The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 553: Mystery

A very mysterious legend has been circulated on Daming, especially the network of native Daming people. It is said that their leader has a quirky book called "The Secret Code of the Sky" in the hands of summer, which can open the door to a mysterious world. This mysterious world is the "secret realm".

The secret realm is an unimaginable paradise, a mysterious world independent of the universe. Legend has it that the children's childhood was spent there. Now summer said to her that this world does exist in reality, and the "Secret of Heaven" needed to travel to this world is in his hands. Can Xiaoying not be surprised? In summer, she even said she was going to take her to a trip. She was even more shocked and happy.

"Cang Yue," said Xia Xia, "preparing to take us in."

"Yes, Master." Cang Yue replied.

Summer motioned Xiaoying to stand up with him and came to the edge of the bow, ready to accept the teleport. Xiaoying asked in surprise: "So Cangyue can send it?"

Before summer, Cang Yue said: "The teleportation must be authorized by the consul."

Xiaoying nodded and said, "Oh, I understand."

"Okay, start sending." Summer said.

Cang Yue said: "Yes, please stop standing at the same place. Please do not move anything during the transmission, otherwise there will be danger to your life. Countdown to transmission, ten seconds ..."

Will teleport be life-threatening? Said Xiaoying was a little worried. Summer comforted on the edge: "Don't listen to her frightening, you just have to stay still."

Two golden lights were projected from the top of the cabin, which were directed at the two, and then the two floated. Summer said again: "Don't move."

As soon as summer's voice fell, Xiaoying didn't have time to answer, and she saw a flash of light. The scenery she saw in front of her instantly changed, almost even without a transition. They were already in another world!

This is on the stone bridge, and behind it is a huge building. They are just standing at the door of the building. The stone bridge is broken in front. Nothing can be seen under the bridge. There is a fog.

"Is this the secret realm?" Xiaoying asked.

"Yes, it's a thousand kilometers high here."

"Ah? Isn't it?" Xiaoying looked surprised.

In the summer, he didn't speak, but made a loud whistle. A convertible spacecraft flew over and stopped in front of the broken bridge. Summer said: "Get on the boat."

The two boarded the spaceship. When Xiaoying looked back, he saw that the huge building was built from below, but he could not see it underneath. The summer said: "This is the Tongtian Tower, which is more than 1,000 kilometers high. , We are now on the top of the tower, above the artificial sky. "

"Artificial sky?"

"Yes, a simulated heavenly wonderland built by the creator of the mystery." Summer said, the spacecraft carried them flying in the "fairyland" above, and soon came to a floating island. In the summer, she took her off the spaceship and boarded the floating island.

"This is the island of forgetfulness. I was here to find the secret code of the sky." Summer said, leading her all the way forward, and I saw a lush sea of ​​flowers not far away, planted with all kinds of flowers, Floral fragrance.

"Where is there?" Xiaoying asked.

Stopped in the summer: "The sea of ​​flowers is where the goddess immortal dwellings can't be offended." In the opposite direction toward Huahai, he bowed deeply, and then ... actually kneeled down towards Huahai.

Looking at the summer movement, Xiaoying was very shocked. Seeing summer kneeling towards the sea of ​​flowers, she struggled in her heart whether she should kneel? I don't know why she knelt in summer, but she still knelt down and bowed towards the sea of ​​flowers together.

After kneeling, summer stood up and said, "Do you know why I should worship it?"


"This secret realm was built by a very great person in the universe for his beloved beauty. However, this is a very sad story." Xia Xia said, "The builder is the first person of the secret realm. Master, Do not miss Master, his lover is Princess Moon Spirit, Long Sleep and Flower Sea here. Their love should have had a very perfect ending, but destiny made a big joke with him ...

"This joke made Wu Nian inadvertently make an unforgivable mistake. Just a flick of a finger, a civilization was destroyed by him, including the princess's parents and family. Since then, Princess Yueling has been full of hatred against him, Cut off the relationship with him. But don't miss it. It took 10,000 years to seek the forgiveness of the princess, and finally failed to do so, and finally died in regret and despair. "

Xiaoying sighed and said, "If I were to say, I would never forgive him for a lifetime. Think about it, but he kills his father and his enemies, and he doesn't share it! It can't be forgiven anyway!"

Xia Xiaoxiao said: "They have become ancients, and it doesn't make much sense to comment on us. But in this world, Princess Moon Spirit is highly enshrined by Don't Want to be tarnished. You know, this piece of flowers hides hidden killers If you rush in, you will die without a burial place. "

Xiaoying sucked her tongue: "I am obedient ~ ~ That's terrible."

Summer led her to continue to walk, "Do not want to be too affectionate to her." Speaking of which, summer looked at the sky suddenly froze.

"What's wrong? Long?" Xiaoying asked.

"It's okay, I was just in a trance just now." Xia Xia said. In fact, he thought of his first love, Mila, in his heart just now. If Mira is still alive, she should be sixty years old now. If the world where she lives does not have the technology to delay aging, then she is now a 60-year-old aunt. Although he has a physical age of 60 years old in the summer, his body age is only 25 years old, and he is still very young. According to Daming's average life span, he can still live more than 200 years.

Coming to the Wuyou Tower, Xia pointed to the tower and said, "It was in this tower that year. I got the secret code of the sky and the love story of Dou Nian and Yueling. From that moment, I officially took over Small universe. "

Little Ying nodded silently, thoughtfully. Summer did not ask her what she was thinking, but said: "There is nothing beautiful here, I will show you to the earth."

After all, in the summer, she led her back and boarded the spaceship, let the spacecraft take them away from the sky, and flew towards the ground.

The spacecraft flew down around the Tongtian Tower, and suddenly a dragon roar came, and Xiaoying yelled in fright, because she saw a golden dragon chasing behind her. Xia Xiaoxiao said: "It's okay, non-toxic and harmless, just like to scare people. Today is in a hurry, and I have the opportunity to take you to ride it in the future."

The dragon flew side by side with them to the earth. "What a magical place," Xiaoying said.

"You have been here before and have lived here for six years," Xia said.

"You mean that I lived here as a child?"


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