The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 593: Man-machine war (15)

Six months after Xiaoying and Xia Deng were captured.

Daming Naval Expeditionary Force finally came into contact with the sine wave. The First Fleet of the Chinese Army, the flagship Dream Catcher, the third wing of the left wing, the flagship Phoenix, the fourth wing of the right wing, and the flagship Queen Mina.

The distance between the enemy and the enemy is 1 light minute, that is, 18 million kilometers. After five minutes, they will enter the melee mode. Admiral of the Civilization and naval commander in the summer, took command.

In the face of the powerful enemy and its own enemies, there is no fear from the commander to the soldiers, because the worries of all people have been solved in the summer, and the families of the officers and soldiers are in the secret realm.

Summer is doing the mobilization of the left rear: "Comrades, fellow citizens, do it!"

Over the years, although summer has been very mature, but it has not changed his rude personality. It is now war, interstellar war, war. Is n’t that just the word "dry"?

But since you have to do it, it depends on how you do it. In the summer, strategic and tactical deployment began: "The three major fleets, all personnel in the post listened to:" Launch all drones, one is not left! Goal: No. 1! The drone must not occupy our flagship main ray! "

The three flagships of the three major fleets, as well as thousands of battleships and millions of warplanes, all carrying locust drones, were released and rushed towards the enemy camp.

The so-called ray refers to the line through which the shot passes, and the main ray means the line that shoots the enemy's main force, the enemy's main force, then naturally the enemy's flagship No. 1. The meaning of our flagship main ray is: the route of our flagship shooting the enemy flagship. This route is a straight line. If the drone appears on this straight line, it will inevitably be injured by the flagship main gun. So it will be ordered in the summer, all drones must not occupy our flagship main ray.

Summer began to issue a second order: "Lock enemy No. 1 and launch Thunder Wrath! The three flagships spread out in a zigzag shape and sail in three directions without slowing down!"

After the two commands were issued, through the detector, we could see countless drones of our army, and they ran towards the enemy's base camp in a disorderly and arrayless manner. In previous battles, summer always ordered all combat units to be in spiral flight mode, or any other formation, but this time he broke the routine and let all drones fly around. The destination is the enemy base camp.

The shape of the locust drone is only about 10 centimeters long. In the vast space, as long as the distance is a little farther, it will not be visible to the naked eye, so it can only be observed with the help of detection equipment. A total of one trillion locust drones were manufactured throughout the Navy.

It should be noted that the concept of "mega" is 1 trillion (m) = 1 million in the earth's international unit of measurement. In ancient China, one trillion was equal to 100 billion (note: there are also 1 trillion = 1 trillion). What Daming uses is a number equal to 100 billion yuan, and the largest one is Beijing, 1 Beijing = 1 trillion, 1 trillion = 100 million, 100 million = 10 million.

So, what a terrible number is a 1 trillion UAV, this is the sea of ​​tactics in the summer. In the short term, he can't build so many fighters, but he can still make a lot of micro drones. To deal with the enemy's huge sea of ​​shuttle machines, no more locust drones have lethality, but it has the ability to interfere, which is why so many drones are manufactured and released in the summer.

Each locust drone is an electromagnetic pulse bomb, which can release 5 million nanometer-level dm dust bombs. After so many locust drones were released, three interstellar motherships simultaneously turned on Thunder Wrath, and three thick beams of light shot directly at No. 1 that was more than 10 million kilometers away.

In the summer, the third order was issued again: "All battleships carry their fighters at full speed. Note: All fighters must spiral around the battleship, and the specific steps will be formulated by yourself!"

Daming Navy now has three major fleets. The first fleet is led by the summer. In his fleet, there are only more than 1,000 fighter pilots, so only more than 1,000 fighters are controlled by humans, and the remaining one million The fighters are all controlled by computers. In order to reduce casualties, the fighters piloted by the thousands of pilots in summer specifically surround the Dream Chaser instead of letting their battleships attack together.

As for the Fengs of the Third Fleet and the Audreys of the Fourth Fleet, due to their sufficient personnel, they have a corresponding number of pilots, and each of them has more than one million fighters driven by real people.

Less than ten seconds later, the other party ’s dense beam has been fired, and the enemy has launched a long-range attack. The ripples and the sound waves passing through the material can only be heard in the hall. The sound of the plasma bombardment shield is deafening and the sound is deafening. The hall was particularly bumpy, and many commanders were ups and downs. Summer said: "Give me stability! All commanders, fasten their seat belts, put on protective clothing Cang Yue, turn off the artificial gravity! Turn off the oxygen equipment in one minute!"

While still keeping the distance bumpy, the commanders began to fasten their seat belts. The seat belt is very convenient. When the button is pressed, the buckle snaps and fixes the person in position. It is also very convenient to wear the protective clothing. Before the battle started, all the personnel had worn the protective clothing. It is enough to activate the sealing device of the protective clothing, close the cuffs and helmet.

In the cosmic space, it is close to a vacuum, so the laser is the best weapon, and there is no need to worry about energy loss.

In the entire airspace, the two sides have started to shoot each other before they have contacted. Both sides are dense high-power long-range laser volleys, and the enemy's beam is more dense. At first, some fighter planes were destroyed and exploded, turned into a spark and annihilated in the dark universe.

The situation in the three flagships is even less optimistic.

In the command hall of Dreamcatcher, I sat steadily in the captain's command seat in summer, and various battlefield data were presented like floods on various data terminals in the command hall. Cang Yue's voice reported: "Shield energy is being rapidly consumed, with 71% of energy remaining, and is passing at a rate of 3 ‰ per second."

"This consumption rate is acceptable. Cang Yue, how long can our shield last?" Summer asked.

"Up to three minutes," Cang Yue answered.

Summer clenched his fists tightly, worrying about the biggest question in his mind: Why hasn't the electromagnetic pulse attack on the enemy yet worked?

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