The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 543: riot

Although Bai Ziying is now an officer in Daming, she is still a student and a university student. Tian "Lai Novel" "Under the background of lack of talents, part-time study is a common phenomenon in Daming.

While this year ’s high school graduates graduated and entered the fleet, Daming ’s education system has undergone a great innovation. From the beginning of the first year of high school, the pilot was conducted. There are those who go to school in the morning and serve as soldiers in the afternoon, and vice versa.

Three high school grades, 24oo people, 4oo college students, add up to 28oo people. These 28oo people are semi-military and semi-academic, so there are always 14oo military personnel online, plus 4oo official military personnel who graduated from the military, there are 18oo life military personnel online, which is 14oo more than the old dawn fleet of 4oo people. Many people went. This suddenly made the First Fleet angry.

Do this in the summer, not to recruit so many doll soldiers, if he really wants to fight, he will not let these doll soldiers come to the front. This is just to allow them to integrate into the starship system more quickly after graduation.

In the fleet, Bai Ziying's life is very fulfilling. She wants to study her major in finance. She wants to work as a command staff officer at the Naval Command, and she also needs to bring her younger students and students.

The 36oo high school students, college students, and voluntary soldiers, including 35oo soldiers, 1oo officers. By the second year, junior high school students also began to practice half-military half-reading. The personnel on board have reached 65oo +, and the fleet is becoming more and more substantial.

As the engineer grows year by year, more and more excellent healthy seeds (sperm and eggs) can be provided every month. As a result, the size of the population factory in the "dense realm" of the small universe in summer has also grown. The corresponding youth city has also begun to expand in scale, and in the 2o year of Tianyuan, it began to prepare for the construction of the second youth city "Athens".

Rome was built in one day, Athens was built in one day, and related supporting facilities were completed in only one month.

Two youth cities, Rome and Athens only accept kindergartens and elementary school students. Once in junior high school, they will be sent to the fleet for half-military and half-read.

In the half-military and half-reading of college students, soldiers only need to serve four years of compulsory service in four years of college. After graduation, they can return to the society to find a career without continuing to serve. Some who are willing to stay in the fleet become mercenaries.

Mercenaries: Professional soldiers, employed by the fleet, who receive salaries.

After graduating from high school, they did not get into the university, but those who directly enlisted in the army only need to serve for two years, either to change mercenaries, or to go to work in society, all on a voluntary basis.

Middle school students can not count as military service during their half-army and half-time study, only military skills.

Just like this, Bai Ziying and her classmates spent four years in the fleet in the university, half army and half school. She went to university for four years and served as a major commander for three years. When she graduated, she continued to serve in the headquarters, and her military rank was promoted to lieutenant colonel, when she was 23 years old. It is Daming's youngest female officer in the Lieutenant Colonel and the youngest officer in the Lieutenant Colonel.

Her girlfriend Roland Xue is also at the headquarters, the rank is much lower, only the rank of lieutenant.

Four years later, the official non-commissioned soldiers of Daming First Fleet had reached 3ooo. Daming's soldier system is different from that on the earth.

On the earth, the pilots are all military officers, while in Daming, the pilots are all non-commissioned officers, called flying non-commissioned officers. And at the same time the flight sergeant may also be a 6th war soldier.

In Daming, flying aircraft is no longer a high-tech arm. If there is a 6th battle, if there is a shortage of personnel, the flight sergeant may serve as the Navy 6th squadron. If this is on the earth, it is simply an unimaginable thing. Think about it, let a fighter pilot be the Navy 6 team?

In Daming ’s military combat theory, when flying non-commissioned officers are basically fighting in large groups, tens of thousands of fighters simply cannot achieve individual subjective combat. In most cases, unified operations are issued through the flagship command headquarters. Commands, such as spiral flight, and all the flight sergeant has to do is fine-tune the tactical actions.

So the flight officer has no technical skills at all. Choose people to drive fighters instead of computers, because the human brain is more logically judged than computers. How to achieve the unity of man and machine in the real tactics of the big group's aircraft and sea is the three-in-one of the human brain, computer and flagship command, and among these three items, the flagship commander is the most important part.

That's why summer has to vigorously cultivate excellent Star Wars commanders. He would rather not have a commander than a person to replenish. Therefore, the elimination rate of the starship commander is very high. In the past four years, more than 1,000 people have bid for the commander, and only ten people have been left. The ideal number target for the summer is more than two hundred commanders for his naval headquarters. The flagships of other squadrons, battleships and other ships need more commanders.

Four years later, Daming Earth has reached an unprecedented scale of 50,000 people, and the official crew of the battleship is as many as 3,000. That is, in the year after graduating from Baiziying University for four years, the First Fleet gave birth to a big disturbance.

As early as more than 20 years ago, when the monogamy and population plan was real-time within Daming in the summer, there were more than 400 Ming people at that time, including more than 300 adult males of childbearing age, , More than 200 people are single and unable to find a spouse.

The solution at the time was that each bachelor was equipped with a machine room doll ~ ~ to solve their physiological needs.

Because of physiological reasons, the Daming people can't be unable to marry the Audrey, and summer and Miner are only unique exceptions. The bachelors of more than 200 people can only solve their physiological needs through the robotic room dolls, but they cannot solve their fertility needs. And they can all provide sperm for the population plan.

Therefore, in order to solve their single problem, they are authorized to adopt a biological child of their own from among the engineers to go home to raise. The rule is that only one can be adopted, and the biological mother of the child is absolutely confidential. In this way, a very curious phenomenon appeared in the old dawn fleet:

2oo multiple families, the father is an old dawn person, the mother is a robot, and the child is an engineering person. And this storm of the Naval Command was caused by these special families.

Bai Ziying handled the graduation at the school and went to the headquarters with her girlfriend Roland Xue. Halfway through, she saw many people running towards the headquarters. At the entrance of the headquarters, a large number of people gathered in black, shouting the slogan: "Seeking truth, asking for explanation!"

And pulled the banner, the letter: The robot created the ungenerated human gene bank to hide dirt and dirt. ,

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