recharge. While charging, it has already begun to adjust the position with the fortress behind.

Halfway through the turn, the side of the electric drill faced the swarm. Xiao Xue listened to Xiao Ying and turned her fleet in the opposite direction at 2 o'clock.

Because of the high flight in space, there is no brake, especially large group operations, and it is impossible to stop quickly. If you don't collide with the enemy head-on, the only thing you can do is maneuver steering. So while Xiaoying was turning, her group's fleet was still rushing towards the swarm, but the direction had changed, and she wanted to brush away from the edge of the swarm.

While turning, all the fighters on the electric drill will fire and shoot as long as the spiral flight faces the insect side, and once the turn is over, the shooting will stop.

Bai Ziying's move immediately attracted a lot of bugs and fled from the swarm to her. But Xiao Xue around her shouted: "Xiaoying, a lot of bugs are coming, what should I do?"

"Stabilize, evacuate quickly!" Xiaoying said. A lot of bugs have already rushed into her fleet camp and collided with the high-rotating fighters. Some of them have not been flew to the front and were shot by lasers, but there are too many bugs, like the tide.

And now the swarm has entered the range of many group fleets. Immediately all the group fleets were thrown into the battlefield and began to fight back.

Xiaoying shouted: "Everyone is scattered ~ ~ Protect the strength, don't fight hard with the bugs! We only lose half of the battle!"

Sure enough, all the people began to command their fleets to disperse. Since fighting in space, there is no resistance, so there is no brake, and the enemy's impact is avoided by changing the course.

But there are too many Zergs, 100 million, and they have collided with the human race fleet. At first, they were melee soldiers and worms. They were fighting by body collision. Although the fighters were protected by shields, they could not withstand such a violent impact. If you are lucky, you will be knocked out of control and you will keep rolling in space. If you are unlucky, you will be knocked and destroyed together with bugs.

The chance of being hit is out of control, rolling in space, and hitting other fighters. The chain reaction will cause more fighters to collide. So after the first rush, there was obvious confusion between humans and insects, and many people had panicked.

Bai Ziying shouted: "Everyone is moving, let all your fighters fly in a high spiral, don't stay in place and the bugs are consuming."

As soon as Xiaoying finished talking, she saw a large number of bugs rushing towards the beam. She knew that this was a senior class of insect swarms: the light bug, a long-range combat unit.

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