The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 566: Netizen

The starship 1326 Huluwa was sailing on the way from the lighthouse star to the Huaxia fleet. The bow command module, the sofa between the 3D projection sand table and the front observation window.

Adam was sitting on the sofa, naked to the upper body, showing strong muscles, while Bai Ziying was sitting on Adam's lap, holding Adam's neck with both hands, and Adam also hugged her slim waist. "Adam," Xiaoying whispered, "in this world, you are the best to me."

"Sister, Adam will always be loyal to you and protect you." Adam said calmly. Since Xiaoying boarded 1326, starting from Adam, all the computers and robots on the ship have changed her title from the original "adult" to the current "sister".

"What if that sister is in danger?"

"Adam must stand between the danger and his sister. Even if he sacrifices his life, he must protect his sister."

"Stupid Adam, I don't want to be like you. I want you to face danger and overcome danger with me."

"Yes, sister."

"So, Adam, what would you do if your sister fell in love with a man?" Xiaoying asked Adam's eyes.

Adam didn't answer her immediately, but said a little after a little silence: "Of course, Adam hopes that his sister can have a happy future."

Xiaoying just regretted asking this question and regretted it. She felt that it was unfair to Adam and cruel. From the beginning, she should not have feelings for Adam, after all, Adam is just a robot.

Bai Ziying is the first group of children born under the population engineering plan. Like all engineering people, they are artificially fertilized in vitro and bred in the workshop. I never knew who my biological parents were since childhood. So, like all engineering children, she has an inseparable attachment to robots.

From the robot aunt in the nursery and kindergarten, to the robot teacher when she was a student, until she embarked on a career as a professional soldier, Adam, the first private robot she owned.

Bai Ziying is a very intelligent and extremely capable person, full of energy and tireless. Be independent and special in your life. When I was working, I was a strong woman. In my spare time, let her personal robot Adam help her relax. As for how to relax and decompress, we can only make up for the phenomenon.

Now that she owns a warship by herself, she has more robots, all of which have been transformed into male armed house puppets for her to "relax".

In the ten days of catching up with the Huaxia, she not only talked about work with the father and son of Xia Deng in summer, but also chatted with her girlfriend Roland Xue. She also has a hobby, which is to go online.

Because of quantum communication, two super-distant places can achieve super-distance communication as long as there is a pair of entangled particles. So Daming's network can be connected to the Earth and Mars Messenger, which is 4 light years away.

And she is online, chatting most is a male netizen named Qiufeng, this autumn wind comes from the earth.

Xiaoying is flirting with Adam, Huluwa said: "Sister, your earth chat tool has a video request."

"Is it autumn wind?" Xiaoying asked.

"Yes, sister."

Xiaoying was thinking about whether to take it over. Adam had held her on the sofa and stood up. Xiaoying looked at Adam with a guilty look, and Adam smiled at her with a very understanding attitude, bent over and kissed her forehead and said, "Sister, please talk, I patrol the battleship. "

The video is connected and a very handsome guy is on the screen. "Hi, beauty, what are you doing?" Qiu Feng asked, showing his white teeth.

"It's dazed," Xiaoying looked sullen. "Tomorrow I will work with the person I don't like the most. I'm very depressed."

"You can choose not to be with him."

"I can choose, but I have made a choice. Hey, don't say this. Qiufeng, what do you say I should do now?"

"What do you mean?"

Xiaoying said: "Oh, last time I told you, I like my leader, but he already has a family, his son is one year older than me, his daughter used to be a high school classmate with me. . "

Qiu Feng thought about it and said, "This question, how to say, you are just crushing him now, so I suggest that you bury this crush in your heart. Don't be a third."

"Primary three? What is it?"

"I'm going, don't you be so OUT? Don't you know Xiao San?" Qiu Feng asked in surprise

"Then I don't know."

"It's the third party, hello, how do I feel like you are a Martian."

"I am not a Martian," Xiaoying said, "I said I am an Alpha, do you believe it?"

Xiaoying was afraid she said that the lighthouse star and the other shore star, he could not understand, so he specifically said that the Alpha star. And Alpha Star is the name of Earth to the other shore star. The other shore star is a star. Its planet has a temperament planet called Beng Yunxing, and the lighthouse star is only one of the 18 moons of Beng Yunxing.

"Alpha Star?" Qiufeng asked in doubt again. "You said to me, but ..." Qiufeng said with a lip, that means, how can you make me believe.

"Do not believe it? Let you see it today." Xiaoying said, standing up.

"Wait, you wait ..." Qiufeng exclaimed. "Don't you say this is a military secret? Are you afraid of leaking?"

Xiaoying smiled and said, "Don't be afraid!" He said to the computer: "Huluwa, turn the lens and let Qiufeng look at our starship command module."

"Yes, sister," Huluwa said, the camera began to rotate, and the details of the entire cabin were revealed one by one ~ ~ While showing, Xiaoying secretly paid attention to the expression of autumn wind, only to see him The expression was slowly changing, from indifferent at first to being slowly surprised.

It shows not only the interior of the command cabin, but also the scenery outside the porthole. Xiaoying smiled and said, "Do you doubt that what you see is just the set?"

"No no no, this is too real!" Qiu Feng exclaimed. Believe it or not? Qiu Feng was hesitating.

Xiaoying also said: "The starship I was riding, port number 1326, but I named it Huluwa. The maximum speed is 0.1 times the speed of light. It takes only ten years to accelerate from zero speed to the maximum speed. I ’m the captain of this battleship. Unfortunately, the whole battleship is just a living person and a ship ’s armed robot. I ’m a lieutenant colonel now. How about it, great? Daming Naval Command, combat staff, and Starship Commander. "

Qiufeng kept silent, he was still hesitating whether to believe.

"Why don't you believe it?" Xiaoying asked with a smile. "If you don't believe me, why would you still be interested in me?"

Qiu Feng was stunned and was about to speak, Xiaoying said: "Let all of you come out, don't hide, Comrade Qiu Feng, Earth Intelligence Officer."

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