The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 588: Man-machine war (ten)

In the vast space, a huge chain is flying ahead in rotation, this chain is composed of countless sine wave shuttles. The center of this chain is two sine wave battleships, which are also flying around each other.

There is actually a human battleship on this chain, that is "Huluwa". This is like a necklace in the vast space, and the Huluwa is the pendant of this necklace. All the shuttles on the necklace are rotating and flying, but the two are not rotating because they have a human, one is a summer lantern and the other is Bai Ziying.

The two shuttles were on the side of the battleship Huluwa, and the battleship Huluwa closed its shield. Through communication, the machine limulus promised to let Xiaoying, Adam and Xia Deng stay together. Said to be the horseshoe crab, in fact, it is still the instructions issued by their central computer evil dragon.

The shuttle carrying Xiaoying and Adam began to slowly separate. The two of them lay on the back of the machine horseshoe crab. At this time, the machine horseshoe crab separated from the shuttle disc. Xiaoying can see the situation outside. She can see nothing except the shuttle that is flying all over the screen.

And among the shuttles adjacent to them, one of them also began to separate. After the horseshoe crab was separated from it, it can be clearly seen that there is a square box on the back of this horseshoe crab, which is the hibernation box The Xia Lan with his equipment was sleeping in it.

The machine horseshoe crab did not know that Xia Deng's equipment had a simple hibernation device, so he put his entire person together with the equipment into the hibernation box.

The two horseshoe crabs separated from their respective disks and moved closer together, back to back. Xiaoying and Adam left the horseshoe crab back together and came to the edge of Xia Deng. Xiaoying glanced into the hibernation box and saw that Xia Lan was still asleep.

After Xiaoying and Adam fixed each one on the side of Xia Deng, the horseshoe crab and the disc began to dock. After docking, the dark world was restored again.

Adam said: "Sister, they said that there is still a distance from No. 1 and hope we can continue to hibernate."

Xiaoying nodded and said, "You tell them that I know."

Adam replied Xiaoying's answer, but Xiaoying was not in a hurry to hibernate, only 24 hours or less, whether or not to continue hibernating is not very important.

What to do next, Xiaoying hasn't figured out a countermeasure yet. She lay down beside Xia Lan and observed the Xia Lan. Although the Xia Lan was issued in the hibernation box, it was Xia Lan who provided hibernation. Portable equipment, which means that the hibernation box is not working.

Don't wake him up for the time being, Xiaoying thought to herself that the orphans and wives are in the same room. After all, there are many inconveniences. Although they each have thick protective clothing, Xiaoying still feels awkward.

Opposite is Adam, who is also lying beside Xia Deng. There is a small electric lamp on his helmet with a faint light. At this moment he is looking at Xiao Ying, waiting for her order.

"No hurry, no hurry," Xiaoying murmured. "After all, we have 24 hours of ample time. Adam, can you see outside?"

Adam said, "I can't see it, but I can feel it outside."

Although Adam is inside the shuttle, he cannot "see" the outside like Xiaoying, but he is a robot and has a data connection to the horseshoe crab. Through binary-to-ternary translation, he can master the real-time outside at any time. Happening.

The current situation is that the shuttle scout had originally two battleships and 12 million shuttles. During the encounter with the Huaxia, more than 2 million were lost, and there are still nearly 10 million. The scale of the shelf.

These ten million shuttles form a necklace formation, twisted together and flying. It is still 24 hours away from their headquarters No. 1, but did not slow down, but continued to fly to their homes at high speed.

Flying in space, deceleration and deceleration are very energy-consuming. Xiaoying knows this. The shuttle is flying in a large arc to fly behind No. 1 and then catch up to No. 1's sea.

Although it is a large-arc flight, which increases the distance much more than a straight flight, this return method can save a lot of energy. Moreover, the shuttle's rotating flight mode can quickly turn, return and return to the sea faster.

At the same time, the No. 1 flagship sine wave of 68.7 billion shuttle seas (16 ^ 9 = 68719476736) is still flying at a high speed towards the Daming Expeditionary Army, and it is expected to make positive contact in six months.

While still having 24 hours to go, Xiaoying asked Adam to communicate with the sine wave, saying that it was communicating with the sine wave, but actually communicating with its host evil dragon.

"You ask it, how do we live after we reach their nest? Do we continue to hibernate or live a normal life?"

"It's a normal life," Adam said. "Normal breathing, eating, drinking, rest, no work. It's like living in heaven."

Xiaoying glared at Adam, and Adam quickly added: "This is not what I said, but the enemy said."

"I know it's not what you said ~ ~ you ask it again, how to ensure our living environment? Xia Lan and I have different air pressure and air composition."

Adam quickly replied: "They said that this is not a problem, they can provide lighthouse stars or the atmosphere of the earth."

Xiaoying no longer asked, but said: "This is really enough."

"What's wrong, sister?" Adam asked.

"If we can't escape, I will live with Xia Lan for a lifetime, my God, I really can't imagine what it will look like."

"Will you marry him?" Adam asked.

"Joke!" Xiaoying said, "How could I marry him? The environmental adaptability of our two is not the same, why are we together?"

Adam asked again: "What if these are not problems?"

Xiaoying looked at Adam with a smile: "What's wrong, wouldn't you be jealous of this?"

"It's not like that. Adam knows his identity. Adam is a robot and will always be a robot. How can he stop his happiness?"

"Adam," Xiaoying said meaningfully, "Do you know? Only when I am with Adam, I think I am the happiest woman in the world. So whether this incident can be resolved, as long as we Are alive, whether in the enemy's concentration camp or back to my Daming, I decided that I will be with you and be your wife. "

"Sister, you are a human being, and I am a robot. That's bad." Adam didn't know what language to use to dissuade Xiaoying.

Xiaoying also said: "Anyway, I have a lot of biological children in the gene bank. It is enough to adopt one at any time, and I do n’t have to worry about marrying the robot and the confusion of future generations."

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