The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 639: The princess is back

In the command hall of the Dreamcatcher fleet, Xiaoying just came in, and several officers on duty stood up to salute, shouting: "Good Chief!"

"Sit all," Xiaoying motioned for everyone to sit down.

"Yes, the chief." Everyone went back to their seats.

Seeing a few of them seem to be hiding something, Xiaoying smiled and asked: "Are you playing poker? Play, as long as you don't delay the reception of intelligence. Be aware of the possible alarm situation at any time. Also note that the lighthouse The space fluctuation of the star in the last month is very abnormal, you should always pay attention to the information that may be sent from the lighthouse star. "

The Daming Naval Expeditionary Force, now composed of the five major fleets of the Daming Navy, has been away from the lighthouse star on the way to the dark day.

The five major fleets are actually only Dreamcatcher, Phoenix, Queen Miner and Prince June, and the other Huaxia is on another route, that is, the route from the sine wave battlefield to the dark day. Will converge with the big army in 50 years.

As for what happened to Beacon Star, Daming Navy could not return quickly, and could only keep in touch with Beacon Star to receive the above information.

The current lighthouse star only has more than 80,000 points of the Audrey people, and more than 10,000 left-behind wind tribes were killed when the peak exploded.

An officer said: "Relax, chief, we will always pay attention. Sister, you are also playing a game with us?" He asked with a very original paper poker in his hand.

Xiaoying smiled, shook her head and refused. She just sat in her seat, looking at the space outside the porthole and the endless navy ships in space thinking.

Five years ago, the emperor's chaos broke out. In the same year, the Zerg invaded the solar system, and the messenger civilization stationed on Mars was destroyed. The consul's mother and his brother's family of more than a dozen people all died in this Zerg invasion. Also in this year, the son of Summer, the first young master of Ming, sacrificed outside while cleaning the battlefield.

And the only relative in summer, his wife, Queen Minare, is having trouble with him again, think about it, the governor is really pitiful, thinking of this, Xiaoying could not help but look back at the summer commander ’s chair, this Shi's seat is empty, and the consul is resting in his residence.

He looked at the seat in a daze, and Xiaoxue sent a message, requesting to connect with her.

"Xiaoying, I let your old a take your little q to my house, and the two children are reluctant to separate together." Xiaoxue said.

"What, my old a also went to your house?"

"Relax, my female general, I will not go to your old a." Xiao Xue said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter if you go, he is a robot anyway. And I'm just a brigadier now, isn't it a general?"

"You said, I can't guarantee that I will give your old a."

"you dare!"

"Haha, is it exposed?" Xiaoying said happily, and then said seriously: "Continuing the topic that has not ended just now, if the lighthouse star really has a lot of super space-time doors, the foreign fleet will really be sent over , What shall we do? We cannot go back immediately now. "

"I really don't know what to do," Xiaoying said. "If you want to go back quickly, you can only teleport through the secret realm, but you can't quickly send back large troops, and large ships can't teleport. Imagine next If the enemies are all large warships and the number is huge, we send it back in this way, which means that the mobs are fighting and the moths are fighting. "

"Then we can't just sit back and watch."

"Why do you care?" Xiaoying said, "Every one of us, every spaceship, every piece of equipment, is an individual of Daming. Individuals must focus on the overall situation and obey the overall arrangement. When Daming set sail, for the left-behind personnel, How much work we have done to them, but they just do n’t listen, they just do n’t leave, what can they do?

"Now the crisis is coming, let's go back to rescue them? If I were the consul, I would definitely not manage them. After all, they are only a few people. For the sake of Da Ming's overall interests, they can only sacrifice them and not manage them. Actually They are not going to die immediately, there are many spaceships for Lighthouse Star to escape. "

"But the first lady is still in the lighthouse star," Xiaoxue said, "the consul will not ignore her."

Xiaoying nodded and said, "With the blood of the consul, he will definitely go back to find him. He will either teleport through the sky cocoon, go back alone, or drive the year number and teleport back from the secret realm. But in that case, he ca n’t help it. Chasing the big troops.

"If I were a queen, I would never come back and find me! If you love him, you must think for him. As a civilized leader, you have to choose something."

Xiao Xue sighed and said, "It's hard for our consul."

The two of them were chatting, and suddenly a captain officer said: "Sister, oh no, head, Lighthouse Star sent a quantum communication request."

Xiaoying and Xiaoxue in the video looked at each other, and their eyes were the same as they were surprised, because they knew that without special circumstances, there would be no quantum communication requests from Lighthouse Star. The two of them looked at each other ~ ~ as if they were saying: Is it that the alien world has started to invade.

Before it was too late to think about it, Xiaoying said, "Come on!"

The picture was received. It was a young bodyguard of the June Palace. When the young man forgot to say hello, he shouted excitedly: "Good news, good news, Princess Xia is back, Princess Xia is back! "

Xiaoying frowned and asked, "Brother, slow down, what is Princess Xia coming back? Please tell me clearly!"

The bodyguard panted and finally calmed down: "Princess Xia, my princess in June Kingdom, Daming's first thousand gold, the daughter of Divine Venerable, Princess Xia Xiaoxia is back!"

What he said this time could not be clearer. The consul was missing his 20-year-old daughter. Daming's thousandth gold Xia Xiaola was back! Xiaoying was surprised, happy, and suspicious. The officers in the command hall were all pleasantly surprised, and the four people who were playing cards immediately threw the poker and got together, including Xiaoxue who was playing with Xiaoying. Of the video is waiting for what happens next.

Xiaoying calmed down and said, "Are you sure you are not kidding?"

"Oh, my chief executive," the guard was anxious. "No matter how bold I am, will I dare to make such a joke with you?"

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry," Xiaoying was also very excited himself, because his twin brother Bai Zixiong also participated in the operation 20 years ago. I don't know whether he is well. "

The bodyguard explained the general situation. Xiaoying listened and stood up and said: "All of you are holding on to your posts. Pay attention to the confidentiality of this news. No outside information is allowed. I will go to the ruling lord personally to tell this good news!"

Xiaoying couldn't restrain her inner ecstasy and left the headquarters to go to the summer living cabin.

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