The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 598: Man-machine war (20)

Since I do n’t know how long the arc failure will last, and also detonated all dm bombs, I ordered all combat units to approach the No. 1 flagship at the fastest speed in the summer, and put the armed robots to The 13 split modules on the 1st go up.

Only armed battleships are equipped with armed robots. Thousands of battleships are flying toward the No. 1 module in the front. I worry about whether these modules will explode in summer. Each search battleship can have more than 1,000 lives. , So just in case, do n’t get too close.

And only the real-time robot of the central module is logged in. Xia Xia said: "Implement the remote delivery! Only place the robot on the central Xingyue module."

After a certain distance, all battleships fired armed robots toward the No. 1 central Xingyue module. These robots, like cannonballs, went straight to the central module in space. The battleship that launched the robot quickly retreated.

"Except for the central Xingyue module, all other modules continue to attack with full force!" Xia Xia ordered, "Don't be too close."

All combat units resumed long-range attacks, and the laser guns and particle guns bombarded the 12 split modules. The evil dragon thought that splitting could cover the retreat of the host, but it was wrong. It could never have imagined that humans would be so cunning, if it would think.

A large number of densely packed robots boarded the Xingyue module. Once they touched the hull of the module, they began to fire lasers at the metal shell to cut the hull.

The original No. 1 is an open spaceship, and generally has no shell. Only the crescent-shaped main module of the central Xingyue module and the cylindrical survival module surrounded by it have a shell.

At least 100,000 robots successfully landed on the shell of the Xingyue module. At this time, the Xingyue module suddenly restored the shield protection, blocking all other robots that did not land.

Due to inertia, the robots that have not landed continue to fly forward, some may bounce back on the shield, float in space, and some may explode directly on the shield.

The other 12 modules exploded under the attack of powerful firepower. Although some modules restored their shields, they could not stop the explosion.

Twelve modules have exploded and disappeared.

The last module left, held together by the mainframe module and survival module of the computer mainframe evil dragon, continued to flee at full speed in an unknown direction. All combat units of Daming Navy are surrounded by Xingyue modules. Now that the opponent has a shield, he can continue to attack him.

So the current situation is that in space, a huge gigantic drone is flying. Around it, there are four big guys. They are the four interstellar mother ships of the Ming Navy, as well as thousands of battleships and one hundred. Tens of thousands of fighter planes were wrapped and fired with lasers.

The Xingyue module also has tens of thousands of laser guns to fight back against the many combat units of the Ming Navy around it.

It is conceivable at this moment that the sine wave is no longer a threat. In order to prevent it from being destroyed, Summer ordered all combat units to stop shooting as soon as they found that they were about to penetrate the other party's shield, knowing that the shield in the corresponding place had recovered, and then continue shooting.

The purpose of doing this in summer is to exhaust each other's energy. The protruding robot cuts the body of the module with all its strength, and rushes in once the opening is cut. In order to prevent the survival module from being cut and destroyed and causing the air inside to leak, Xia Xia ordered: "Do not cut the survival module, there is life in it, you must ensure the safety of life!"

The host module has been cut in many places, and armed robots have poured in. After entering, there are still compartments inside. Summer sneered and said: "I can't imagine this evil dragon actually reinforced itself with so many protective layers. Continue cutting! To its heart, until the central computer room! "

"Your Excellency, you received an unknown signal from No. 1," the intelligence officer reported. "The signal claims to be Bai Ziying."

"Take over."

Soon the signal was received, there was no image, only sound, and only Bai Ziying said: "Headman, I am Bai Ziying, Your Highness is by my side, we are all very good. Please reply."

Summer said: "I am summer, you have worked hard."

"I finally heard your voice, which is great," Xiaoying said, "The three-dimensional picture of Limulus is sent to you by my robot Adam, please check it."

"Liuhai?" Summer asked slightly puzzled. However, the data there has already been transmitted, and soon the data was transmitted. The original so-called limulus is the survival module, and the crescent-shaped central module is called the Dragon Cave. The Dragon Cave and Limulus bite tightly together, connecting ten transitional cabins, all marked.

Xiaoying said: "Director, we can't get out. I need you to order the armed robot to violently open a transition hatch. The red dot in the three-dimensional picture is where my Highness and I are currently. There is a transition cabin in front of us. . "

"Okay, I see, I will let the armed robot reach your location quickly ~ ~ Please wait patiently." Xia Xia said, and at the same time ordered the robot to approach the transition cabin with all his strength, and then asked: " What about Xia Lan? "

"His Royal Highness is here," Xiaoying said, "His Royal Highness, speak to the Chief."

After waiting for a long time, I heard Xia Deng said: "Father, I'm fine, don't worry about me."

Now that it is safe, you can rest assured in the summer.

Countless robots rushed into the Dragon Cave. After entering, they actually encountered strong resistance, and there were automatic weapons everywhere.

Because No. 1 is a frame structure, although the central host module Long Grotto has a hull shell, but after entering, it is a frame, and at least a distance of 1 km before encountering the second shell, in the shell and this The frame between the shells is densely covered with weapons. As soon as they see foreign enemies, they fire lasers at them, so the robots that have burst into the shell can only see a laser light network formed inside.

Although protected by individual shields, robots have been destroyed from time to time. The armed robot returned fire while shooting at the place where the weapon was installed, and assaulted forward, once it was attached to the front shell, the laser cutting was turned on immediately.

And there is still a long distance from the place where Xia Deng and Xiaoying are located, and it can only be reached after heavy resistance.

Although 100,000 armed robots entered the Dragon Cave, they could not stand up to such consumption. The robot troops lost quickly, and the summer was extremely anxious.

The Xingyue module composed of the Dragon Cave and the Limulus Sea is protected by a shield. The combat units of the Daming Navy outside are not able to fire too much firepower. I am afraid that the firepower is too large. Breaking the shield will cause devastating damage to the hull To attack, so only intensive laser beam attacks can be carried out tepidly.

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