The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 563: Starship Huluwa

In order to better reflect the strategic and tactical ideas of Jihai, the old Dawning Fleet ’s shipbuilding ideas were abandoned in summer, so when building a new fleet, the former Dawning, Fengyun and Arctic starship shipbuilding ideas were abolished and unified Designed as a battleship.

In the new fleet, it includes the first and second fleets, as well as the Fleet and the Audrey fleet. The idea of ​​warships is to unify the "four major pieces": fortresses, flagships, battleships, and warplanes.

The fortress was introduced earlier. Although it only appears in the commander ’s game at present, the blueprint is already under construction. In the near future, the first interstellar fortress that can accommodate 10 million people will be built and put into operation.

The flagship is the soul of the entire fleet. Each fleet has only one flagship, which is equivalent to only one queen in the Zerg civilization. The current flagships are basically interstellar motherships. The Dream Fleet of the First Fleet is 10 kilometers long, and the China Fleet of the Second Fleet is 15 kilometers long.

Both the Phoenix of the Third Fleet and the Starship Mothership of the Fourth Fleet have a huge figure of 10 kilometers.

The battleship is an important combat unit of the fleet, with a length of about four or five hundred meters, which is much longer than the aircraft carrier on the earth. A fleet, in addition to a flagship, can be equipped with a thousand battleships in the full state.

Fighters are also an important component of the fleet and the smallest combat unit with a large number and strong maneuverability. Fighters are divided into manned and unmanned aerial vehicles.

Xiaoying is now on a battleship, chord number 1326, the first digit is the fleet number, indicating that it comes from the first fleet. The following three numbers 326 indicate that it is the 326th battleship of the First Fleet.

With a total length of 420 meters, gravity, ecology, and shields are used for everything, but there is no air anti-escape system. It belongs to a closed spaceship. It can accommodate a total population of one thousand military personnel and five thousand people.

Xiaoying got into the warship, and in the airlock cabin, watched through the porthole and left the mother ship, into space, and many warships also gradually moved away. In addition to the airlock cabin, Xiaoying was reluctant to enter the battleship and took a small aircraft to the bow command cabin.

When I came to the door of the command cabin, I saw her car stopped at the door. Adam was driving the spaceship in the command cabin. The door was wide open, and there was a lot of stuff inside. Xiaoying looked at it, and just WSJ installed most of the cars. Xiaoying couldn't help smiling and shook his head into the command module.

In addition to Adam, there are more than a dozen robots in the command module. After seeing Xiaoying come in, Adam said: "You are here, sir."

The other robots all said in unison: "Hello, sir, and welcome your arrival!"

Xiaoying sat down in the position of the captain and asked, "How long will it take us to catch up with the Huaxia?"

Adam said: "If the Huaxia is no longer accelerating now, and we are fully accelerating, it will take about ten days to catch up."

Xiaoying said: "In less than half a day, Xia Deng flew ten days away. Adam, help me connect the prince."

"Yes, sir." Adam began to connect with the China Xia, and soon the Xia Lan went online.

"Hello, Comrade Baizi." Xia Deng's face was paralyzed. "Are you on the road?"

"Yes, Your Highness, don't drive too fast, otherwise I will take a long time to catch up with the magnetic energy." Xiaoying said.

"Relax, Master Jianjun," Xia Deng said, "I'm already slowing down."

Xiaoying saw that Xia Lan on the screen did not wear nose ornaments, which means that Xia Lan's environment should be Lighthouse Star, so he said, "You are the environment of Lighthouse Star? How can I adapt?"

Xia Deng was stunned by her for a while, and said for a long time: "Girl, my second fleet is the fleet of the Earthman. By default, it is the environment of the Earthman. So your worry is superfluous."

When Xiaoying saw Xia Dengleng for a while, she knew she was wrong. Xia Deng is a person with a high state of mind and always treats himself as a human on earth, but he really cannot adapt to the atmosphere of the earth. This time when asked by Bai Ziying, it means that he is a beacon star, and his least willingness is his identity as a beacon star.

Seeing that Xia Dengmian was displeased, Xiaoying didn't know what to say. When summer came online, when they saw both of them online, they said, "Deng'er, I can't think of how you might be so rash this time."

"I'm sorry father," Xia Deng said, "I just want to prove myself, I won't dare again next time."

"Forget it, don't need to say more," Xia Xia said, "Don't look at Xiaoying as a girl, but she is capable and courageous, you can ask her anything you don't understand, if you don't know anything, don't do anything. Too rash, think more, ask more, and observe more. "

"Yes, father."

"Chief, you can rest assured. Your Highness is a stable, self-motivated person. With me as a good helper, we will surely return to the mission without failing our mission." Xiaoying said, "You just do a good job in strategic deployment. We will be fine. "

"I can rest assured if you help Denger. Both of you, I wish you good luck and pay attention to safety." Xia Xia said, and went offline after a while.

Xiaoying feels nothing to say about Xia Deng, and can also feel that Xia Deng does not like her very much. Perhaps it is her status as a superintendent or dispatched by the naval headquarters. Xia Deng was an arrogant person. Arranging a woman to supervise him is not a father's distrust of him?

Xiaoying is a wise man, can't you see the clue? She can only pray in her heart, in the future getting along with Xia Lan, don't make too much conflict.

The two men talked about some related matters, so they had nothing to say and disconnected. Xiaoying was also relieved, and a robot brought a cup of tea to her side. Adam asked: "Sir, do you want me to decorate your living room?"

Xiaoying said: "No, anyway, the whole battleship ~ ~ just me a big living person, you go and put the bed in the command cabin."

"Ah? Is that okay?" Adam looked dazed.

"What's the matter?" Xiaoying asked back, "Xia Deng alone occupied a mothership. I'm just a battleship, far worse than him. In this way, it is located between the sand table and the position of my captain. Then Set it up ... "

Xiaoying stepped down from the captain's seat, looked at the cabin roof, and said, "Set up a bed that can be hung up. When working, hang up. Just do it." Xiaoying said very stubbornly.

"Well, I will arrange it now," Adam said, and went busy with a few robots.

Xiaoying asked again: "System computer."

A bassist said immediately: "I'm here, my lord. ZJ1326 is waiting for your assignment."

Xiaoying thought for a while and said, "In the future, your name will be Huluwa."

The system computer of the Star Wars 1326 said: "Huluwa, thank you for your name."

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