The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 576: DM dust

Daming Naval Expeditionary Force, the flagship of the First Fleet of Dreamcatcher, the interstellar mothership of Dreamcatcher, came to the living room in the captain ’s living room, wearing a nightgown in the summer As he walked around, a virtual screen was always with him, and there was a young female officer on the screen. It was Lieutenant Colonel Bai Ziying, the chief of staff of the Vanguard Huaxia.

"I'm sorry, Chief, disturb you to rest," Xiaoying said apologetically.

"You don't need to be polite," Xia waved her hand and handed the drinking glass to a female robot who followed her. She came to the front of the living room. A large screen flickered, showing the system screen of the Dreamcatcher host computer, and Baizi Ying's virtual screen is displayed on the side of the big screen, "You just say, do you have anything important to tell me."

"Yes, Chief, but my idea is still not mature," Xiaoying said, "because I think of an electromagnetic pulse bomb."

"D?" Xia asked, "But you have to know that the enemy has a shield, which can be very effective in defending d. On this issue, we have not thought about it, it is the same as the use of computer virus attacks, and it is not very feasible. big."

d is the Chinese pinyin abbreviation for electromagnetic pulse weapon, pronounced "electric pulse" or "touch", and its English abbreviation is ep. In Daming, all abbreviations are Chinese pinyin.

The d attack has a shield, and the db (computer virus attack) has a firewall, so these two non-lethal attacks have no substantial effect.

"But, Chief," Xiaoying said, "I just had a flash in my head, and I thought we should make an essay on d, but I just could n’t figure out how to make an essay. Sorry, Chief, I know I ’m a little abrupt . "

In the summer, she ignored her apology, but also pondered, pacing in the living room. At the moment, the two of them are separate connections, and no one else is on their channel. "How long have you not slept?" Summer asked suddenly.

"I sleep every day," Xiaoying said.

"How many hours a day do you sleep?" Summer asked. "You look at you, your face is so bad, you should pay more attention to rest."

"Yes, Chief, I just notice it."

Summer did not go on to the topic, but instead turned around and said, "What flight mode is the sine wave?"

"Huh?" Xiaoying didn't understand the meaning of this sentence.

"I mean its combat unit, we are flying in a spiral, what about its sine wave?"

"Electromagnetic coil," Xiaoying replied, "its shuttle will fly through the mothership's hull in electromagnetic coil mode, turning the 150-kilometre-diameter mothership into a 10,000-kilometre super fortress."

Xiaoying was a little puzzled. This flight mode of sine wave is not unknown in summer. Why did you suddenly ask this question? Looking up, Xia Xia is looking at her with an encouraging look. Does Xia Xia already know the solution?

"Ah!" Xiaoying suddenly awakened and shouted.

"Remembered?" Summer asked.

"I don't know if I can do it," Xiaoying said. The sine wave combat unit's flight mode is very similar to the magnetic field lines in the magnetic field. In this flight mode, its shuttle must pass through the flagship and pass through the flagship. trip……"

"Huh?" Summer encouraged her to continue.

"There are three working modes for the shield: no exit, no entry, only exit, no entry, only entry. The first two methods are mainly applied. These two methods, no matter what, will be on the shuttle. When crossing the shield, it will cause a gap in the shield, otherwise the shuttle cannot pass through. "

"and then?"

"Then ... we used the gap of the shield to create a gap, release d, and attack the enemy ship. However, this gap is very small, and the shield of the mother ship itself and the shield formed by the sea of ​​sea are added together. It is very thick, even reaching a thickness of five or six thousand kilometers.

"Even if there is a gap in the shield, but d just traversed this gap, he will encounter a new shield in front, so it is still difficult to penetrate."

Xia Tian said: "Yeah, the sine wave electromagnetic coil flight mode is indeed very powerful, strong maneuverability, the shuttle can quickly change the course, attack the enemy from any direction, even if there is a shield gap, there are many The shields formed by the combat units are superimposed, almost airtight. But we are not without a way. "

"Oh, Chief, did you think of a breakthrough?" Xiaoying asked in surprise.

"Well, I just thought of it in an instant, and as you said, it is not very mature. In addition to informationization, mega-magnification, and sea of ​​aircraft, modern interstellar warfare also has a very important factor, which is miniaturization."

"Miniaturization?" Xiaoying asked, "You mean nano-robots? Use nano-robots to attack d? I see ..." Xiaoying said excitedly ~ ~ pacing back and forth: "Manufacturing Massive nano-scale nuclear explosion electromagnetic bombs, then encapsulated in larger bombs, and then placed in a slightly larger bomb, divided into multi-stage collision, and finally carried the packaged nano-d by the drone, close to the enemy group Detonate.

"A large amount of dust-level d will be formed afterwards. These dusts are permeable, as long as they encounter gaps, they will traverse, rebound when they encounter shields, rebound rebounds, and pass through layer by layer. Once inside, there is no protection from the shield. After that, it will detonate collectively, causing some damage to the enemy's components. "

"Yes, this is the truth. What is missing is practice." Xia Xia said, "I don't know if it will work."

"Okay, I have to give it a try. I will tell Xia Deng and let our processing workshop make it quickly."

"Do you want to notify the technicians? Discuss the specific manufacturing methods."

"It's too late for the head, I have already conceived the blueprint in my head, and I am now making it."

"You make it the way you want, and I still inform the technical staff to quickly draft a more complete process."

"Okay, Chief."

After that, Xiaoyingyou communicated with Xia Deng, as well as with the scientific and technical personnel at the headquarters. Within a day, the D dust manufacturing process was formulated, and the headquarters and Huaxia carried out mass production at the same time.

The working principle is to manufacture a large number of miniature drones capable of launching d. One hundred million will be built on the Huaxia alone. Its size is about ten centimeters. This is the first level.

Each micro UAV can carry about 5,000 millimeter-level ultra-micro UAVs, each with a size of only more than one millimeter. This is the second level, and the total number is 500 billion.

Then there are the third and fourth levels ...

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